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Created January 19, 2012 20:32
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Matching up ICPSR IDs to Bioguide IDs using Charles Stewart's data, and the Sunlight Labs Congress API.
# house-icpsr.csv and senate-icpsr.csv are made by converting the XLS files found here to CSV:
# Specifically, these files that list information and IDs for members from the 103rd to 112th Congress:
# This script looks through the two original CSVs, caches the ICPSR ID of every member from the 110th Congress onward,
# then goes through every legislator in the Sunlight Labs Congress API and tries to match them up by a combination of
# last name, state, and party.
# This fails for something like a dozen members, some of which have issues with last names (accented letters,
# or married women whose last names appear differently in our data than theirs), and some of which simply were never
# assigned ICPSR IDs (either elected in a recent special election, switched parties, or were in office
# for too short a term to matter).
# For the first two cases, you can fill in the ICPSR IDs by hand - for the latter, there is no match.
# The results_plus_hand_entry.csv file also attached to this Gist has had ICPSR IDs filled in by hand for the
# cases where the legislator has an ICPSR ID, but the script couldn't match it up.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sunlight'
require 'fastercsv'
Sunlight::Base.api_key = '<YOUR API KEY>'
def leg_name(legislator)
"#{legislator.title}. #{(legislator.nickname.to_s != "") ? legislator.nickname : legislator.firstname} #{legislator.lastname}"
def leg_slug(lastname, state, party)
"#{' ','').strip}-#{state}-#{party}"
puts "Opening house-icpsr.csv to find rows of 110th, 111th, and 112th Congress, caching in hash table"
# keys are lastname-state-party, where lastname is stripped of spaces, and casing
legs_cache = {}
["house-icpsr.csv", "senate-icpsr.csv"].each do |filename|
puts "Caching legislators from #{filename}..."
i = 0
FasterCSV.foreach(filename) do |row|
i += 1
next if i < 3
next unless row[0].to_i > 109
slug = leg_slug row[3].split(',').first, row[5], row[7]
# puts "[#{filename}][#{i}][#{row[0]}] #{slug}"
legs_cache[slug] = row[2].strip # icpsr_id
puts "Loading in members from Sunlight API.."
legislators = Sunlight::Legislator.all_where(:all_legislators => 1)"icpsr_ids.csv", "w") do |csv|
legislators.each do |legislator|
bioguide_id = legislator.bioguide_id
slug = leg_slug legislator.lastname, legislator.state,
if icpsr_id = legs_cache[slug]
# puts "[#{bioguide_id}] Found, outputting"
csv << [leg_name(legislator), bioguide_id, icpsr_id]
csv << [leg_name(legislator), bioguide_id, '']
puts "\tCouldn't find #{leg_name(legislator)} in the original CSVs by #{slug}"
Rep. Neil Abercrombie A000014 15245
Rep. Gary Ackerman A000022 15000
Rep. Sandra Adams A000366 21120
Rep. Robert Aderholt A000055 29701
Rep. John Adler A000364 20928
Sen. Daniel Akaka A000069 14400
Rep. W. Todd Akin A000358 20123
Sen. Lamar Alexander A000360 40304
Rep. Rodney Alexander A000361 20327
Sen. Wayne Allard A000109 29108
Rep. Tom Allen A000357 29728
Rep. Jason Altmire A000362 20743
Rep. Justin Amash A000367 21143
Rep. Mark Amodei A000369
Rep. Rob Andrews A000210 29132
Rep. Michael Arcuri A000363 20736
Rep. Steve Austria A000365 20940
Sen. Kelly Ayotte A000368 41106
Rep. Joe Baca B001234 29942
Rep. Michele Bachmann B001256 20728
Rep. Spencer Bachus B000013 29301
