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Created June 5, 2022 05:20
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Delaunay Voronoi Sphere (from RedBlobGames)
* From
* Copyright 2018 Red Blob Games <[email protected]>
* License: Apache v2.0 <>
'use strict';
/* global Delaunator, createREGL, vec3, mat4 */
const regl = createREGL({
canvas: "#output",
extensions: ['OES_element_index_uint']
const renderPoints = regl({
frag: `
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 v_rgb;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(v_rgb, 1);
vert: `
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 u_projection;
uniform float u_pointsize;
uniform float u_brightness;
attribute vec3 a_xyz;
varying vec3 v_rgb;
void main() {
v_rgb = (a_xyz + 1.0) / 2.0 * vec3(1.0, 0.8, 0.9) * u_brightness;
gl_Position = u_projection * vec4(a_xyz, 1);
gl_PointSize = gl_Position.z > 0.0? 0.0 : u_pointsize;
depth: {
enable: false,
uniforms: {
u_projection: regl.prop('u_projection'),
u_pointsize: regl.prop('u_pointsize'),
u_brightness: regl.prop('u_brightness'),
primitive: 'points',
count: regl.prop('count'),
attributes: {
a_xyz: regl.prop('a_xyz'),
const renderTriangles = regl({
frag: `
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 v_rgb;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(v_rgb, 1);
vert: `
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 u_projection;
attribute vec3 a_xyz;
attribute vec3 a_rgb;
varying vec3 v_rgb;
void main() {
v_rgb = mix((a_xyz + 1.0) / 2.0 * vec3(1.5, 1.0, 1.3), a_rgb, 0.33);
gl_Position = u_projection * vec4(a_xyz, 1);
uniforms: {
u_projection: regl.prop('u_projection'),
count: regl.prop('count'),
attributes: {
a_xyz: regl.prop('a_xyz'),
a_rgb: regl.prop('a_rgb'),
let _randomLat = [], _randomLon = [];
function generateFibonacciSphere1(N, jitter) {
let a_latlong = [];
// First algorithm from
const s = 3.6/Math.sqrt(N);
const dz = 2.0/N;
for (let k = 0, long = 0, z = 1 - dz/2; k !== N; k++, z -= dz) {
let r = Math.sqrt(1-z*z);
let latDeg = Math.asin(z) * 180 / Math.PI;
let lonDeg = long * 180 / Math.PI;
if (_randomLat[k] === undefined) _randomLat[k] = Math.random() - Math.random();
if (_randomLon[k] === undefined) _randomLon[k] = Math.random() - Math.random();
latDeg += jitter * _randomLat[k] * (latDeg - Math.asin(Math.max(-1, z - dz * 2 * Math.PI * r / s)) * 180 / Math.PI);
lonDeg += jitter * _randomLon[k] * (s/r * 180 / Math.PI);
a_latlong.push(latDeg, lonDeg % 360.0);
long += s/r;
return a_latlong;
function generateFibonacciSphere2(N, jitter) {
let a_latlong = [];
// Second algorithm from
const s = 3.6/Math.sqrt(N);
const dlong = Math.PI * (3-Math.sqrt(5)); /* ~2.39996323 */
const dz = 2.0 / N;
for (let k = 0, long = 0, z = 1 - dz/2; k !== N; k++, z -= dz) {
let r = Math.sqrt(1 - z*z);
let latDeg = Math.asin(z) * 180 / Math.PI;
let lonDeg = long * 180 / Math.PI;
if (_randomLat[k] === undefined) _randomLat[k] = Math.random() - Math.random();
if (_randomLon[k] === undefined) _randomLon[k] = Math.random() - Math.random();
latDeg += jitter * _randomLat[k] * (latDeg - Math.asin(Math.max(-1, z - dz * 2 * Math.PI * r / s)) * 180 / Math.PI);
lonDeg += jitter * _randomLon[k] * (s/r * 180 / Math.PI);
a_latlong.push(latDeg, lonDeg % 360.0);
long += dlong;
return a_latlong;
/* calculate x,y,z from spherical coordinates lat,lon and then push
* them onto out array; for one-offs pass [] as the first argument */
function pushCartesianFromSpherical(out, latDeg, lonDeg) {
let latRad = latDeg / 180.0 * Math.PI,
lonRad = lonDeg / 180.0 * Math.PI;
out.push(Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(lonRad),
Math.cos(latRad) * Math.sin(lonRad),
return out;
/** Add south pole back into the mesh.
