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Last active February 23, 2025 02:50
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use Apple Keychain to store GPG Passphrases

gpg-agent setup

Need to setup gpg-agent first, on OSX I use keychain (it also does ssh-agent)

$ brew info keychain
keychain: stable 2.8.5
User-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
/usr/local/Cellar/keychain/2.8.5 (7 files, 108.5KB) *
  Built from source on 2018-10-23 at 14:44:08
==> Analytics
install: 267 (30 days), 841 (90 days), 3,910 (365 days)
install_on_request: 262 (30 days), 817 (90 days), 3,661 (365 days)
build_error: 0 (30 days)

gpg passphrase in keychain

brew install gpg gpg2 pinentry-mac
mkdir -m 0700 ~/.gnupg
echo "pinentry-program $(brew --prefix)/bin/pinentry-mac" | tee ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pkill -TERM gpg-agent

Close and reopen shell.

test gpg passphrase stored in keychain

Assuming you've already created or imported a key, select an identity to test:

$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa4096 2019-06-18 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Koshatul <[email protected]>
sub   rsa4096 2019-06-18 [E]

Test (replace [email protected] with the identity of your certificate):

$ echo test | gpg -e -r [email protected] | gpg -d
gpg: encrypted with rsa4096 key, ID 3AF58C6962796950, created 2019-06-18
      "Koshatul <[email protected]>"
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If you have an M1/Apple Silicon computer Homebrew will install pinentry-mac in /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac instead of /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac so you will want to change your gpg-agent.conf step to following:

echo 'pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac' | tee ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

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This worked perfectly! Thank you!

I used the following to test it:

echo "Let's do the time warp again\!" | gpg -e -r [email protected] | gpg -d

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I posted a link to your GitHub Gist on my LinkedIn profile: link

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updated to use $(brew --prefix) so it works for both new and old.

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Thank you, worked perfectly!

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toshke commented Mar 25, 2022

pinentry-mac binary doesn't does not work for me, it was installed just as pinentry in $BREW_HOME/bin

version info

pinentry: stable 1.2.0 (bottled)
Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol
/Users/nikolatari/brew/brew/Cellar/pinentry/1.2.0 (12 files, 366.5KB) *

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I just had a colleague with the same issue, there is a pinentry-mac in homebrew which is the macOS specific version that uses keychain for passphrase storage and uses a native cocoa popup window prompt.

I haven't tried pinentry, but it wasn't working for my colleague (it would just stall waiting for the passphrase but no prompting), but pinentry-mac worked.


brew install pinentry-mac

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pinentry-mac in homebrew

pinentry-mac: stable (bottled), HEAD
Pinentry for GPG on Mac
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/pinentry-mac/ (17 files, 482.7KB) *

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toshke commented Mar 25, 2022

@koshatul nice, that worked actually better.

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tanuva commented Mar 31, 2022

Either I'm doing it wrong or using brew --prefix in gpg-agent.conf does not work. I had to put the literal path there, otherwise gpg will note:

gpg: public key decryption failed: No pinentry
gpg: decryption failed: No pinentry

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koshatul commented Apr 1, 2022

It might be misleading but that command was designed to put the correct path in the file for you directly.

If you run

echo "pinentry-program $(brew --prefix)/bin/pinentry-mac"

In your terminal it will return what you need to put in the file.

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tanuva commented Apr 1, 2022

Oh, of course. That's what I get for being smart and just copying the echo'd line into gpg-agent.conf myself instead of running the command. :)

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0x3333 commented Apr 12, 2022

My pinentry-mac doesn't have an option to Save in Keychain. Does anyone have this problem?

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It should look like this, with the "save to keychain" ticked by default.

Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 17 08 56

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Oh, of course. That's what I get for being smart and just copying the echo'd line into gpg-agent.conf myself instead of running the command. :)

The example isn't the greatest anyway, I should use sed and replace it if it exists instead of blindly overwriting the config file.

But this was meant to be for someone who hasn't setup their gpg-agent yet.

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0x3333 commented Apr 12, 2022

It should look like this, with the "save to keychain" ticked by default.

Screen Shot 2022-04-12 at 17 08 56

Yeah I know. But the latest version doesn’t show… I build an old version and it worked, don’t know why… will have to investigate.

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@0x3333 did you install from homebrew ?

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0x3333 commented Apr 12, 2022

Yep. I found out why.

Looks like the problem is a missing key in defaults:

defaults write org.gpgtools.pinentry-mac DisableKeychain -bool no

You must set this to no, otherwise, it will be "true" and doesn't show, even if you have UseKeychain = yes.

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I never changed that, but good find.

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0x3333 commented Apr 12, 2022

Looks like using GPGTools Preference pane sets this entry.

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btw, if someone is looking for a simple installation alternative gpgtools have a simple installer that bundle this nicely:

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thank you

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works fine, thanks!

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Works like a charm, thanks.

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arcs- commented Mar 13, 2023

awesome, thanks!

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stevencch99 commented Mar 23, 2023

Has anyone had a problem with pinentry-mac not being able to input passphrase?
The entered text is still in the terminal and cannot be entered into pinentry-mac.
Ran on: macOS 13.2.1 (22D68), Apple M2 Pro
CleanShot 2023-03-23 at 15 14 05@2x

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Has anyone had a problem with pinentry-mac not being able to input passphrase?

Solved, turns out I should restart pinentry-mac after setup gpg-agent too, leave notes here for those who also ran into this issue.
$ killall pinentry-mac gpg-agent

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Yep. I found out why.

Looks like the problem is a missing key in defaults:

defaults write org.gpgtools.pinentry-mac DisableKeychain -bool no

You must set this to no, otherwise, it will be "true" and doesn't show, even if you have UseKeychain = yes.

For those who land here trying to disable the 'Save to Keychain' being on by default in pin entry-mac, I found that this worked for me (got this answer from here):

$ defaults write org.gpgtools.pinentry-mac UseKeychain -bool NO
$ killall pinentry-mac gpg-agent

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