Rep. Brian Baird B001229 29938
Rep. Richard Baker B000072 15401
Rep. Tammy Baldwin B001230 29940
Rep. Lou Barletta B001269 21171
Sen. John Barrasso B001261 40707
Rep. J. Gresham Barrett B001239 20347
Rep. John Barrow B001252 20507
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett B000208 29356
Rep. Joe Barton B000213 15085
Rep. Charlie Bass B000220 29538
Rep. Karen Bass B001270 21110
Sen. Max Baucus B000243 14203
Sen. Evan Bayh B001233 49901
Rep. Melissa Bean B001253 20509
Rep. Xavier Becerra B000287 29316
Sen. Mark Begich B001265 40900
Rep. Dan Benishek B001271 21141
Sen. Michael Bennet B001267
Sen. Bob Bennett B000382 49307
Rep. Rick Berg B001272 21160
Rep. Shelley Berkley B001231 29922
Rep. Howard Berman B000410 15005
Rep. Marion Berry B000420 29702
Sen. Joseph Biden B000444 14101
Rep. Judy Biggert B001232 29912
Rep. Brian Bilbray B000461 29508
Rep. Gus Bilirakis B001257 20758
Sen. Jeff Bingaman B000468 14912
Rep. Rob Bishop B001250 20357
Rep. Sanford Bishop B000490 29339
Rep. Timothy Bishop B001242 20338
Rep. Diane Black B001273 21180
Rep. Marsha Blackburn B001243 20351
Rep. Earl Blumenauer B000574 29588
Sen. Richard Blumenthal B001277 41101
Sen. Roy Blunt B000575 41105
Rep. John Boccieri B001263 20943
Rep. John Boehner B000589 29137
Sen. Kit Bond B000611 15501
Rep. Jo Bonner B001244 20300
Rep. Mary Bono Mack B001228 29775
Sen. John Boozman B001236 41100
Del. Madeline Bordallo B001245 70701
Rep. Dan Boren B001254 20523
Rep. Leonard Boswell B000652 29721
Rep. Rick Boucher B000657 15010
Rep. Charles Boustany B001255 20514
Sen. Barbara Boxer B000711 15011
Rep. Allen Boyd B000716 29713
Rep. Nancy Boyda B001258 20721
Rep. Kevin Brady B000755 29760
Rep. Bob Brady B001227 29777
Rep. Bruce Braley B001259 20719
Rep. Bobby Bright B001264 20900
Rep. Mo Brooks B001274 21193
Rep. Paul Broun B001262 20753
Rep. Corrine Brown B000911 29328
Rep. Henry Brown B001235 20137
Sen. Scott Brown B001268 40913
Sen. Sherrod Brown B000944 29389
Sen. Sam Brownback B000953 29523
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite B001247 20313
Rep. Vern Buchanan B001260 20709
Rep. Larry Bucshon B001275 21132
Rep. Ann Buerkle B001276 21158
Sen. Jim Bunning B001066 15406
Rep. Michael Burgess B001248 20355
Sen. Richard Burr B001135 29548
Sen. Roland Burris B001266 111508
Rep. Dan Burton B001149 15014
Rep. G.K. Butterfield B001251 20340
Rep. Steve Buyer B001203 29350
Sen. Robert Byrd B001210 1366
Rep. Ken Calvert C000059 29323
Rep. Dave Camp C000071 29124
Rep. John Campbell C001064 20539
Rep. Chris Cannon C000116 29766
Rep. Quico Canseco C001082 21183
Rep. Eric Cantor C001046 20144
Sen. Maria Cantwell C000127 39310
Rep. Joseph Cao C001079 20917
Rep. Shelley Capito C001047 20146
Rep. Lois Capps C001036 29774
Rep. Mike Capuano C001037 29919
Sen. Ben Cardin C000141 15408
Rep. Dennis Cardoza C001050 20306
Rep. Russ Carnahan C001060 20516
Rep. Chris Carney C001065 20746
Rep. John Carney C001083 21113
Sen. Tom Carper C000174 15015
Rep. Andre Carson C001072 20757
Rep. Julia Carson C000191 20757
Rep. John Carter C001051 20356
Sen. Bob Casey C001070 40703
Rep. Bill Cassidy C001075 20919
Rep. Michael Castle C000243 29327
Rep. Kathy Castor C001066 20708
Rep. Don Cazayoux C001073 20760
Rep. Steve Chabot C000266 21161
Rep. Jason Chaffetz C001076 20949
Sen. C. Saxby Chambliss C000286 29512
Rep. Ben Chandler C001058 20326
Rep. Travis Childers C001074 20761
Del. Donna Christensen C000380 70501
Rep. Judy Chu C001080 20955
Rep. David Cicilline C001084 21172
