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Forked from jdalegonzalez/
Created June 25, 2018 06:02
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Uses the the python-jose package to decode and validate an amazon identity or access token.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Handles validation of a JWT web-token passed by the client
import os
import sys
import argparse
import requests
import simplejson as json
from jose import jwt, JWTError
def pool_url(aws_region, aws_user_pool):
""" Create an Amazon cognito issuer URL from a region and pool id
aws_region (string): The region the pool was created in.
aws_user_pool (string): The Amazon region ID.
string: a URL
return (
format(aws_region, aws_user_pool)
# def pool_url
def get_client_id_from_access_token(aws_region, aws_user_pool, token):
""" Pulls the client ID out of an Access Token
claims = get_claims(aws_region, aws_user_pool, token)
if claims.get('token_use') != 'access':
raise ValueError('Not an access token')
return claims.get('client_id')
# def get_client_id
def get_client_id_from_id_token(token):
""" Pulls the audience (client id) out of an id_token
# header, payload, _ = get_token_segments(token)
payload = jwt.get_unverified_claims(token)
return payload.get('aud')
# def get_client_id
def get_user_email(aws_region, aws_user_pool, client_id, id_token):
""" Pulls the user email out of an id token
if client_id is None:
client_id = os.environ.get('AWS_CLIENT_ID')
if client_id is None:
client_id = get_client_id_from_id_token(id_token)
claims = get_claims(aws_region, aws_user_pool, id_token, client_id)
if claims.get('token_use') != 'id':
raise ValueError('Not an ID Token')
return claims.get('email')
# def get_user_email
def get_claims(aws_region, aws_user_pool, token, audience=None):
""" Given a token (and optionally an audience), validate and
return the claims for the token
# header, _, _ = get_token_segments(token)
header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
kid = header['kid']
verify_url = pool_url(aws_region, aws_user_pool)
keys = aws_key_dict(aws_region, aws_user_pool)
key = keys.get(kid)
kargs = {"issuer": verify_url}
if audience is not None:
kargs["audience"] = audience
claims = jwt.decode(
return claims
# def get_claims
def aws_key_dict(aws_region, aws_user_pool):
""" Fetches the AWS JWT validation file (if necessary) and then converts
this file into a keyed dictionary that can be used to validate a web-token
we've been passed
aws_user_pool (string): the ID for the user pool
dict: a dictonary of values
filename = os.path.abspath(
os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'aws_{}.json'.format(aws_user_pool)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
# If we can't find the file already, try to download it.
aws_data = requests.get(
pool_url(aws_region, aws_user_pool) + '/.well-known/jwks.json'
aws_jwt = json.loads(aws_data.text)
with open(filename, 'w+') as json_data:
with open(filename) as json_data:
aws_jwt = json.load(json_data)
# We want a dictionary keyed by the kid, not a list.
result = {}
for item in aws_jwt['keys']:
result[item['kid']] = item
return result
# def aws_key_dict
def env_with_error(val, message, default=None):
""" Tries to fetch a value from the environment and throws an arror if it's
missing. Used so that we can return a better error message
val (string); The value to fetch from the environment
message (string): The message to raise
default (string): An optional default value.
string: The value from the environment
result = os.environ.get(val)
if result is None:
result = default
if result is None:
raise KeyError(message)
return result
# def get_with_error
def run_test():
""" Validates an identity token passed in as an argument.
We can get the client_id from one of three places. If we're
passed an access token, we can get the client_id from that.
If we're passed a client_id, we'll use it. If we're given
neither an access token nor a client_id as an argument, we'll
look for something in the environemnt. If that isn't set,
we'll use the client ID passed as the audience in the identity
token itself.
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods
class Bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Validates an AWS id token and prints the email address.')
'-c', '--client_id',
help='The application id to which the id_token applies',
'-a', '--access_token',
help='An access token returned from the authentication authority' +
' used to retrieve an client_id',
'-r', '--aws_region',
help='The AWS Region that the pool is defined for. (ie. us-west-2)',
'-p', '--aws_pool',
help='The AWS Pool ID that token comes from.',
help='The ID token to be validated and have the email address printed',
args = parser.parse_args()
aws_region = env_with_error(
"AWS_REGION", 'Missing AWS_REGION environment variable',
aws_pool = env_with_error(
"AWS_USER_POOL", 'Missing AWS_USER_POOL environment variable',
client_id = None
if args.client_id is not None:
client_id = args.client_id
elif args.access_token is not None:
client_id = get_client_id_from_access_token(
aws_region, aws_pool, args.access_token)
Bcolors.OKGREEN + Bcolors.BOLD + "SUCCESS: " + Bcolors.ENDC +
get_user_email(aws_region, aws_pool, client_id, args.id_token[0]))
except JWTError as error:
Bcolors.BOLD + Bcolors.FAIL + "FAILED: " + Bcolors.ENDC +
# def run_test
if __name__ == '__main__':
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