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COMN - University of Edinburgh revision notes

MSS - Maximum Segment Size
RTT - Round-Trip Time
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

Key concepts:

[ ] Protocol



[ ] Service

[ ] Connectionless vs. connection-oriented communication and services

[ ] Interface

Network architecture

Tier 1 Content Providers IXPs
Tier 2
Tier 3

[ ] Reference models

[ ] Standards

Circuit vs. packet switching

Circuit switching Packet switching
resources reserved for duration of communication resources not reserved
messages may have to queue
e.g. telephone lines e.g. Internet


Frequency-division multiplexing (FTM) Time-division multiplexing (TDM)
the frequency spectrum is divided among connections time divided in frames
e.g. for telephone 4kHz band each frame divided in slots for each connection
e.g. radio simpler setup
wasteful during silent period could lose packets

IPv4 vs. IPv6

Key differences

  • Address size: 32 bit v4, 128 bit v6
  • v6 - fixed length 40 bit header
  • v6 - no fragmentation allowed
  • v6 - checksum removed to reduce processing
  • v6 - includes ICMPv6


  • Dual-stack: IPv6 routers replace IPv4 routers but support protocol and translate packages to older routers
  • Tunneling: IPv6 datagram carried as payload among IPv4 routers

Application layer:

Principles of network applications

  • Application architectures

  • Application requirements
    Data loss

  • Transport protocols

  • Sockets

Client-server vs. peer-to-peer applications

Salient features of widely used Internet applications (e.g. web, DNS)

  • Web and HTTP - over TCP
    • HTTP messages
    • Cookies - unique ID generated by server (cookie locally, entry in DB remotely)
      shopping carts
      user session
    • Web cache
      acts both as client and server
      typically at ISP
      + reduce response time for client
      + reduce traffic
      + enables poor content providers to deliver effectively
  • FTP :21 - over TCP
    • Server opens second TCP connection when file transfer initiated
    • Command/response
      commands: ASCI text
      response: status code and phrase
  • Email :25 - SMTP over TCP
    • Components:
      user agents
      mail servers
      SMTP protocol (between mail servers)
    • Direct transfer: sending to receiving server
    • Command/response
      commands: ASCI text
      response: status code and phrase
  • DNS
    • Decentralized

    • Services
      hostname to IP translation
      hostname aliasing
      mail server aliasing
      load distribution - sets of IPs for one canonical name

       Root DNS Servers
        /     |    \
      com   org   edu ...
      e.g. DNS servers ...
    • 13 root DNS servers worldwide

    • Types of DNS servers

      • Top-level Domain (TLD) servers
        responsible for com, org, net, edu, aero, jobs, museums and all country domains
        "Network Solutions" maintains .com TLD
        "Educause" maintains .edu TLD
      • Authoritative DNS servers
        organization's DNS servers - mapping for own servers
        can be maintained by organization or service provider
      • Local namer server
        does not strictly belong to hierarchy
        each ISP has one (a.k.a. DNS)
        acts as proxy

Transport layer:


  • Demultiplexing at rcv host
    delivering received segments to correct socket

  • Multiplexing at send host
    gathering data from multiple sockets, enveloping data with headers (used for demux)

  • Connectionless demultiplexing

    • each datagram has source and destination IP address
    • each datagram carries one transport-layer segment
    • each segment has source and destination port number
  • Connection-oriented demultiplexing

    • TCP socket identified by 4-tuple
      source IP address, port number
      destination IP address, port number
    • Server may support many simultaneous TCP sockets
      web servers have sockets for each connecting client
  • UDP: User Datagram Protocol

    • Why UDP?
      no connection establishment (removes delay)
      simple (no states)
      small segment header
      no congestion control (UDP can blast data full speed)
    • Uses
      Media - loss tolerant, rate sensitive
    • Could add reliability at application level
      UDP checksum

Principles of reliable data transfer

  • Stop-and-Wait
  • Go-back-N
  • Selective repeat
    window size * 2 < ACK #s

Principles of congestion control and TCP congestion control

  • End-to-end congestion control
    Network layer does not provide any support for congestion control
    End systems must infer congestions as no explicit feedback is returned by network
    TCP has to employ end-to-end congestion control

  • Network assisted congestion control
    Router sends package indicating congestion or specifying transfer rates
    Data feedback:
    Direct network feedback - router indicates to client,
    Network feedback via receiver.