Rep. Hansen Clarke C001085 21145
Rep. Yvette Clarke C001067 20733
Rep. Lacy Clay C001049 20147
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver C001061 20517
Sen. Hillary Clinton C001041 40105
Rep. Jim Clyburn C000537 39301
Sen. Dan Coats C000542 14806
Rep. Howard Coble C000556 15092
Sen. Tom Coburn C000560 29555
Sen. Thad Cochran C000567 14009
Rep. Mike Coffman C001077 20906
Rep. Steve Cohen C001068 20748
Rep. Tom Cole C001053 20344
Sen. Norm Coleman C001057 40302
Sen. Susan Collins C001035 49703
Rep. Mike Conaway C001062 20531
Rep. Gerry Connolly C001078 20952
Sen. Kent Conrad C000705 15502
Rep. John Conyers C000714 10713
Sen. Chris Coons C001088 40916
Rep. Jim Cooper C000754 15019
Sen. Bob Corker C001071 40705
Sen. John Cornyn C001056 40305
Rep. Jim Costa C001059 20501
Rep. Jerry Costello C000794 15453
Rep. Joe Courtney C001069 20706
Sen. Larry Craig C000858 14809
Rep. Bud Cramer C000868 29100
Sen. Mike Crapo C000880 29345
Rep. Chip Cravaack C001086 21146
Rep. Rick Crawford C001087 21106
Rep. Ander Crenshaw C001045 20111
Rep. Mark Critz C001081 20960
Rep. Joe Crowley C001038 29925
Rep. Barbara Cubin C000962 29584
Rep. Henry Cuellar C001063 20533
Rep. John Culberson C001048 20139
Rep. Elijah Cummings C000984 29587
Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper D000608 20945
Rep. Artur Davis D000602 20302
Rep. Danny Davis D000096 29717
Rep. David Davis D000606 20747
Rep. Geoff Davis D000603 20511
Rep. Jo Ann Davis D000597 29576
Rep. Lincoln Davis D000599 20350
Rep. Susan Davis D000598 20108
Rep. Tom Davis D000136 29576
Rep. Nathan Deal D000168 99342
Rep. Peter DeFazio D000191 15410
Rep. Diana DeGette D000197 29710
Rep. Bill Delahunt D000210 29731
Rep. Rosa DeLauro D000216 29109
Sen. Jim DeMint D000595 29936
Rep. Jeff Denham D000612 21109
Rep. Charles Dent D000604 20526
Rep. Scott DesJarlais D000616 21179
Rep. Ted Deutch D000610 20959
Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart D000299 29336
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart D000600 29336
Rep. Norm Dicks D000327 14413
Rep. John Dingell D000355 2605
Rep. Charles Djou D000611 20961
Sen. Chris Dodd D000388 14213
Rep. Lloyd Doggett D000399 29571
Rep. Robert Dold D000613 21127
Sen. Elizabeth Dole D000601 40303
Sen. Pete Domenici D000407 14103
Rep. Joe Donnelly D000607 20717
Rep. John Doolittle D000429 29104
Sen. Byron Dorgan D000432 14812
Rep. Mike Doyle D000482 29561
Rep. Thelma Drake D000605 20534
Rep. David Dreier D000492 14813
Rep. Steve Driehaus D000609 20939
Rep. Sean Duffy D000614 21189
Rep. Jeff Duncan D000615 21174
Rep. John Duncan D000533 15455
Sen. Dick Durbin D000563 15021
Rep. Donna Edwards E000290 20763
Rep. Chet Edwards E000063 29144
Rep. Vern Ehlers E000092 29362
Rep. Keith Ellison E000288 20727
Rep. Renee Ellmers E000291 21159
Rep. Brad Ellsworth E000289 20718
Rep. Rahm Emanuel E000287 20323
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson E000172 29736
Rep. Eliot Engel E000179 15603
Rep. Phil English E000187 29563
Sen. John Ensign E000194 29537
Sen. Mike Enzi E000285 49706
Rep. Anna Eshoo E000215 29312
Rep. Bob Etheridge E000226 29745
Rep. Terry Everett E000268 29300
Del. Eni Faleomavaega F000010 70302
Rep. Mary Fallin F000453 20742
Rep. Blake Farenthold F000460 21184
Rep. Sam Farr F000030 29313
Rep. Chaka Fattah F000043 29559
Rep. Tom Feeney F000447 20315
Sen. Russell Feingold F000061 49309
Sen. Dianne Feinstein F000062 49300
Rep. Mike Ferguson F000443 20127
Rep. Bob Filner F000116 29325
Rep. Stephen Fincher F000458 21181
Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick F000451 21169
Rep. Jeff Flake F000444 20100
Rep. Chuck Fleischmann F000459 21178
Rep. John Fleming F000456 20918
Rep. Bill Flores F000461 21182
Rep. Randy Forbes F000445 20143
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry F000449 20518
Com. Luis Fortuno F000452
Rep. Vito Fossella F000440 29773
Rep. Bill Foster F000454 20749
Rep. Virginia Foxx F000450 20521
Rep. Barney Frank F000339 14824
Sen. Al Franken F000457 40904
Rep. Trent Franks F000448 20304
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen F000372 29541
Rep. Marcia Fudge F000455 20941
Rep. Elton Gallegly G000021 15413
Rep. John Garamendi G000559 20958
Rep. Cory Gardner G000562 21112
Rep. E. Scott Garrett G000548 20336
Rep. Jim Gerlach G000549 20345
Rep. Bob Gibbs G000563 21165
Rep. Christopher Gibson G000564 21156
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords G000554 20701
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest G000180 29122
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand G000555 20735
Rep. Paul Gillmor G000210 15604
Rep. Phil Gingrey G000550 20319
Rep. Louie Gohmert G000552 20527
Rep. Charlie Gonzalez G000544 29943
Rep. Virgil Goode G000280 89767
Rep. Bob Goodlatte G000289 39308
Sen. Carte Goodwin G000561
Rep. Bart Gordon G000309 15100
Rep. Paul Gosar G000565 21103
Rep. Trey Gowdy G000566 21175
Sen. Lindsey Graham G000359 29566
Rep. Kay Granger G000377 29762
Sen. Chuck Grassley G000386 14226
Rep. Tom Graves G000560 20962
Rep. Sam Graves G000546 20124
Rep. Alan Grayson G000556 20908
Rep. Al Green G000553 39304
Rep. Gene Green G000410 39304
Sen. Judd Gregg G000445 14826
Rep. Tim Griffin G000567 21107
Rep. Morgan Griffith G000568 21191
Rep. Parker Griffith G000557 90901
Rep. Raul Grijalva G000551 20305
Rep. Mike Grimm G000569 21154
Rep. Frank Guinta G000570 21152
Rep. Steven Guthrie G000558 20916
Rep. Luis Gutierrez G000535 29348
Sen. Kay Hagan H001049 40907
Sen. Chuck Hagel H001028 49704
Rep. Janice Hahn H001063
Rep. John Hall H001039 20734
Rep. Ralph Hall H000067 94828
Rep. Debbie Halvorson H001044 20913
Rep. Colleen Hanabusa H001050 21124
Rep. Richard Hanna H001051 21157
Rep. Phil Hare H001040 20716
Sen. Tom Harkin H000206 14230
Rep. Jane Harman H000213 29318
Rep. Gregg Harper H001045 20925
Rep. Andy Harris H001052 21139
Rep. Vicky Hartzler H001053 21149
Rep. Denny Hastert H000323 15417
Rep. Alcee Hastings H000324 29337
Rep. Doc Hastings H000329 29580
Sen. Orrin Hatch H000338 14503
Rep. Robin Hayes H001029 29929
Rep. Nan Hayworth H001054 21155
Rep. Joe Heck H001055 21151
Rep. Martin Heinrich H001046 20930
Sen. Dean Heller H001041 20730
Rep. Jeb Hensarling H001036 20352
Rep. Wally Herger H000528 15420
Rep. Jaime Herrera H001056 21187
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin H001037 20349
Rep. Brian Higgins H001038 20519
Rep. Baron Hill H001030 29914
Rep. Jim Himes H001047 20907
Rep. Maurice Hinchey H000627 29380
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa H000636 29763
Rep. Mazie Hirono H001042 20713
Rep. Dave Hobson H000666 29136
Rep. Kathy Hochul H001062
Rep. Paul Hodes H001043 20732
Rep. Pete Hoekstra H000676 29361
Sen. John Hoeven H001061 41107
Rep. Tim Holden H000712 29396
Rep. Rush Holt H001032 29923
Rep. Mike Honda H001034 20103
Rep. Darlene Hooley H000762 29750
Rep. Steny Hoyer H000874 14873
Rep. Tim Huelskamp H001057 21134
Rep. Bill Huizenga H001058 21142
Rep. Kenny Hulshof H000948 29737
