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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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_debug.js - a simple helper for debugging via console with customizable colours for different categories of message. More info:
* _debug.js (c) Kris Noble 2015 -
* @license MIT
* Simple helper for debugging via console with
* customizable colours for different categories of info.
* Usage:
* 1. Define categoryColors e.g.
* <category>: {color: '<text color>', background: '<bg color>'}
* n.b. 'standard' is the default if the category is not provided/defined
* 2. Call debug(message, category) or just debug(message)
* Notes:
* - Use debugMode to turn debugging on or off temporarily
* - debugLevel is an array of categories to output, or use 'all' to output everything
* - removing _debug.js from includes will cause errors if you have
* debug() calls in your main code - this is intentional to avoid
* having debug code in production if not desired
// Settings
var debugMode = true,
debugLevel = new Array('all'),
categoryColors = {
standard: {color: 'black', background: 'white'},
example: {color: 'blue', background: 'white'}
function debug(message, category) {
// error handling: category not provided or provided but not defined above
category = typeof category !== 'undefined' && typeof categoryColors[category] !== 'undefined' ? category : 'standard';
// check that debugging is on and that the category is selected for output
if(debugMode && (debugLevel.indexOf('all') !== -1 || debugLevel.indexOf(category) !== -1)) {
console.log("%c" + message, "color:" + categoryColors[category].color + "; background:" + categoryColors[category].background + ";");
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