* We run the Delaunay Triangulation on all points *except* the south
* pole, which gets mapped to infinity with the stereographic
* projection. This function adds the south pole into the
* triangulation. The Delaunator guide explains how the halfedges have
* to be connected to make the mesh work.
* <>
* Returns the new {triangles, halfedges} for the triangulation with
* one additional point added around the convex hull.
function addSouthPoleToMesh(southPoleId, {triangles, halfedges}) {
// This logic is from <>,
// where I use it to insert a "ghost" region on the "back" side of
// the planar map. The same logic works here. In that code I use
// "s" for edges ("sides"), "r" for regions ("points"), t for triangles
let numSides = triangles.length;
function s_next_s(s) { return (s % 3 == 2) ? s-2 : s+1; }
let numUnpairedSides = 0, firstUnpairedSide = -1;
let pointIdToSideId = []; // seed to side
for (let s = 0; s < numSides; s++) {
if (halfedges[s] === -1) {
pointIdToSideId[triangles[s]] = s;
firstUnpairedSide = s;
let newTriangles = new Int32Array(numSides + 3 * numUnpairedSides);
let newHalfedges = new Int32Array(numSides + 3 * numUnpairedSides);
for (let i = 0, s = firstUnpairedSide;
i < numUnpairedSides;
i++, s = pointIdToSideId[newTriangles[s_next_s(s)]]) {
// Construct a pair for the unpaired side s
let newSide = numSides + 3 * i;
newHalfedges[s] = newSide;
newHalfedges[newSide] = s;
newTriangles[newSide] = newTriangles[s_next_s(s)];
// Construct a triangle connecting the new side to the south pole
newTriangles[newSide + 1] = newTriangles[s];
newTriangles[newSide + 2] = southPoleId;
let k = numSides + (3 * i + 4) % (3 * numUnpairedSides);
newHalfedges[newSide + 2] = k;
newHalfedges[k] = newSide + 2;
return {
triangles: newTriangles,
halfedges: newHalfedges,
/* Pick some pastel colors per index and cache them.
* Not all operations will benefit from this, but some
* (like rotation) do, so might as well cache. */
let _randomColor = [];
function randomColor(index) {
if (!_randomColor[index]) {
_randomColor[index] = [
0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5,
0.6 + Math.random() * 0.3,
0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5,
return _randomColor[index];
function generateDelaunayGeometry(r_xyz, delaunay) {
let {triangles} = delaunay;
let numTriangles = triangles.length / 3;
let geometry = [], colors = [];
for (let t = 0; t < numTriangles; t++) {
let a = triangles[3*t], b = triangles[3*t+1], c = triangles[3*t+2];
let rgb = randomColor(a+b+c);
r_xyz[3*a], r_xyz[3*a+1], r_xyz[3*a+2],
r_xyz[3*b], r_xyz[3*b+1], r_xyz[3*b+2],
r_xyz[3*c], r_xyz[3*c+1], r_xyz[3*c+2]
colors.push(rgb, rgb, rgb);
return {geometry, colors};
/* Calculate the centroid and push it onto an array */
function pushCentroidOfTriangle(out, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz) {
// TODO: renormalize to radius 1
out.push((ax+bx+cx)/3, (ay+by+cy)/3, (az+bz+cz)/3);
/* Calculate the circumenter and push it onto an array */
function pushCircumcenterOfTriangle(out, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz) {
let a = [ax, ay, az],
b = [bx, by, bz],
c = [cx, cy, cz],
ac = vec3.subtract([], c, a),
ab = vec3.subtract([], b, a),
abXac = vec3.cross([], ab, ac),
numerator = vec3.add([],
vec3.scale([], vec3.cross([], abXac, ab), vec3.squaredLength(ac)),
vec3.scale([], vec3.cross([], ac, abXac), vec3.squaredLength(ab))),
toCircumsphereCenter = vec3.scale([],
1 / (2 * vec3.squaredLength(abXac))