Rep. Randy Hultgren H001059 21129
Rep. Duncan Hunter H000981 20963
Rep. Duncan Hunter H001048 20963
Rep. Robert Hurt H001060 21186
Sen. Kay Hutchison H001016 49306
Rep. Bob Inglis I000023 39300
Sen. Jim Inhofe I000024 15424
Sen. Daniel Inouye I000025 4812
Rep. Jay Inslee I000026 29937
Sen. Johnny Isakson I000055 29909
Rep. Steve Israel I000057 20129
Rep. Darrell Issa I000056 20107
Rep. Jesse Jackson J000283 29585
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee J000032 29573
Rep. William Jefferson J000070 29120
Rep. Lynn Jenkins J000290 20915
Rep. Bobby Jindal J000287 20512
Sen. Mike Johanns J000291 40905
Rep. Bill Johnson J000292 21162
Rep. Eddie Johnson J000126 39305
Rep. Hank Johnson J000288 20712
Sen. Ron Johnson J000293 41111
Rep. Sam Johnson J000174 29143
Sen. Tim Johnson J000177 15425
Rep. Tim Johnson J000285 20116
Rep. Stephanie Jones J000284 29930
Rep. Walter Jones J000255 29546
Rep. Jim Jordan J000289 20738
Rep. Steven Kagen K000365 20751
Rep. Paul Kanjorski K000008 15104
Rep. Marcy Kaptur K000009 15029
Sen. Ted Kaufman K000373 111509
Rep. Bill Keating K000375 21140
Rep. Ric Keller K000361 20112
Rep. Mike Kelly K000376 21167
Sen. Ted Kennedy K000105 10808
Rep. Patrick Kennedy K000113 29564
Sen. John Kerry K000148 14920
Rep. Dale Kildee K000172 14430
Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick K000180 29733
Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy K000372 20942
Rep. Ron Kind K000188 29769
Rep. Pete King K000210 29375
Rep. Steve King K000362 20325
Rep. Jack Kingston K000220 29338
Rep. Adam Kinzinger K000378 21128
Sen. Mark Kirk K000360 20115
Sen. Paul Kirk K000374 111513
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick K000368 20902
Rep. Larry Kissell K000369 20938
Rep. Ron Klein K000366 20711
Rep. John Kline K000363 20333
Sen. Amy Klobuchar K000367 40700
Rep. Joe Knollenberg K000288 29365
Sen. Herb Kohl K000305 15703
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas K000370 20911
Rep. Frank Kratovil K000371 20921
Rep. Dennis Kucinich K000336 29748
Rep. Randy Kuhl K000364 20520
Sen. Jon Kyl K000352 15429
Rep. Raul Labrador L000573 21125
Rep. Ray LaHood L000552 29517
Rep. Doug Lamborn L000564 20704
Rep. Nick Lampson L000043 29761
Rep. Leonard Lance L000567 20929
Sen. Mary Landrieu L000550 49702
Rep. Jeff Landry L000574 21138
Rep. Jim Langevin L000559 20136
Rep. James Lankford L000575 21166
Rep. Tom Lantos L000090 14837
Rep. Rick Larsen L000560 20145
Rep. John Larson L000557 29908
Rep. Tom Latham L000111 29522
Rep. Steven LaTourette L000553 29553
Rep. Bob Latta L000566 20755
Sen. Frank Lautenberg L000123 14914
Sen. Patrick Leahy L000174 14307
Rep. Barbara Lee L000551 29778
Rep. Christopher Lee L000568 20936
Sen. Mike Lee L000577 41110
Sen. George LeMieux L000572 111512
Sen. Carl Levin L000261 14709
Rep. Sandy Levin L000263 14709
Rep. Jerry Lewis L000274 14644
Rep. John Lewis L000287 15431
Rep. Ron Lewis L000293 29352
Sen. Joseph Lieberman L000304 15704
Sen. Blanche Lincoln L000035 29305
Rep. John Linder L000321 29341
Rep. Daniel Lipinski L000563 20508
Rep. Frank LoBiondo L000554 29539
Rep. Dave Loebsack L000565 20720
Rep. Zoe Lofgren L000397 29504
Rep. Billy Long L000576 21150
Rep. Nita Lowey L000480 15612
Rep. Frank Lucas L000491 29393
Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer L000569 20926
Sen. Richard Lugar L000504 14506
Rep. Ben Lujan L000570 20932
Rep. Cynthia Lummis L000571 20953
Rep. Dan Lungren L000517 14647
Rep. Stephen Lynch L000562 20119
Rep. Connie Mack M001155 20503
