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Created February 10, 2010 15:07
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module NLTG.NormaliseScores where
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
-- | Given a lower and upper bound and a set of scores
-- Stretch the scores so that at least one of the bounds is reached
-- @normalise (-10,10) [-3,5,4] == [-6,10,8]@
normalise :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => (a,a) -> [a] -> [a]
normalise (lo,hi) [] = [] -- thanks, QuickCheck!
normalise (lo,hi) xs =
case () of
_ | lo >= hi -> error $ "lower bound must be less than upper bound"
-- thanks, QuickCheck!
| myLo < lo -> error $ "minimum (" ++ show myLo ++ ") is less than lower bound (" ++ show lo ++")"
| myHi > hi -> error $ "maximum (" ++ show myHi ++ ") is greater than upper bound (" ++ show hi ++")"
| otherwise -> map (\x -> fromZero (scale * toZero x)) xs
myLo = minimum xs
myHi = maximum xs
midpoint = (lo + hi) / 2
toZero x = x - midpoint
fromZero x = x + midpoint
scale | myLo >= midpoint = hiScale -- thanks, QuickCheck!
| myHi <= midpoint = loScale -- prop_normalise_bounds
| otherwise = min loScale hiScale
hiScale = toZero hi / toZero myHi
loScale = toZero lo / toZero myLo
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- testing
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
normaliseTs (TestScores bnds xs) = normalise bnds xs
prop_normalise_len ts =
length xs == length (normalise (lo, hi) xs)
(TestScores (lo, hi) xs) = frac ts
prop_normalise_bounds :: TestScores Integer -> Bool
prop_normalise_bounds ts =
all (>= lo) nxs && all (<= hi) nxs
nxs = normalise (lo, hi) xs
(TestScores (lo, hi) xs) = frac ts
prop_normalise_stretch :: TestScores Integer -> Bool
prop_normalise_stretch ts =
any (== lo) nxs || any (== hi) nxs || all (== midpoint) nxs
nxs = normalise (lo, hi) xs
(TestScores (lo, hi) xs) = frac ts
midpoint = lo + hi / 2
frac :: TestScores Integer -> TestScores Rational
frac (TestScores (lo, hi) xs) =
TestScores (fromIntegral lo, fromIntegral hi) (map fromIntegral xs)
data TestScores a = TestScores (a, a) [a]
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary (TestScores Integer) where
arbitrary =
do lo <- arbitrary
hi <- arbitrary `suchThat` (> lo)
xs <- listOf1 (choose (lo,hi))
return $ TestScores (lo , hi) xs
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