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Created October 5, 2012 05:00
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loadLocked = false
page = 0
EndlessScroll =
willPaginateEl: (selector = '.pagination') ->
initScroll: (el) ->
el = @willPaginateEl() unless el
return unless el
links = el.find('a')
pages = ->
parseInt \
link = links
.replace(/\d+$/, '{{page}}')
lastPage = pages.sort()[pages.length - 1]
container = el.parent()
$(window).endlessScroll \
ceaseFireOnEmpty: false,
inflowPixels: 300,
loader: '',
intervalFrequency: 50,
callback: @loadPage.bind(@, link, lastPage, container),
fireOnce: true,
fireDelay: false
loadPage: (link, lastPage, container, fireSequence, pageSequence, direction) ->
return if not(direction is 'next') or
page += 1
stopSpinner = Spin.spin \
top: container.height() - 3
loadLocked = true
$.ajax \
url: link.replace('{{page}}', page + 1),
dataType: 'html',
complete: stopSpinner,
success: [
@pageLoaded.bind(@, container, page + 1),
-> loadLocked = false
pageLoaded: (container, page, html) ->
response = $(html)
respPagination = response.find('.pagination')
respContainer = respPagination.parent()
container.append \
$ ->
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