Rep. Dan Maffei M001171 20935
Rep. Tim Mahoney M001164 20710
Rep. Carolyn Maloney M000087 29379
Sen. Joe Manchin M001183 40915
Rep. Don Manzullo M001138 29349
Rep. Kenny Marchant M001158 20532
Rep. Thomas Marino M001179 21170
Rep. Betsy Markey M001172 20905
Rep. Ed Markey M000133 14435
Rep. Jim Marshall M001146 20317
Sen. Mel Martinez M001162 40501
Rep. Eric Massa M001173 20937
Rep. Jim Matheson M001142 20140
Rep. Doris Matsui M001163 20538
Sen. John McCain M000303 15039
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy M000309 29744
Rep. Kevin McCarthy M001165 20703
Sen. Claire McCaskill M001170 40701
Rep. Michael McCaul M001157 20530
Rep. Tom McClintock M001177 20903
Rep. Betty McCollum M001143 20122
Sen. Mitch McConnell M000355 14921
Rep. Thad McCotter M001147 20332
Rep. Jim McCrery M000388 15451
Rep. Jim McDermott M000404 15613
Rep. Jim McGovern M000312 29729
Rep. Patrick McHenry M001156 20522
Rep. John McHugh M000472 39316
Rep. Mike McIntyre M000485 29746
Rep. Buck McKeon M000508 29315
Rep. David McKinley M001180 21188
Rep. Michael McMahon M001174 20933
Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers M001159 20535
Rep. Jerry McNerney M001166 20702
Rep. Mike McNulty M000590 15614
Rep. Marty Meehan M000627 29358
Rep. Patrick Meehan M001181 21168
Rep. Kendrick Meek M001148 20358
Rep. Gregory Meeks M001137 29776
Rep. Charlie Melancon M001161 20513
Sen. Robert Menendez M000639 29373
Sen. Jeff Merkley M001176 40908
Rep. John Mica M000689 29331
Rep. Mike Michaud M001149 20328
Sen. Barbara Mikulski M000702 14440
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald M000714 29586
Rep. Candice Miller M001150 20331
Rep. Gary Miller M001139 29905
Rep. George Miller M000725 14256
Rep. Jeff Miller M001144 20110
Rep. Brad Miller M001154 20341
Rep. Walt Minnick M001175 20912
Rep. Harry Mitchell M001167 20700
Rep. Alan Mollohan M000844 15083
Rep. Dennis Moore M001140 29915
Rep. Gwen Moore M001160 20537
Rep. Jim Moran M000933 29149
Sen. Jerry Moran M000934 41103
Rep. Mick Mulvaney M001182 21176
Sen. Lisa Murkowski M001153 40300
Rep. Chris Murphy M001169 20707
Rep. Patrick Murphy M001168 20745
Rep. Scott Murphy M001178 20956
Rep. Tim Murphy M001151 20346
Sen. Patty Murray M001111 49308
Rep. Jack Murtha M001120 14072
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave M001152 20311
Rep. Sue Myrick M001134 29549
Rep. Jerrold Nadler N000002 29377
Rep. Grace Napolitano N000179 29903
Rep. Richard Neal N000015 15616
Sen. Bill Nelson N000032 14651
Sen. Ben Nelson N000180 40103
Rep. Randy Neugebauer N000182 20353
Rep. Kristi Noem N000184 21177
Del. Eleanor Norton N000147 70303
Rep. Charlie Norwood N000159 29513
Rep. Richard Nugent N000185 21115
Rep. Devin Nunes N000181 20307
Rep. Alan Nunnelee N000186 21147
Rep. Glenn Nye N000183 20950
Sen. Barack Obama O000167 40502
Rep. Jim Oberstar O000006 14265
Rep. Dave Obey O000007 12036
Rep. Pete Olson O000168 20948
Rep. John Olver O000085 29123
Rep. Solomon Ortiz O000107 15049
Rep. Bill Owens O000169 20957
Rep. Steven Palazzo P000601 21148
Rep. Frank Pallone P000034 15454
Rep. Bill Pascrell P000096 29741
Rep. Ed Pastor P000099 29101
Sen. Rand Paul P000603 41104
Rep. Ron Paul P000583 14290
Rep. Erik Paulsen P000594 20924
Rep. Donald Payne P000149 15619
Rep. Steve Pearce P000588 20337
Rep. Nancy Pelosi P000197 15448
Rep. Mike Pence P000587 20117
Rep. Ed Perlmutter P000593 20705
Rep. Tom Perriello P000600 20951
Rep. Gary Peters P000595 20923
Rep. Collin Peterson P000258 29127