    Example: ATM ABR congestion control

  • TCP congestion control
    TCP controls its data-rate based on the perceived congestion on the network
    Self-clocking: TCP adjusts window size based on received ACKs
    Congestion control principles

    • A lost packet implies congestion and send rate should be reduced
    • When an ACK arrives for a previously unacknowledged packet, window could be increased
    • Bandwidth probing - increase rate until packet is lost - thus finding optimal send rate

    TCP congestion control algorithm

    • Slow start
      Start at 1MSS and increase window by 1 for each previously unacknowledged packet
      Effectively grow window exponentially (since +1 holds for each MSS)
      Stop on a loss event and set sstresh to cwnd/2 and cwnd to 1
      Stop when cwnd >= sstresh and go to congestion avoidance mode
      Stop if three duplicate ACKs and go to fast recovery
    • Congestion avoidance
      Grow linearly by 1MSS
    • Fast recovery
      Grow when double ACK is received (thus recovering from lost packs?)
      Additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease (AIMD)
      Increase by one when ACK, half when loss

    UDB does not throttle thus may suffocate TCP
    Nothing can prevent application from parallel TCP (opening many connections to server)

Internet transport protocols (TCP, UDP)

Network layer:

Virtual circuit vs. datagram networks

  • Datagram network - network-layer connectionless service (e.g. Internet)
    no call setup at network level
    packets forwarded using destination host address (packets between same source-dest may take different paths)
    routers don't keep state about end-to-end connections (no network-level concept of "connection")
    Longest prefix matching - in table use regex to forward ranges of addresses to link interface

  • Virtual Circuit - network-layer connection service (e.g. ATM)
    each packet carries VC id (not destination host address)
    every router on source-dest path maintains "state" for each connection
    VC number can be changed on each link (new VC number comes from forwarding table)
    A VC consists of:

    • path from src to dest
    • VC numbers, one number for each link along path
    • entries in forwarding tables in routers along path
Internet (datagram) ATM (VC)
data exchange among computers evolved from telephony
"smart" end systems (control, error recovery) human conversion (strict timing, reliability, guaranteed service)
many link types (uniform service difficult) "dumb" end systems (e.g. telephones) - complexity inside network

IP addressing and forwarding

  • 32 bit IP address
  • 20 bytes IP overhead + 20 bytes TCP overhead
  • Three types of switching fabrics:
    • memory
      switching under direct control of CPU
      limited by memory bandwidth (2 bus crossings per datagram)
    • bus
      limited by bus bandwidth
      32 Gbps by Cisco 5600: sufficient speed for enterprise
    • crossbar (mutliplexer)
      60 Gbps by Cisco 12000: f*ck yeh
  • Links have MTU (max. transfer size). Some links fragment datagrams and destination reassembles them
    When fragmenting, length = data.length + 20 bytes overhead => 4000b = 1480b + 1480b + 1040b, where length = (1500, 1500, 1060)
    Offset = data.length/8 = (0, 185, 370)
  • IPv4 addressing
    • Subnets: high order bits, device don't need router to reach each other
    • CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing)
  • ICMP addressing ()

Routing algorithms

  • Links State (LS): Dijkstra's algorithm
    Given the cost between neighbors, traverse the net and find optimal path
  • Distance Vector: Dx(y) = min{Cx(v)+Dv(y)}
    nodes exchange tables and adjust values
Metric Link State (LS) Distance Vector (DV)
Msg complexity O(nE), n nodes, E links Msgs between neighbors only
Spd of convergence O(n^2), may oscillate varies, count-to-infinity problem
Robustness (rtr malfunction) node advertises incorrect costs DV node can advertise incorrect path cost
each node computes its own table error propagate through net
  • Hierarchical algorithm: aggregate routers into regions, "autonomous systems (ASs)"
    routers in same region run same protocol, "intra-AS protocol"
    gateway router - at edge of AS, has link to router in another AS
    Greedy search

Internet routing

  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP): distance vector algorithm
    Distance metric: number of hops
    Routing table for router X:

    Destination subnet: A
    Next router: Y
    # hops to dest: n

If no advertisement within 180sec, remove router and destroy links using router. Send updated table to neighbors
RIP routing managed by application-level process called route-d
advertisement sent using UDP, periodically repeated

  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
    publicly available
    uses Link State algorithm
    advertisements disseminated to entire AS (via flooding)
    carried in OSPF messages directly over IP, rather than TCP or UDP
    Advantages over RIP:
    hierarchical OSFP in large domains
    multiple same-cost paths allowed (only one in RIP)
    for each link, multiple metrics (e.g. best effort, real-time)
    integrated uni- and multi-cast support (MOSPF)
    security - all OSPF messages authenticated
    local area: LS advertisements backbone

area border routers: "summarize" distances to nets in local area, advertise to other area border routers backbone routers: run OSPF routing limited to backbone boundary routers: connect to other AS's

  • Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) - Cisco proprietary
    the de facto inter-domain routing algorithm (the one that glues the Internet together)
    BGP provides each AS means to:
    eBGP: obtain subnet reachability information from neighboring ASs
    iBGP: propagate reachability to all AS-internal routers
    obtain "good" routes to other networks based on reachability information and other policies
    Why different Intra- and Inter-AS routing?
    • Policy:

      • Inter-AS domain: admin wants control over how its traffic is routed, who routes through its net
      • Intra-AS: single admin, so no policy decisions needed
    • Scale:

      • Hierarchical routing saves table size, reduced update traffic
    • Performance:

      • Inter-AS: policy may dominate over performance
      • Intra-AS: can focus on performance

Link layer:

Error detection and correction

  • Parity checking
    Single bit parity
    Two dimensional bit parity: detect and correct single bit error

  • Internet checksum: detect errors in transmitted packet
    Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
    Packet - <D,R>
    Generator - G; G.length = r+1
    R s.t. <D,R> divisible by G
    Receiver divides <D,R> by G, if non-zero reminder - error!

