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Last active January 25, 2022 23:52
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tfidf from elasticsearch
import elasticsearch
from math import log
def tfidf_matrix(es, index, doc_type, fields, size=10, bulk=500, query=dict(match_all=[])):
"""Generate tfidf for `size` documents of `index`/`doc_type`.
All `fields` need to have the mapping "term_vector": "yes".
This is the consuming version (i.e. get everything at once).
:param es: elasticsearch client
:type es:
:param index: the elasticsearch index
:type index: str
:param doc_type: the elasticsearch doc_type
:type doc_type: str
:param fields: the fields to be considered
:param fields: list(str)
:param size: the number of documents to process
:type size: int
:param bulk: the batch size (be nice to elasticsearch) to be processed at once
:type bulk: int
:param query: the query for the documents to be considered
:type query: elasticsearch query dictionary
return {_id: matrix for _id, matrix in
gen_tfidf_matrix(es, index, doc_type, fields, size=size, bulk=bulk, query=query)}
def gen_tfidf_matrix(es, index, doc_type, fields, size=10, bulk=500, query=dict(match_all=[])):
"""Generate tfidf for `size` documents of `index`/`doc_type`.
All `fields` need to have the mapping "term_vector": "yes".
This is the generator version (if you need to process one doc after each other).
:param es: elasticsearch client
:type es:
:param index: the elasticsearch index
:type index: str
:param doc_type: the elasticsearch doc_type
:type doc_type: str
:param fields: the fields to be considered
:param fields: list(str)
:param size: the number of documents to process
:type size: int
:param bulk: the batch size (be nice to elasticsearch) to be processed at once
:type bulk: int
:param query: the query for the documents to be considered
:type query: elasticsearch query dictionary
for ids in gen_ids(es, index, doc_type, size, bulk, query):
if len(ids) == 0:
for doc in gen_tv(es, index, doc_type, fields, ids):
yield (doc['_id'], matrix(doc))
def gen_ids(es, index, doc_type, size, bulk, query):
"""Generator for lists of ids of `index`/`doc_type`.
It returns `size` ids partitioned into ceil(`size`/`bulk`) lists.
count = 0
if bulk > size or bulk == 0:
bulk = size
response =,
scroll_id = response['_scroll_id']
count += bulk
yield [h['_id'] for h in response['hits']['hits']]
while count < size:
count += bulk
response = es.scroll(scroll_id=scroll_id, scroll='10s')
scroll_id = response['_scroll_id']
if len(response['hits']['hits']) == 0:
yield [h['_id'] for h in response['hits']['hits']]
def gen_tv(es, index, doc_type, fields, ids):
for doc in es.mtermvectors(index=index,
yield doc
def matrix(tvdoc):
"""Transform elasticsearch's term vector into tfidf.
fields = lambda doc: doc['term_vectors'] # -> dict(fieldname: dict(term: vec))
terms = lambda field: field['terms'] # -> dict(term: dict(stats))
tf = lambda vec: vec["term_freq"]
df = lambda vec: vec["doc_freq"]
n_docs = lambda field: field['field_statistics']['doc_count'] # -> int (note: this is per shard!)
return {fieldname: {
term: tfidf(tf(vec), df(vec), n_docs(field)) for term, vec in
for fieldname, field in fields(tvdoc).items()}
def tfidf(tf, df, n_docs):
idf = log(n_docs / float(df))
return tf * idf
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