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Created March 6, 2018 21:42
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Secrets of Spring Motion - Figure 5
# Figure 5 from
# Intended to be run from a Jupyter notebook cell
%pylab inline
g = 9.18
k = 2.0 * 8
L = 1.0
m = 1.0/9
class Model(object):
def __init__(self, n): = ones(n)*m
self.vs = zeros(n)
# Initially balanced xs
self.xs = concatenate([[0],-cumsum(cumsum([::-1])[::-1][1:]*g/k + L)])
assert all(abs(self.fs[1:]) < 1e-10)
def fs(self):
ds = abs(self.xs[1:] - self.xs[:-1])
f_stretch = (ds - L)*k
f_stretch_up = concatenate([[0], f_stretch])
f_stretch_down = concatenate([-f_stretch, [0]])
f_g =*g
fs = f_stretch_up + f_stretch_down + f_g
return fs
def step(self, dt):
self.vs += self.fs/*dt
self.xs += self.vs*dt
def simulate(self, sim_time=1.0, n_steps=10000):
x_trace = []
f_trace = []
dt = sim_time / n_steps
for i in range(n_steps):
return arange(n_steps)*dt, np.asarray(x_trace), np.asarray(f_trace)
model = Model(10)
ts, xs, fs = model.simulate()
plot(ts, xs)
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