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Created March 6, 2012 21:16
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adb logcat
I/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (72)js: loadThenAct already loaded Dispatcher
E/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (78)js: There was an error getting the access token from the game server:Error connecting to server status: 401undefined{"error_code":"401","error_message":"ERROR making request to mobage for access token: Error Code: 401 Error Message: Probably a 401 authentication error. See server Logs."}
E/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (78)js: ERROR when trying to get access_token CODE: undefined descriptionundefined
D/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (69)js: BeginSessionNetworkRequest: received response:null and status undefined
D/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (69)js: BeginSession failed! this is a bad thing. data:
D/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (69)js: null
D/droid/jni/v8helper.h( 2781): (69)js: Analytics::reportError( BeginSessionNetworkRequest|ParseResponse )
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