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Created March 16, 2015 17:14
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  • Save krisnoble/8802695ce371885e8283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save krisnoble/8802695ce371885e8283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CodeIgniter ActiveRecord Class as linked from the wiki. N.B. this is a separate class as documented at, not the built-in class which is also referred to as Active Record. The download link was broken in the transfer to the new wiki, so I am providing it here as downloaded from the or…
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* You can't load the Model class using the autoload file, so we have to
* include it here for the ActiveRecord class to inherit from
global $application_folder;
require (BASEPATH . '/libraries/Model.php');
* CodeIgniter ActiveRecord Class
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @author Matthew Pennell
* @version 0.3.2
* @link
* Define some global types of search
if (!defined('ALL')) define('ALL', 'all');
if (!defined('IS_NULL')) define ('IS_NULL', ' is null');
if (!defined('NOT_NULL')) define ('NOT_NULL', ' <> ""');
class ActiveRecord extends Model {
* Constructor
* @access public
function ActiveRecord()
log_message('debug', "ActiveRecord Class Initialized");
* __call
* Catch-all function to capture method requests for Active Record-style
* functions and pass them off to private methods. If no function is
* recognised, this acts as a getter/setter (depending on whether any
* arguments were passed in).
* @access public
* @param string
* @param array
* @return function || void
* @link
public function __call($method, $args)
if (stristr($method, 'find_by_')) return $this->_find_by(str_replace('find_by_', '', $method), $args);
if (stristr($method, 'find_all_by_')) return $this->_find_all_by(str_replace('find_all_by_', '', $method), $args);
if (stristr($method, 'fetch_related_')) return $this->_fetch_related(str_replace('fetch_related_', '', $method), $args);
if ( ! isset($args) ) eval('return $this->' . $method . ';');
eval('$this->' . $method . ' = "' . $args[0] . '";');
* discover_table_columns
* Called on instantiation of a model to capture the field names
* of the related table. By convention, the model name is singular
* and the table name is plural.
* Sep 24: Reduced column lookup to one query, as suggested by gunter
* @access public
* @return object
function discover_table_columns()
if ($this->config->item($this->_table . '_table_columns'))
return $this->config->item($this->_table . '_table_columns');
$columns = $this->db->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->_table)->result();
$this->config->set_item($this->_table . '_table_columns', $columns);
return $columns;
* exists
* Boolean check to see if a record was returned from a query
* @access public
* @return bool
function exists()
return isset($this->id);
* create
* Shorthand way to create and instantiate a new record in one go.
* Pass in a hash of key/value pairs that correspond to the columns
* in the relevant table.
* @access public
* @param array
* @return object
function create($args)
if ($this->db->insert($this->_table, $args))
eval('$return = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
foreach($args as $key => $value)
eval('$return->' . $key . ' = "' . $value . '";');
$return->id = $this->db->insert_id();
return $return;
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
* delete
* Simple method to delete the current object's record from the database.
* @access public
* @return void
function delete()
if ($this->db->delete($this->_table, array('id' => $this->id)))
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
* delete_all
* Delete all records from the associated table. This method does not
* need to called on an instantiated object.
* @access public
* @return void
function delete_all()
if ($this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->_table))
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
* save
* Similar to the create() method, but this function assumes that the
* corresponding properties have been set on the current object for each
* table column.
* @access public
* @return object
function save()
$data = array();
foreach ($this->_columns as $column)
if ($column->Field != 'id') eval('$data["' . $column->Field . '"] = $this->' . $column->Field . ';');
if ($this->db->insert($this->_table, $data))
$this->id = $this->db->insert_id();
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
* update
* Similar to the save() method, except that it will update the row
* corresponding to the current object.
* @access public
* @return void
function update()
$data = array();
foreach ($this->_columns as $column)
if ($column->Field != 'id') eval('$data["' . $column->Field . '"] = $this->' . $column->Field . ';');
$this->db->where('id', $this->id);
if (!$this->db->update($this->_table, $data))
log_message('error', $this->db->last_query());
* find
* Basic find function. Either pass in a numeric id to find that table row,
* or an array of key/values for a more complex search. Note that passing in
* an array of 1 is stupid, as you can use find_by_fieldname() instead.
* To simply return all records, use the ALL constant: $myobj->find(ALL);
* @access public
* @param int || array
* @return object || array
function find($args)
if (is_array($args))
foreach ($args as $key => $value)
if (!isset($first_key))
$first_key = $key;
$first_value = $value;
$data = array(
return $this->find_all_by($first_key, $data);
if ($args != ALL)
$query = $this->db->where('id', $args)->from($this->_table)->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
eval('$return = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
$found = $query->row();
foreach($this->_columns as $column)
eval('$return->' . $column->Field . ' = $found->' . $column->Field . ';');
return $return;
return false;
$query = $this->db->from($this->_table)->get();
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
eval('$x = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
foreach ($this->_columns as $column)
eval('$x->' . $column->Field . ' = $row->' . $column->Field . ';');
$return[] = $x;
$x = null;
return $return;
* _find_by
* Query by a particular field by passing in a string/int. You can also
* pass in an optional hash of additional query modifiers.
