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Last active January 6, 2021 19:05
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A RegEx match script which uses Hybrid Batch\JScript code
@set @junk=1 /*
@cscript //nologo //E:jscript %~f0 %*
@goto :eof */
var args=WScript.Arguments, argCnt=args.Length, stdin=WScript.StdIn, stdout=WScript.StdOut;
var replaceSingleQuotes=false, printMatchesOnly=false, matchString, flagString, regex, argDx=0;
if(argCnt==0) {
throw new Error("You must provide search criteria.");
if(argCnt>1) {
for(var bLoop=true; bLoop&&argDx<argCnt-1; argDx++) {
switch(args(argDx)) {
case '-t': replaceSingleQuotes=true; break;
case '-o': printMatchesOnly=true; break;
case '-g': flagString+="g"; break;
case '-i': flagString+="i"; break;
case '-m': flagString+="m"; break;
default: bLoop=false; break;
if(replaceSingleQuotes) {
matchString=args(argCnt-1).replace("'", '"');
} else {
if(printMatchesOnly) {
while(!stdin.AtEndOfStream) {
var sLine=stdin.ReadLine();
if(flagString.Length) regex=new RegExp(matchString, flagString);
else regex=new RegExp(matchString);
var m,matches=[],startDx=0;
while((m=regex.exec(sLine.substr(startDx))) !== null) {
} else {
if(flagString.Length) regex=new RegExp(matchString, flagString);
else regex=new RegExp(matchString);
while(!stdin.AtEndOfStream) {
var sLine=stdin.ReadLine();
if(regex.test(sLine)) {
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krowe commented Aug 27, 2014

Common Usage Scenario:

 cat filename.txt|jgrep.bat match-string

Or, if you use my tree script, you can use this to find a specific directory match:

  dir /b /s err_file.txt|jgrep.bat "^([^\\]+\\){8}error\\[^\\]+$"

Which could've answered this question at

I've added an option -t for converting all single quotes to double quotes before processing. It is otherwise (nearly) impossible to use double quotes.

There is a similar javascript replace script called repl.bat widely available.

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krowe commented Dec 13, 2014

I've added functionality which allows this to support the -o flag. The -o flag tells the script to display only the matched text instead of the entire line for each match. I've also added an alternate way to specify flags from the command line. The flags -o, -i, -g, -m have been added for these operations.

Sample Useage (find all emails in all *.TXT files):

@echo off
cd "%~dp0"
FOR /R . %%G IN (*.txt) DO @jgrep.bat -o "[A-Za-z0-9/-_.]+@[A-Za-z0-9\-_.]+" < "%%G"

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krowe commented Dec 27, 2014

I've fixed this script so that it can be called without the .bat extension. To do this in your own scripts replace cscript //nologo //E:jscript %0 %* with cscript //nologo //E:jscript %~f0 %*.

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Hello krowe!!!

Please read my question on Super User about Find “mystring” in files and return only certain portion of matching lines.

Can your tool solve my issue ? Please explain how, in more detail.

Please reply asap!!!


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