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Last active April 19, 2019 10:13
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defmodule Encoder do
def encode(
id \\ "mguFd-51",
to \\ "79040883-331c-4944-aca5-16e9351098c1@localhost"
) do
{:xmlel, "message",
{"xml:lang", "en"},
{"to", to},
{"id", id},
{"type", "chat"}
{:xmlel, "body", [], [xmlcdata: msg]},
{:xmlel, "username", [{"xmlns", "message:username"}], [xmlcdata: username]},
{:xmlel, "type", [{"xmlns", "message:type"}], [xmlcdata: "text"]}
[id, username, to, msg] = System.argv()
msg =
Encoder.encode(username, msg, id, to)
|> :erlang.term_to_binary()
|> Base.encode16()
# Это просто распечатывает результат
"0x" <> msg
|> IO.puts()
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