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Forked from bobbytables/
Created November 12, 2020 06:30
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Protocol Buffer build script for multiple folders
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is meant to build and compile every protocolbuffer for each
# service declared in this repository (as defined by sub-directories).
# It compiles using docker containers based on Namely's protoc image
# seen here:
set -e
# Helper for adding a directory to the stack and echoing the result
function enterDir {
echo "Entering $1"
pushd $1 > /dev/null
# Helper for popping a directory off the stack and echoing the result
function leaveDir {
echo "Leaving `pwd`"
popd > /dev/null
# Enters the directory and starts the build / compile process for the services
# protobufs
function buildDir {
echo "Building directory \"$currentDir\""
enterDir $currentDir
buildProtoForTypes $currentDir
# Iterates through all of the languages listed in the services .protolangs file
# and compiles them individually
function buildProtoForTypes {
if [ -f .protolangs ]; then
while read lang; do
rm -rf $REPOPATH/$reponame
echo "Cloning repo: [email protected]:namely/$reponame.git"
# Clone the repository down and set the branch to the automated one
git clone [email protected]:namely/$reponame.git $REPOPATH/$reponame
setupBranch $REPOPATH/$reponame
# Use the docker container for the language we care about and compile
docker run -v `pwd`:/defs namely/protoc-$lang
# Copy the generated files out of the pb-* path into the repository
# that we care about
cp -R pb-$lang/* $REPOPATH/$reponame/
commitAndPush $REPOPATH/$reponame
done < .protolangs
# Finds all directories in the repository and iterates through them calling the
# compile process for each one
function buildAll {
echo "Buidling service's protocol buffers"
mkdir -p $REPOPATH
for d in */; do
buildDir $d
function setupBranch {
enterDir $1
echo "Creating branch"
if ! git show-branch $CURRENT_BRANCH; then
git branch $CURRENT_BRANCH
git checkout $CURRENT_BRANCH
if git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin $CURRENT_BRANCH; then
echo "Branch exists on remote, pulling latest changes"
git pull origin $CURRENT_BRANCH
function commitAndPush {
enterDir $1
git add -N .
if ! git diff --exit-code > /dev/null; then
git add .
git commit -m "Auto Creation of Proto"
git push origin HEAD
echo "No changes detected for $1"
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