circumcenter = vec3.add([], a, toCircumsphereCenter);
// TODO: renormalize to radius 1
out.push(circumcenter[0], circumcenter[1], circumcenter[2]);
/* use global variable drawMode to decide which type of triangle center to push */
function pushCenterOfTriangle(out, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz) {
((drawMode === 'centroid')? pushCentroidOfTriangle : pushCircumcenterOfTriangle)(out, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz);
function generateVoronoiGeometry(r_xyz, delaunay) {
let {triangles, halfedges} = delaunay;
let numPoints = r_xyz.length / 3,
numSides = triangles.length,
numTriangles = numSides / 3;
let centers = [];
let geometry = [], colors = [];
for (let t = 0; t < numTriangles; t++) {
let a = triangles[3*t], b = triangles[3*t+1], c = triangles[3*t+2];
// TODO: flag for circumcenter vs centroid
r_xyz[3*a], r_xyz[3*a+1], r_xyz[3*a+2],
r_xyz[3*b], r_xyz[3*b+1], r_xyz[3*b+2],
r_xyz[3*c], r_xyz[3*c+1], r_xyz[3*c+2]);
for (let s = 0; s < numSides; s++) {
let inner_t = (s / 3) | 0,
outer_t = (halfedges[s] / 3) | 0,
begin_r = triangles[s];
let rgb = randomColor(begin_r);
geometry.push(centers[3*inner_t], centers[3*inner_t+1], centers[3*inner_t+2],
centers[3*outer_t], centers[3*outer_t+1], centers[3*outer_t+2],
r_xyz[3*begin_r], r_xyz[3*begin_r+1], r_xyz[3*begin_r+2]);
colors.push(rgb, rgb, rgb);
return {geometry, colors, centers};
function stereographicProjection(r_xyz) {
// See <>
const degToRad = Math.PI / 180;
let numPoints = r_xyz.length / 3;
let r_XY = [];
for (let r = 0; r < numPoints; r++) {
let x = r_xyz[3*r],
y = r_xyz[3*r + 1],
z = r_xyz[3*r + 2];
let X = x / (1-z),
Y = y / (1-z);
r_XY.push(X, Y);
return r_XY;
let algorithm = 1;
function generateFibonacciSphere(N, jitter) {
return [null, generateFibonacciSphere1, generateFibonacciSphere2][algorithm](N, jitter);
let N = 1000;
let jitter = 0.0;
let rotation = -4;
let drawMode = 'voronoi';
function setAlgorithm(newAlgorithm) { algorithm = newAlgorithm; draw(); }
function setN(newN) { N = newN; draw(); }
function setJitter(newJitter) { jitter = newJitter; draw(); }
function setRotation(newRotation) { rotation = newRotation; draw(); }
function setDrawMode(newMode) { drawMode = newMode; draw(); }
function draw() {
let u_pointsize = (drawMode === 'points'? 5 : 1) * (0.1 + 100 / Math.sqrt(N));
let u_projection = mat4.create();
mat4.scale(u_projection, u_projection, [1, 1, 0.5, 1]); // avoid clipping
mat4.rotate(u_projection, u_projection, -rotation, [1, 0.5, 0]);
let latlong = generateFibonacciSphere(N, jitter);
let r_xyz = [];
for (let r = 0; r < latlong.length/2; r++) {
pushCartesianFromSpherical(r_xyz, latlong[2*r], latlong[2*r+1]);
let delaunay = new Delaunator(stereographicProjection(r_xyz));
/* TODO: rotate an existing point into this spot instead of creating one */
r_xyz.push(0, 0, 1);
delaunay = addSouthPoleToMesh(r_xyz.length/3 - 1, delaunay);
if (drawMode === 'delaunay') {
let triangleGeometry = generateDelaunayGeometry(r_xyz, delaunay);
a_xyz: triangleGeometry.geometry,
a_rgb: triangleGeometry.colors,
count: triangleGeometry.geometry.length / 3,
} else if (drawMode === 'voronoi' || drawMode === 'centroid') {
let triangleGeometry = generateVoronoiGeometry(r_xyz, delaunay);
a_xyz: triangleGeometry.geometry,
a_rgb: triangleGeometry.colors,
count: triangleGeometry.geometry.length / 3,
u_brightness: drawMode === 'points'? 1.0 : 0.0,
a_xyz: r_xyz,
count: r_xyz.length / 3,
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