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kroeliebuschie / telegram_dark_mode.user.js
Last active September 28, 2017 11:21 — forked from digitalheir/telegram_dark_mode.user.js
Tampermonkey / Greasemonkey script for night mode / dark theme in Telegram web
// ==UserScript==
// @name Telegram dark theme / night mode
// @namespace
// @version 0.8
// @description Dark theme / night mode for Telegram Web
// @author Maarten Trompper <[email protected]>
// @match*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle('body { color: #fff;');
kroeliebuschie /
Created April 4, 2014 10:26
Histogram of Tumor Data Values

Welcome my friend,

the data made by Pjotr from the CouchDB data base is put in a histogram. I have retrieved the data from the database with an R script which is put in a pipeline with the D3 script. This data is from the tumor values, try and hover over the bars to see some magic.

Cheers! Mehdi Nellen

Here you can find the R script:

kroeliebuschie /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
Assignment 3 Mehdi Nellen

After almost commiting suicide because the parsing of json CouchDB stuff did not work and fit into my D3 script. I came up with the idea to make this. This is a donut chart which shows how the best bioinformaticians in the class spend their time and how many muggs of coffee they consume.

Try to change the name in the upper left!