Try it on Binder!
Combining JupyterLab 3.1.0rc2 on Binder with RTC and RetroLab 0.2.2 on Binder to get something closer to the classic notebook where Real Time Colloaboration works. Idea is from here.
- Briefly outlines the proposal
- Suggests a review team (optional)
- Declares why it should be a JEP (See the “JEP / Not-a-JEP Rubric” below.)
- Identify a Shepherd to see the process through. (Shepherds are assigned on a round-robin basis from a set of interested engaged volunteers).
- Decide if it’s a JEP according to the criteria listed above. The Shepherd decides if the JEP criteria have been met.
The maintainers of the jupyter(lab)-lsp would like to propose its incorporation as an official Project Jupyter project, as signalled by a new, Jupyter-branded GitHub organization. We feel it would benefit Jupyter users through higher velocity in delivering more robust features otherwise missing in the Jupyter interactive computing experience.