Rep. John Peterson P000263 29751
Rep. Tom Petri P000265 14675
Rep. Chip Pickering P000323 29734
Com. Pedro Pierluisi P000596 70805
Rep. Chellie Pingree P000597 20920
Rep. Joe Pitts P000373 29752
Rep. Todd Platts P000585 20135
Rep. Ted Poe P000592 20528
Rep. Jared Polis P000598 20904
Rep. Earl Pomeroy P000422 29384
Rep. Mike Pompeo P000602 21136
Rep. Jon Porter P000589 20334
Sen. Rob Portman P000449 41108
Rep. Bill Posey P000599 20909
Rep. David Price P000523 15438
Rep. Tom Price P000591 20505
Rep. Deborah Pryce P000555 29390
Sen. Mark Pryor P000590 40301
Rep. Adam Putnam P000586 20113
Rep. Ben Quayle Q000024 21104
Rep. Mike Quigley Q000023 20954
Rep. George Radanovich R000004 29505
Rep. Nick Rahall R000011 14448
Rep. Jim Ramstad R000033 29126
Rep. Charlie Rangel R000053 13035
Sen. Jack Reed R000122 29142
Rep. Tom Reed R000585 21101
Rep. Ralph Regula R000141 14045
Rep. Denny Rehberg R000571 20125
Rep. Dave Reichert R000578 20536
Sen. Harry Reid R000146 15054
Rep. Jim Renacci R000586 21164
Rep. Rick Renzi R000574 20303
Rep. Silver Reyes R000170 29764
Rep. Thomas Reynolds R000569 29928
Rep. Reid Ribble R000587 21190
Rep. Laura Richardson R000581 20752
Rep. Cedric Richmond R000588 21137
Rep. Scott Rigell R000589 21185
Sen. Jim Risch R000584 40902
Rep. David Rivera R000590 21121
Sen. Pat Roberts R000307 14852
Rep. Martha Roby R000591 21192
Sen. Jay Rockefeller R000361 14922
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez R000568 29771
Rep. Phil Roe R000582 20947
Rep. Hal Rogers R000395 14854
Rep. Mike Rogers R000575 20301
Rep. Mike Rogers R000572 20120
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher R000409 15621
Rep. Todd Rokita R000592 21131
Rep. Tom Rooney R000583 20910
Rep. Peter Roskam R000580 20715
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R000435 15634
Rep. Dennis Ross R000593 21117
Rep. Mike Ross R000573 20102
Rep. Steve Rothman R000462 29742
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard R000486 29317
Rep. Ed Royce R000487 29321
Sen. Marco Rubio R000595 41102
Rep. Jon Runyan R000594 21153
Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger R000576 20329
Rep. Bobby Rush R000515 29346
Rep. Paul Ryan R000570 29939
Rep. Tim Ryan R000577 20343
Del. Gregorio Sablan S001177 70810
Rep. John Salazar S001158 40500
Sen. Ken Salazar S001163 40500
Rep. Bill Sali S001167 20714
Rep. Linda Sanchez S001156 29709
Rep. Loretta Sanchez S000030 29709
Sen. Bernie Sanders S000033 29147
Rep. John Sarbanes S001168 20724
Rep. Jim Saxton S000097 15112
Rep. Steve Scalise S001176 20759
Rep. Jan Schakowsky S001145 29911
Rep. Mark Schauer S001178 20922
Rep. Adam Schiff S001150 20104
Rep. Bobby Schilling S001182 21130
Rep. Jean Schmidt S001164 20540
Rep. Aaron Schock S001179 20914
Rep. Kurt Schrader S001180 20944
Sen. Chuck Schumer S000148 14858
Rep. Allyson Schwartz S001162 20525
Rep. David Schweikert S001183 21105
Rep. David Scott S001157 20321
Rep. James Scott S001189 21123
Rep. Bobby Scott S000185 39307
Rep. Tim Scott S001184 21173
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner S000244 14657
Rep. Jose Serrano S000248 29134
Sen. Jeff Sessions S001141 49700
Rep. Pete Sessions S000250 29759
Rep. Joe Sestak S001169 20744
Rep. Terri Sewell S001185 21102
Rep. John Shadegg S000275 29501
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen S001181 40906
Rep. Christopher Shays S001144 15449
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter S001170 20731
Sen. Richard Shelby S000320 94659