Multiple access protocols

  • Link types:
    point-to-point - dial-up, Ethernet
    broadcast - old-fashioned Ethernet, Wi-Fi, etc.

  • Multiple Access Protocols
    single shared broadcast channel
    two or more simultaneous transmissions by nodes
    distributed algorithm that determines how nodes share channel, i.e. determine when nodes can transmit
    communication about channel sharing must use channel itself

  • Ideal Multiple Access Protocol

    1. efficient - channel speed - R bps, 1 node, send at rate R
    2. fair - M nodes send at R/M
    3. fully decentralized - no special node to coordinate transmission, no sync of clocks, slots
    4. simple
  • MAC protocols

    • Channel Partitioning:

    divide channel into smaller pieces (time slots, frequency, code)
    allocate piece to node for exclusive use
    a priory decision assuming the works case in terms of #users and uniform use by all users

    Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
    access to channels in "rounds"
    each gets fixed length sloth
    unused slots stay idle

    Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
    channel spectrum divided into freq bands
    each station assigned fixed band
    unused transmission time in freq band goes idle

    • Random Access

    channel not divided, collisions allowed
    "recover" from collisions

    Slotted ALOHA

    Assumptions Operation
    all frames same size when node obtains frame, transfers in next slot
    time divided into equal slots no collision: send in next slot
    nodes start to transmit only at slot beginning collision: node retransmits in each cons. slot until
    nodes are synchronized
    if >=2 nodes transm. in same slot, all detect collision
    Pros Cons
    single active node transmit at full speed collisions, wasting slots
    decentralized: only slots in nodes need be in sync idle slots
    simple nodes may detect collision in less than time to transm
    clock sync

    Efficiency - long-run fraction of successful slots, many nodes, many frames to send
    NB: At best channel used 37% if the time!

    Pure (unslotted) ALOHA
    no synchronization
    when frame first arrives - transmit immediately
    NB: At best channel used 18% if the time! Even worse!

    Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)
    listen before transmit
    if channel sensed idle - transmit frame
    else - deffer transmission

    CSMA\CD (Collision Detection)
    collision detected within short time
    colliding transmissions aborted, reducing channel wastage
    CD easy with wired LAN (signal strength), difficult in wireless LAN

    • "Taking Turns"

    nodes take turns, nodes with more to send may take longer turns
    "adaptive round-robin"

    Master node invites Slave nodes to transmit in turns
    typically used with dumb slaves
    Concerns: polling overhead, latency, single point of failure (master)

    Token Passing
    control token passed from one node to another sequentially
    Concerns: token overhead, latency, single point of failure (token)


Many different Ethernet standards
Common MAC protocol and frame format
Different speed: 1 Mbps, 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1Gbps, 10Gbps
different physical layer media: fiber, cable
Star topology: switch in center, each client runs on separate line

Ethernet Frame
| Preamble | Dest. Addr. | Source Addr. | Type | Data | CRC |

Preamble used to sync sender and receiver clock rates
Manchester Encoding - each bit has voltage transition, allows for clock sync

Connectionless: no handshake between sending and receiving NICs
unreliable: no ACKs or NACKs. Gaps are possible - to be filled if using TCP
Ethernet's MAC protocol: unslotted CSMA/CD

Hubs vs. switches vs. routers

  • Hubs - physical-layer repeaters
    bits coming in one ling go out all other links at same rate
    all nodes can collide with one another
    no frame buffering
    no CSMA/CD, host NICs detect collisions

  • Switches - link-layer device - smarten than hubs, take active role
    store and forward Ethernet frames
    examine incoming frame's MAC address, selectively forward to one-or-more links, use CSMA/CD
    transparent - hosts are unaware of presence of switches
    plug-and-play, self-learning - switches do not need to be configured

    allow multiple simultaneous transmissions
    hosts have dedicated direct connection to switch
    switch buffers packets
    full duplex

    learning of MAC addresses:

    1. record link associated with sending host
    2. index switch table using MAC dest address
    3. if entry found - send or update
      else - flood (forward on all but receiving interface)
  • Switches vs. Routers
    Both store-and-forward devices:

Routers Switches
network-level link-level
maintain routing tables maintain switch tables
implement routing algorithms implement filtering and learning algorithms
  • VLANs
    Port-based VLAN: switch port grouped by software so that single physical switch operates as multiple virtual switches.
    traffic isolation: frames to/from some port range can only reach these ports. Can also define VLAN based on MAC addresses of endpoints.
    dynamic membership: ports can be dynamically assigned among VLANs.
    forwarding between VLANs: done via routing (just as with separate switches)
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