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Created April 1, 2018 16:05
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Converting Remember-the-milk tasks (ICS) to a Todoist template (CSV)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Converting an ICS file produced by Remember the milk to a CSV file
# that can be read by Todoist.
# Bye-bye, remember the milk. Raising the annual price from $25.00 to $39.99,
# while stagnating with the old interface, is the way to lose your loyal pro users.
# This script requires icalendar, which can be installed like this:
# pip install icalendar
# A great manual on exporting RTM tasks and importing them to Todoist
# can be found here; this script automates the last step ICS-to-CSV:
# I debugged the script on 260 of my own RTM tasks, but it is certainly incomplete.
# The recurring tasks may require some attention and manual hacking,
# as Todoist does not support all of the complex repetition rules of RTM.
# RTM notes cannot be imported/exported, they need manual efforts.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42.5):
# <[email protected]> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
# can do whatever you want with this stuff, including modification.
# If we meet some day, and you think # this stuff is worth it, you can buy me
# a beer in return. Igor Konnov, 2018.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import csv
from icalendar import Calendar
import re
import sys
# default settings, modify if needed
ENCODING = 'utf-8'
AUTHOR = 'your.username ('
# the author, find out your id by exporting a todoist task to CSV
DATE_LANG = 'en' # the language in which the dates are written
WEEKDAY_RULE = re.compile('(?P<signal>[+-]?)(?P<relative>[\d]?)'
'(?P<weekday>[\w]{2})$') # the pattern from iCalendar
DATE_RE = re.compile('^(?P<year>[\d]{4})(?P<month>[\d]{2})(?P<day>[\d]{2})$')
DATETIME_RE = re.compile('^(?P<year>[\d]{4})(?P<month>[\d]{2})(?P<day>[\d]{2})'
DAY_DICT = { "SU": "sunday", "MO": "monday", "TU": "tuesday",
"WE": "wednesday", "TH": "thursday", "FR": "friday",
"SA": "saturday" }
FREQ_DICT = { "SECONDLY": "second", "MINUTELY": "minute", "HOURLY": "hour",
"DAILY": "day", "WEEKLY": "week", "MONTHLY": "month",
"YEARLY": "year" }
MONTHS = ["Nullary", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
def parse_args():
argv = sys.argv[1:]
if len(argv) != 2:
print "Use: %s in.ics out.csv" % sys.argv[0]
return argv
def translate_todo(writer, entry):
Translate a single VTODO entry to a CSV line.
writer -- a CSV writer,
entry -- an iCalendar entry (an entry different from VTODO is ignored)
if == 'VTODO':
row = {}
row['TYPE'] = 'task'
row['CONTENT'] = entry['summary']
row['RESPONSIBLE'] = ''
row['PRIORITY'] = entry['priority'] if 'priority' in entry else "4"
row['INDENT'] = "1"
row['DATE'] = ''
row['TIMEZONE'] = convert_tz(entry['due']) if 'due' in entry else ''
if 'due' in entry:
due_date = convert_due(entry['due'])
if 'rrule' in entry:
recur = convert_recurrence(entry['summary'], entry['rrule'])
due_date = "%s starting %s" % (recur, due_date)
row['DATE'] = due_date
return 1
return 0
def convert_tz(due):
p = due.params
return p['TZID'] if 'TZID' in due.params else ''
def convert_due(due):
Convert a due date.
dts = due.to_ical()
dtm = DATETIME_RE.match(dts)
dm = DATE_RE.match(dts)
if dtm:
# If there is a date and time.
# The trick is that Todoist only parses human-readable dates.
d = dtm.groupdict()
year, month, day = d['year'], d['month'], d['day']
hour, minute = d['hour'], d['min']
return "%d %s %d at %s:%s" \
% (int(day), MONTHS[int(month)], int(year), hour, minute)
elif dm:
# If there is a date only. A machine-readable date would also work,
# but we make a human-readable one here as well.
d = dm.groupdict()
year, month, day = d['year'], d['month'], d['day']
return "%d %s %d" % (int(day), MONTHS[int(month)], int(year))
# Fall back to the original date
return dts
def convert_recurrence(content, rr):
Convert a recurrence rule in the todoist format.
