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Forked from glombard/tfs-checkout-sample.bat
Created September 30, 2019 09:50
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TFS checkout files from a batch file
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
set tfuser=glombard
set tflogin=/login:DOMAIN\%tfuser%,password
set tfworkspace=TFSWorkspace
set tfdir=C:\temp\MyWorkspace
set tfsource=$/PROJ/Source
set tfurl=
if "%1" == "clean" goto removeWorkspace
if exist %tfdir% goto dirOk
md %tfdir%
cd %tfdir%
tf > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto noTf
tf workspaces /owner:%tfuser% %tflogin% /computer:%COMPUTERNAME% | findstr %tfworkspace% > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto createWorkspace
echo Workspace '%tfworkspace%' already exists...
goto workspaceOk
tf workspace /new %tfworkspace%;%tfuser% %tflogin% /collection:%tfurl% /noprompt
if errorlevel 1 goto newWorkspaceFailed
echo Workspace '%tfworkspace%' created OK...
tf workfold /map %tfsource% %tfdir% /workspace:%tfworkspace% %tflogin%
if errorlevel 1 goto folderMapFailed
tf get %tfsource%/PROJ/src/FileToModify.txt %tflogin%
if errorlevel 1 goto getFailed
tf checkout %tfsource%/PROJ/src/FileToModify.txt %tflogin% /lock:checkin
if errorlevel 1 goto checkoutFailed
REM Now update FileToModify.txt ...
tf checkin %tfsource%/PROJ/PROJ/java /recursive /noprompt /comment:"Updated by TFS Build" %tflogin%
if errorlevel 1 goto checkinFailed
echo SUCCESS: TFS has shown us mercy.
goto :eof
echo Check-in failed :-(
goto :eof
echo Failed to do Get Latest :-(
goto :eof
echo Checkout failed :-(
goto :eof
echo Failed to map %tfsource% -> %tfdir% :-(
goto :eof
echo Couldn't create workspace '%tfworkspace%' :-(
goto :eof
echo TF.exe command-line utility not found!
goto :eof
echo Removing the workspace '%tfworkspace%' completely!
tf undo /workspace:%tfworkspace% %tfsource% /recursive %tflogin%
tf workspace /delete %tfworkspace% %tflogin% /noprompt
cd \
rd %tfdir% /s /q
goto :eof
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
REM -- edit these settings --
set tfuser=glombard
set tfdomain=MyDomain
set tfpassword=mypass
set tfcol=
set tfsource=$/PROJ
set tfgetlatest=/Source/Test.cs
set tfworkspace=TFSWorkspace
set tflogin=/login:"%tfdomain%\%tfuser%,%tfpassword%"
set tfdir=C:\temp\%tfworkspace%
if "%1" == "clean" goto removeWorkspace
if exist %tfdir% goto dirOk
md %tfdir%
cd %tfdir%
tf >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 goto tfOk
call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
tf >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 goto noTf
echo Checking workspaces...
tf workspaces /owner:%tfuser% %tflogin% /computer:%COMPUTERNAME% | findstr %tfworkspace% > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto createWorkspace
echo Workspace '%tfworkspace%' already exists...
goto workspaceOk
echo Creating workspace '%tfworkspace%' ...
tf workspace /new %tfworkspace%;%tfuser% %tflogin% /collection:%tfcol% /noprompt
if errorlevel 1 goto newWorkspaceFailed
echo Workspace '%tfworkspace%' created OK...
tf workfold /map %tfsource% %tfdir% /workspace:%tfworkspace% %tflogin%
if errorlevel 1 goto folderMapFailed
tf get %tfsource%%tfgetlatest% %tflogin%
if errorlevel 1 goto getFailed
goto :eof
echo Failed to do Get Latest :-(
goto :eof
echo Failed to map %tfsource% -> %tfdir% :-(
goto :eof
echo Couldn't create workspace '%tfworkspace%' :-(
goto :eof
echo TF.exe command-line utility not found!
goto :eof
echo Removing the workspace '%tfworkspace%' completely!
tf undo /workspace:%tfworkspace% %tfsource% /recursive %tflogin%
tf workspace /delete %tfworkspace% %tflogin% /noprompt
cd \
rd %tfdir% /s /q
goto :eof
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