* NOTE: This function only ever returns the first record it finds! To
* find all matching records, use find_all_by_fieldname();
* @access private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return object
function _find_by($column, $query)
$this->db->where($column, $query[0]);
$this->db->select($this->_table . '.*');
if (isset($query[1]))
foreach ($query[1] as $key => $value)
$this->db->where($key, $value);
if (!isset($query[2]))
$this->db->from($this->_table . ' ' . $query[2]);
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
$found = $query->row();
eval('$return = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
foreach($this->_columns as $column)
eval('$return->' . $column->Field . ' = $found->' . $column->Field . ';');
return $return;
return false;
* _find_all_by
* Same as _find_by() except this time it returns all matching records.
* There are some special search terms that you can use for particular searches:
* IS_NULL to find null or empty fields
* NOT_NULL to find fields that aren't empty or null
* By passing in a second parameter of an array of key/value pairs, you
* can build more complex queries (of course, if it's getting too complex,
* consider creating your own function in the actual model class).
* @access private
* @param string
* @param array
* @return array
function _find_all_by($column, $query)
$return = array();
switch ($query[0])
case IS_NULL:
$this->db->where($column . IS_NULL);
case NOT_NULL:
$this->db->where($column . NOT_NULL);
$this->db->where($column, $query[0]);
if (isset($query[1]))
foreach ($query[1] as $key => $value)
$this->db->where($key, $value);
if (!isset($query[2]))
$this->db->from($this->_table . ' ' . $query[2]);
$query = $this->db->get();
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
eval('$x = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
foreach ($this->_columns as $column)
eval('$x->' . $column->Field . ' = $row->' . $column->Field . ';');
$return[] = $x;
$x = null;
return $return;
* find_and_limit_by
* Basic find function but with limiting (useful for pagination).
* Pass in the number of records and the start index, and optionally
* an array, where the first index of the array is an array of
* modifiers for the query, and the second index is a JOIN statement
* (assuming one is needed).
* @access public
* @param int
* @param int
* @param array
* @return array
function find_and_limit_by($num, $start, $query = array())
$return = array();
$this->db->limit($num, $start);
if (isset($query[0]))
foreach ($query[0] as $key => $value)
$this->db->where($key, $value);
if (!isset($query[1]))
$this->db->from($this->_table . ' ' . $query[1]);
$query = $this->db->get();
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
eval('$x = new ' . $this->_class_name . '();');
foreach ($this->_columns as $column)
eval('$x->' . $column->Field . ' = $row->' . $column->Field . ';');
$return[] = $x;
$x = null;
return $return;
* create_relationship
* Create a relationship (i.e. an entry in the relationship table)
* between the current object and another one passed in as the first
* argument. Or pass in two objects as an anonymous call.
* @access public
* @param object
* @param object
* @return void
function create_relationship($a, $b = '')
if ($b == '')
$relationship_table = ($this->_table < $a->_table) ? $this->_table . '_' . $a->_table : $a->_table . '_' . $this->_table;
INSERT INTO ' . $relationship_table . '
(' . $this->_class_name . '_id, ' . $a->_class_name . '_id)
(' . $this->id . ', ' . $a->id . ')
$relationship_table = ($a->_table < $b->_table) ? $a->_table . '_' . $b->_table : $b->_table . '_' . $a->_table;
INSERT INTO ' . $relationship_table . '
(' . $a->_class_name . '_id, ' . $b->_class_name . '_id)
(' . $a->id . ', ' . $b->id . ')
* _fetch_related
* Fetch all related records using the relationship table to establish
* relationships. Results are stored as an array of objects in a
* property corresponding to the name of the related objects. If the
* singular of the related object isn't logical, pass it in as the
* first argument, e.g. $woman->fetch_related_men('man');
* @access private
* @param string
* @param string
* @return void
function _fetch_related($plural, $singular)
$singular = ($singular) ? $singular[0] : substr($plural, 0, -1);
$relationship_table = ($this->_table < $plural) ? $this->_table . '_' . $plural : $plural . '_' . $this->_table;
$query = $this->db->query('
' . $plural . '.*
' . $plural . '
' . $relationship_table . '
' . $plural . '.id = ' . $singular . '_id
' . $this->_table . '
' . $this->_table . '.id = ' . $this->_class_name . '_id
' . $this->_table . '.id = ' . $this->id
eval('$this->' . $plural . ' = $query->result();');
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