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Created April 18, 2017 16:14
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def importFile = Action.async{ implicit request =>
user.isAdmin(LDAPAuth.getUser()).map {
case true =>Ok(views.html.person.importFile())
case false => Unauthorized(views.html.page_403( "You don't have access to import SAP files"))
def doImport = Action.async(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
user.isAdmin(LDAPAuth.getUser()).map {
case false => Future.successful(Unauthorized(views.html.page_403("You don't have access to import SAP files")) )
case true =>
request.body.file("importFile").map { picture =>
val filename = picture.filename
val path: Path = picture.ref.path
SAPImport.importFile(path).map {
employees =>
SAPImport.validate(employees) match {
case Nil => employeeRepo.repopulate(employees).map { x =>
Future.successful(Ok(views.html.person.importFileResult(x._1.toList.sortBy(_.login), x._2, x._3.toList)))
case x: Seq[String] => Future.successful(Future.successful(InternalServerError(s"Failed to Validate:\n ${x.mkString("\n")}")))
}.getOrElse {
"error" -> "Missing file"))
-- templates
@()(implicit request: Request[_], webJarAssets: WebJarAssets, assets: AssetsFinder)
@import helper._
@implicitFieldConstructor = {
@main("Import SAP Extract file") {
<!-- Begin page content -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="x_panel">
<div class="x_title">
<h2>Import SAP Extract file</h2>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="x_content">
@form(action = routes.PersonController.doImport(), 'enctype -> "multipart/form-data") {
<label for="importFile">The export file from SAP:</label>
<input id="importFile" type="file" name="importFile">
Do Import <input type="submit">
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