Rep. Brad Sherman S000344 29707
Rep. John Shimkus S000364 29718
Rep. Heath Shuler S001171 20737
Rep. Bill Shuster S001154 20134
Rep. Mike Simpson S001148 29910
Rep. Albio Sires S001165 20542
Rep. Ike Skelton S000465 14451
Rep. Louise Slaughter S000480 15444
Rep. Adam Smith S000510 29768
Rep. Adrian Smith S001172 20729
Rep. Chris Smith S000522 14863
Sen. Gordon Smith S001142 49705
Rep. Lamar Smith S000583 15445
Sen. Olympia Snowe S000663 14661
Rep. Vic Snyder S000672 29703
Rep. Hilda Solis S001153 20105
Rep. Mark Souder S001143 29519
Rep. Steve Southerland S001186 21114
Rep. Zack Space S001173 20741
Sen. Arlen Specter S000709 14910
Rep. Jackie Speier S001175 20762
Rep. John Spratt S000749 15064
Sen. Debbie Stabenow S000770 29732
Rep. Pete Stark S000810 14053
Rep. Cliff Stearns S000822 15627
Sen. Ted Stevens S000888 12109
Rep. Steven Stivers S001187 21163
Rep. Bart Stupak S001045 29360
Rep. Marlin Stutzman S001188 21100
Rep. John Sullivan S001155 20131
Sen. John Sununu S001078 29740
Rep. Betty Sutton S001174 20740
Rep. Tom Tancredo T000458 29907
Rep. John Tanner T000038 15628
Rep. Ellen Tauscher T000057 29705
Rep. Gene Taylor T000074 15637
Rep. Harry Teague T000466 20931
Rep. Lee Terry T000459 29921
Sen. Jon Tester T000464 40702
Rep. Bennie Thompson T000193 29368
Rep. G.T. Thompson T000467 20946
Rep. Mike Thompson T000460 29901
Rep. Mac Thornberry T000238 29572
Sen. John Thune T000250 29754
Rep. Todd Tiahrt T000260 29524
Rep. Pat Tiberi T000462 20130
Rep. John Tierney T000266 29730
Rep. Scott Tipton T000470 21111
Rep. Dina Titus T000468 20927
Rep. Paul Tonko T000469 20934
Sen. Pat Toomey T000461 29935
Rep. Ed Towns T000326 15072
Rep. Niki Tsongas T000465 20754
Rep. Mike Turner T000463 20342
Rep. Bob Turner T000471
Sen. Mark Udall U000038 29906
Sen. Tom Udall U000039 29924
Rep. Fred Upton U000031 15446
Rep. Chris Van Hollen V000128 20330
Rep. Nydia Velazquez V000081 29378
Rep. Pete Visclosky V000108 15124
Sen. David Vitter V000127 29918
Sen. George Voinovich V000126 49903
Rep. Tim Walberg W000798 21144
Rep. Greg Walden W000791 29932
Rep. Jim Walsh W000099 15630
Rep. Joe Walsh W000811 21126
Rep. Tim Walz W000799 20726
Rep. Zach Wamp W000119 29567
Sen. John Warner W000154 14712
Sen. Mark Warner W000805 40909
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz W000797 20504
Rep. Maxine Waters W000187 29106
Rep. Diane Watson W000794 20106
Rep. Mel Watt W000207 29383
Rep. Henry Waxman W000215 14280
Sen. Jim Webb W000803 40706
Rep. Daniel Webster W000806 21116
Rep. Anthony Weiner W000792 29926
Rep. Peter Welch W000800 20750
Rep. David Weldon W000267 29509
Rep. Jerry Weller W000273 29516
Rep. Allen West W000807 21119
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland W000796 20506
Rep. Robert Wexler W000314 29715
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse W000802 40704
Rep. Ed Whitfield W000413 29525
Sen. Roger Wicker W000437 29534
Rep. Joe Wilson W000795 20138
Rep. Charlie Wilson W000801 20739
Rep. Frederica Wilson W000808 21118
Rep. Heather Wilson W000789 29779
Rep. Rob Wittman W000804 20756
Rep. Frank Wolf W000672 14869
Rep. Steve Womack W000809 21108
Rep. Rob Woodall W000810 21122
Rep. Lynn Woolsey W000738 29309
Rep. David Wu W000793 29931
Sen. Ron Wyden W000779 14871
Rep. Al Wynn W000784 29355
Rep. John Yarmuth Y000062 20723
Rep. Kevin Yoder Y000063 21135
Rep. C. W. Bill Young Y000031 13047
Rep. Don Young Y000033 14066
Rep. Todd Young Y000064 21133
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