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Created September 25, 2024 21:06
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Quantify colour differences when converting between RGB and YCbCR, as well as SDR and HDR
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script output:
# ΔE (CAM16-UCS) [50, 95, 99, 99.9] percentiles
# sRGB (8-bit full) → sRGB (8-bit full)
# (For reference only)
# Quantisation error: [ 0.11 0.23 0.32 0.44]
# ±1 1ch corruption: [ 0.16 0.43 0.53 0.7 ]
# ±1 3ch corruption: [ 0.34 0.66 0.88 1.15]
# sRGB (8-bit full) → BT.709 YCbCr (below) → sRGB (8-bit full)
# (e.g., SDR screen capture played back on SDR display)
# 8-bit limited: [ 0.24 0.46 0.62 0.86]
# 8-bit full: [ 0.2 0.42 0.53 0.7 ]
# 10-bit limited: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
# sRGB (8-bit full) → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (below) → sRGB (8-bit full)
# (e.g., SDR screen capture in HDR format played back on SDR display)
# 10-bit limited: [ 0.01 0.06 0.1 0.17]
# 12-bit limited: [ 0. 0.01 0.03 0.05]
# 14-bit limited: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.02]
# sRGB (8-bit full) → BT.2100 PQ (below)
# (e.g., SDR content on HDR display)
# RGB 10-bit full: [ 0.09 0.2 0.27 0.4 ]
# RGB 12-bit full: [ 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.09]
# RGB 14-bit full: [ 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02]
# YCbCr 10-bit limited: [ 0.16 0.32 0.43 0.61]
# YCbCr 12-bit limited: [ 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.16]
# YCbCr 14-bit limited: [ 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04]
# HDR10 RGB (full) → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (below) → HDR10 RGB (full)
# (e.g., HDR screen capture played back on HDR display)
# 10-bit limited: [ 0.15 0.38 0.52 0.89]
# 12-bit limited: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
# 14-bit limited: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
# Observations:
# - For lossless recording of sRGB in YCbCr, use 10 bits
# - For lossless recording of HDR10 in YCbCr, use 12 bits
# - The conversion loss in (sRGB → 8-bit YCbCr) and (HDR10 → 10-bit YCbCr) is
# very similar, and both are undetectable by a human (<1 ΔE)
# - The conversion loss in sRGB → HDR10 RGB (SDR → HDR) is about the same as
# the quantisation error in sRGB itself
# pip install colour-science
import colour, numpy, random
PERCENTILES = [50, 95, 99, 99.9]
print(f"ΔE (CAM16-UCS) {PERCENTILES} percentiles")
def sRGB_deltaE(srgb1, srgb2):
xyz1 = colour.sRGB_to_XYZ(srgb1 / 255)
xyz2 = colour.sRGB_to_XYZ(srgb2 / 255)
jab1 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz1)
jab2 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz2)
return colour.delta_E(jab1, jab2, "CAM16-UCS")
def print_deltaEs(title, deltaEs):
title += ":"
print(f"{title:<21s} {numpy.round(numpy.percentile(deltaEs, PERCENTILES), 2)}")
phi3 = 1.2207440846057596
alpha = 1 / numpy.array([phi3, phi3**2, phi3**3])
def quasirandom_RGB(n):
return alpha * n % 1
print("\nsRGB (8-bit full) → sRGB (8-bit full)")
print("(For reference only)")
# sRGB quantisation error
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.clip(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256, 0, 255)
rgb2 = numpy.round(rgb1)
deltaEs.append(sRGB_deltaE(rgb1, rgb2))
print_deltaEs("Quantisation error", deltaEs)
# sRGB → ±1 1ch corruption
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256)
rgb2 = numpy.copy(rgb1)
ch = random.randint(0, 2)
rgb2[ch] = numpy.clip(rgb2[ch] + random.randint(-1, 1), 0, 255)
deltaEs.append(sRGB_deltaE(rgb1, rgb2))
print_deltaEs("±1 1ch corruption", deltaEs)
# sRGB → ±1 3ch corruption
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256)
rgb2 = numpy.clip(rgb1 + numpy.floor(numpy.random.random_sample(3) * 3) - 1, 0, 255)
deltaEs.append(sRGB_deltaE(rgb1, rgb2))
print_deltaEs("±1 3ch corruption", deltaEs)
print("\nsRGB (8-bit full) → BT.709 YCbCr (below) → sRGB (8-bit full)")
print("(e.g., SDR screen capture played back on SDR display)")
def sRGB_to_BT709_to_sRGB_deltaEs(bits, *, limited):
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256)
yuv = colour.RGB_to_YCbCr(
rgb1, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.709"],
in_bits=8, in_int=True, in_legal=False,
out_bits=bits, out_int=True, out_legal=limited,
rgb2 = colour.YCbCr_to_RGB(
yuv, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.709"],
in_bits=bits, in_int=True, in_legal=limited,
out_bits=8, out_int=True, out_legal=False,
deltaEs.append(sRGB_deltaE(rgb1, rgb2))
return deltaEs
# sRGB → BT.709 (yuv444p) → sRGB
print_deltaEs(" 8-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT709_to_sRGB_deltaEs(8, limited=True))
# sRGB → BT.709 (yuvj444p) → sRGB
print_deltaEs(" 8-bit full", sRGB_to_BT709_to_sRGB_deltaEs(8, limited=False))
# sRGB → BT.709 (yuv444p10le) → sRGB
print_deltaEs("10-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT709_to_sRGB_deltaEs(10, limited=True))
print("\nsRGB (8-bit full) → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (below) → sRGB (8-bit full)")
print("(e.g., SDR screen capture in HDR format played back on SDR display)")
def sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_to_sRGB_deltaEs(bits):
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256) / 255
rgb2 = colour.RGB_to_RGB(rgb1, "sRGB", "ITU-R BT.2020", apply_cctf_decoding=True, apply_cctf_encoding=True)
rgb2 = colour.eotf_inverse(SDR_MAX_NITS * colour.eotf(rgb2, "ITU-R BT.1886"), "ITU-R BT.2100 PQ")
yuv2 = colour.RGB_to_YCbCr(
rgb2, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_int=False, in_legal=False,
out_bits=bits, out_int=True, out_legal=True,
rgb2 = colour.YCbCr_to_RGB(
yuv2, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_bits=bits, in_int=True, in_legal=True,
out_int=False, out_legal=False,
rgb2 = colour.eotf_inverse(colour.eotf(rgb2, "ITU-R BT.2100 PQ") / SDR_MAX_NITS, "ITU-R BT.1886")
rgb2 = colour.RGB_to_RGB(rgb2, "ITU-R BT.2020", "sRGB", apply_cctf_decoding=True, apply_cctf_encoding=True)
rgb2 = numpy.clip(numpy.round(rgb2 * 255), 0, 255) / 255
deltaEs.append(sRGB_deltaE(rgb1, rgb2))
return deltaEs
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p10le) → sRGB
print_deltaEs("10-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_to_sRGB_deltaEs(10))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p12le) → sRGB
print_deltaEs("12-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_to_sRGB_deltaEs(12))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p14le) → sRGB
print_deltaEs("14-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_to_sRGB_deltaEs(14))
print("\nsRGB (8-bit full) → BT.2100 PQ (below)")
print("(e.g., SDR content on HDR display)")
def BT2100PQ_to_XYZ(rgb):
rgb = colour.eotf_inverse(colour.eotf(rgb, "ITU-R BT.2100 PQ") / SDR_MAX_NITS, "ITU-R BT.1886")
return colour.RGB_to_XYZ(rgb, "ITU-R BT.2020", apply_cctf_decoding=True)
def sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(bits, *, ycbcr):
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 256) / 255
rgb2 = colour.RGB_to_RGB(rgb1, "sRGB", "ITU-R BT.2020", apply_cctf_decoding=True, apply_cctf_encoding=True)
rgb2 = colour.eotf_inverse(SDR_MAX_NITS * colour.eotf(rgb2, "ITU-R BT.1886"), "ITU-R BT.2100 PQ")
if ycbcr:
yuv2 = colour.RGB_to_YCbCr(
rgb2, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_int=False, in_legal=False,
out_bits=bits, out_int=True, out_legal=True,
rgb2 = colour.YCbCr_to_RGB(
yuv2, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_bits=bits, in_int=True, in_legal=True,
out_int=False, out_legal=False,
max = (1 << bits) - 1
rgb2 = numpy.clip(numpy.round(rgb2 * max), 0, max) / max
xyz1 = colour.sRGB_to_XYZ(rgb1)
xyz2 = BT2100PQ_to_XYZ(rgb2)
jab1 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz1)
jab2 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz2)
deltaEs.append(colour.delta_E(jab1, jab2, "CAM16-UCS"))
return deltaEs
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ RGB (gbrp10le)
print_deltaEs("RGB 10-bit full", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(10, ycbcr=False))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ RGB (gbrp12le)
print_deltaEs("RGB 12-bit full", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(12, ycbcr=False))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ RGB (gbrp14le)
print_deltaEs("RGB 14-bit full", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(14, ycbcr=False))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p10le)
print_deltaEs("YCbCr 10-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(10, ycbcr=True))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p12le)
print_deltaEs("YCbCr 12-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(12, ycbcr=True))
# sRGB → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p14le)
print_deltaEs("YCbCr 14-bit limited", sRGB_to_BT2100PQ_deltaEs(14, ycbcr=True))
print("\nHDR10 RGB (full) → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (below) → HDR10 RGB (full)")
print("(e.g., HDR screen capture played back on HDR display)")
def HDR10_to_BT2100PQ_to_HDR10_deltaEs(bits):
deltaEs = []
for n in range(ITERATIONS):
rgb1 = numpy.floor(quasirandom_RGB(n) * 1024)
yuv2 = colour.RGB_to_YCbCr(
rgb1, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_bits=10, in_int=True, in_legal=False,
out_bits=bits, out_int=True, out_legal=True,
rgb2 = colour.YCbCr_to_RGB(
yuv2, K=colour.WEIGHTS_YCBCR["ITU-R BT.2020"],
in_bits=bits, in_int=True, in_legal=True,
out_bits=10, out_int=True, out_legal=False,
xyz1 = BT2100PQ_to_XYZ(rgb1 / 1023)
xyz2 = BT2100PQ_to_XYZ(rgb2 / 1023)
jab1 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz1)
jab2 = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(xyz2)
deltaEs.append(colour.delta_E(jab1, jab2, "CAM16-UCS"))
return deltaEs
# HDR10 → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p10le) → HDR10
print_deltaEs("10-bit limited", HDR10_to_BT2100PQ_to_HDR10_deltaEs(10))
# HDR10 → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p12le) → HDR10
print_deltaEs("12-bit limited", HDR10_to_BT2100PQ_to_HDR10_deltaEs(12))
# HDR10 → BT.2100 PQ YCbCr (yuv444p14le) → HDR10
print_deltaEs("14-bit limited", HDR10_to_BT2100PQ_to_HDR10_deltaEs(14))
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