下载微软雅黑字体, msyh.ttc
1.添加字体 cp msyh.ttc ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WXWork/drive_c/windows/Fonts/
gedit ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WXWork/system.reg
### | |
# There's a newer version available here: | |
# https://github.com/itaysk/kube-imagepuller | |
# All future updates will be made there. | |
# Please also post you questions as issues on that repo instead of commenting here | |
### | |
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 | |
kind: DaemonSet |
# pip3 install pyinstrument | |
import os | |
from pyinstrument import Profiler | |
PROFILER = bool(int(os.environ.get("PROFILING", 1))) | |
# from pyinstrument.renderers import JSONRenderer | |
def pre_request(worker, req): | |
from collections import namedtuple | |
import vaex | |
import time | |
import orjson | |
import os | |
import psutil | |
from pyarrow import flight | |
import pyarrow as pa |
cd ~/.local/share/fonts | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono/Medium/complete/JetBrains%20Mono%20Medium%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono/Bold/complete/JetBrains%20Mono%20Bold%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono/Italic/complete/JetBrains%20Mono%20Italic%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono/Regular/complete/JetBrains%20Mono%20Regular%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf | |
sudo fc-cache -fv |
下载微软雅黑字体, msyh.ttc
1.添加字体 cp msyh.ttc ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WXWork/drive_c/windows/Fonts/
gedit ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WXWork/system.reg
export http_proxy= | |
export https_proxy= | |
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts | |
cd ~/.local/share/fonts | |
for type in Bold Light Medium Regular Retina; do wget -O ~/.local/share/fonts/FiraCode-$type.ttf "https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/blob/master/distr/ttf/FiraCode-$type.ttf?raw=true"; done | |
fc-cache -f | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/FiraCode/Bold/complete/Fira%20Code%20Bold%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf | |
wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/FiraCode/Light/complete/Fira%20Code%20Light%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf |
package main | |
import ( | |
"fmt" | |
"io/ioutil" | |
"net/http" | |
"strings" | |
"sync" | |
"sync/atomic" | |
"time" |
package main | |
import ( | |
"compress/gzip" | |
"context" | |
"flag" | |
"fmt" | |
"io" | |
"io/ioutil" | |
"log" |
import base64 | |
import io | |
from Crypto import Random | |
from Crypto.Hash import SHA | |
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA | |
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP as PKCS1_OAEP_Cipher | |
def gen_key_pair(passpharse=None): | |
""" |
import os | |
from PIL import Image | |
def extractFrames(inGif, outFolder): | |
frame = Image.open(inGif) | |
nframes = 0 | |
while frame: | |
frame.save( '%s/%s-%s.gif' % (outFolder, os.path.basename(inGif), nframes ) , 'GIF') | |
nframes += 1 |