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Created December 27, 2017 22:43
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mission DinnerParty(Table) with DiningPhilosophers {
initial phase start
phase arrived
phase waitForFinish
phase left
final phase finish
var Phil
start -> arrived [adjacentPhilosophers(Table, Left, Right)] after 10 weight (Left.eatingRate + Right.eatingRate) /
let Phil = philosophers.PhilosophersFactory.eINSTNACE.createPhilosopher => [
name = "Soren Kierkegaard"
hungryRate = 0.12
eatingRate = 2.5
left = Left
right = Right
do {
Table.philosophers += Phil
arrived -> waitForFinish after 25
waitForFinish -> left [lookup philosopher(Table, Phil) as PhilM] on first (#PhilM.leftFork == 0 && #PhilM.rightFork == 0) /
do {
Phil.left.right = Phil.right
Table.philosophers -= Phil
left -> finish after 5
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