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Created December 16, 2011 17:30
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Guybrush:release-RC1.0.2 kjb0511$ node app.js
[2011-12-16 12:29:58.289] [INFO] app - Importing configuration
[2011-12-16 12:29:58.411] [TRACE] config - selected local zone
[2011-12-16 12:29:58.411] [INFO] app - Downloading content pit from:
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.105] [INFO] content-parser - JSON blob loaded
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.107] [TRACE] content-parser - Parsing content pit into readable object
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.107] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying missions into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.107] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying quests into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.108] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying narrativeEvents into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.108] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying items into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.108] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying itemExchangers into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.108] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying itemCollections into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.109] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying techs into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.109] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying troops into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.109] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying barons into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.109] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying baronLevels into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.109] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying castleLevels into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying dragons into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying caveBasicRewards into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying caveSuperchargedRewards into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying dragonEncounterRewards into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying baronies into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying misc into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying randomMissions into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Copying narrativeSkits into bar
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.110] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys quests
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.111] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys barons
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.111] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys troops
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.111] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys missions
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.111] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys techs
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.111] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys items
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.112] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys narrativeEvents
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.112] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys dragons
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.112] [TRACE] content-parser - Swapping identifiers for keys narrativeSkits
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.113] [INFO] app - Connecting to databases
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.332] [INFO] app - Connecting to oauth database
[2011-12-16 12:29:59.343] [ERROR] app - Could not connect to oauth database at: mongodb:// Error was: Error: failed to connect to []
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