As todoist's language is limited, this translation is incomplete.
if 'freq' not in rr or len(rr['freq']) != 1:
# too many frequencies
print 'Cannot parse recurrence rule: %s' % rr.to_ical()
print 'In todo: %s' % content
return ""
freq = FREQ_DICT[rr['freq'][0]]
if 'interval' in rr:
# how often the repetition occurs
interval = rr['interval'][0] # more than one interval?
if 'byday' in rr: # on which days
return "every " + convert_by_day(rr, content, freq, interval)
return "every %d %s%s" % (interval, freq, ("s" if interval > 1 else ""))
return "every " + freq
def convert_by_day(rr, content, freq, interval):
Convert a BYDAY rule that can appear in monthly and yearly
recurrence rules. The translation cannot be done precisely as Todoist
does not seem to support rules like 'every 2 months on the last Sunday'.
if freq == 'week':
return ",".join([DAY_DICT[d] for d in rr['byday']])
elif freq == 'month':
days = []
for dd in rr['byday']:
# iCalendar has already parsed the day spec, so it should work
match = WEEKDAY_RULE.match(dd).groupdict()
signal = match['signal'] if match['signal'] else '+'
weekday = match['weekday']
relative_str = match['relative']
assert(relative_str) # it should be like that with MONTHLY
relative = int(relative_str) if signal == '+' else -int(relative_str)
if relative > 0 and interval == 1:
elif relative == -1 and interval == 1:
days.append("last " + DAY_DICT[weekday])
print "Not supported by todoist: %s" % rr.to_ical()
print 'In todo: %s' % content
if relative < 0:
count = interval * 4 + relative
count = (interval - 1) * 4 + relative
text = "%d %s" % (count, DAY_DICT[weekday])
print 'Approximated as: %s' % text
return ",".join(days)
print "Not supported by todoist: %s" % rr.to_ical()
print 'In todo: %s' % content
print 'IGNORED'
return ""
# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
iname, oname = parse_args()
with open(iname, 'r') as inf:
cal = Calendar().from_ical(, multiple=False)
prodid = cal['PRODID']
print 'Imported calendar by %s' % prodid
if prodid.find('Remember The Milk') < 0:
print 'WARNING: this calendar appears not to be exported by RTM'
with open(oname, 'wb') as csvf:
csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvf, delimiter=',', fieldnames=TODOIST_HEADER)
ntodos = 0
for ev in cal.subcomponents:
ntodos += translate_todo(csvwriter, ev)
print ''
print 'Converted %d todo entries.' % ntodos
print ''
print 'Import %s as a template in Todoist inbox and'\
' assign the projects.' % oname
print 'The notes cannot be converted automatically. Copy them manually.'
print ''
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AndrewOfTheForest commented Feb 13, 2021

Hello, Mr. Konnov --
Thank you for creating! I’m trying to use it using Python 3.9.1, but I am getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "~/", line 208, in <module>
    cal = Calendar().from_ical(, multiple=False)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'

If you could provide any help, I’d be most grateful.

Again, thank you for creating and sharing this script.


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Also, I'm new to python. Initially, I received errors on all the print statements:

  File "~/", line 227
    print "Use: %s in.ics out.csv" % sys.argv[0]
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("Use: %s in.ics out.csv" % sys.argv[0])?

So, to get the script running, I surrounded the arguments of the print statements with a set of parenthesis (). I'm assuming this represents a change in the python syntax?

Again -- thank you for your time!

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konnov commented Feb 13, 2021

Hi Andrew,

I believe this script was written in python2, as it does not require parentheses for print. I guess you should try it with python2 first and see, whether it works for you.


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AndrewOfTheForest commented Feb 13, 2021 via email

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