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Last active January 27, 2023 14:38
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# print info function
function _blueprint_update_info
echo "$@"
# create a temp file for downloading
_tempfile=$(mktemp -t blueprints_update.XXXXXX)
# start message
_blueprint_update_info "> ${self_file}"
# update
wget -q -O "${_tempfile}" "${self_source_url}"
if [ "${wget_result}" != "0" ]
_blueprint_update_info "! something went wrong while downloading, exiting..."
self_diff=$(diff "${self_file}" "${_tempfile}")
if [ "${self_diff}" == "" ]
_blueprint_update_info "-> self up-2-date"
cp "${_tempfile}" "${self_file}"
chmod +x "${self_file}"
_blueprint_update_info "-! self updated!"
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SirGoodenough commented Dec 16, 2022

Thanks for this @koter84 .I did some initial troubleshooting with you on this and it looks great here.

I've noticed that blueprint filenames that have spaces or non alpha characters get confused and comes back with non-matching filename. I think this worked at one time, it is not now from this gist version anyway.

Another thing that seemed confused was if I add custom- to a source url, it finds it, updates it, but the url is not in the file when it comes back. Instead we get - source_url: and a blank which fails syntax in HA. I'm pretty sure that was fine early on as well.

I'm thinking perhaps an in-between version is posted here.

Also if there is a way the shell can return a flag if there are updates needed or not would be great. I'm not really wanting to have it just update when I'm not there when it tuns in a timer. I would prefer it runs on the timer, returns some data that we can grab in HA to do a persistent_notification that updates need to be checked. (Webhook with some json message(s), perhaps?)

An enhancement request would be another switch that takes a filename so a single file could be checked or updated as opposed to all.

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koter84 commented Jan 25, 2023

i have made a full github repository for this script, which you can find on

i'm currently fixing some errors and adding a couple of features, once i commit that to the new repository i'll update this script to auto-update to that repository.

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