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ksafranski / deploy.js
Created May 20, 2014 12:47
Deploy to multiple environments on Nodejitsu with the same application
// Nodejitsu multiple environment deploy
// Prerequisits:
// Jitsu deploy CLI
// Usage:
// Include this file in root of project along with configured
// jitsu_conf.json file
// Run by calling:
// node deploy [ENV]
ksafranski / Router.js
Last active June 15, 2020 11:59
Simple hash-based router with :params and 404
// Router object
var Router = function () {
var self = this;
// Watch hashchange
window.onhashchange = function () {
// Run on load
var validate = function (data, model, cb) {
var failures = [];
var regEx;
var validJSON;
var processNode;
var result;
var traverseNodes;
// Define common regular expressions
ksafranski / jquery.autocomplete.js
Created August 9, 2012 21:04
Simple jQuery Autocomplete plugin
* Simple Autocomplete Plugin
* @author - Kent Safranski -
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* <input class="autocomplete" data-src="path/to/processor.php" />
* CSS:
tsabat /
Last active October 16, 2024 14:43
Getting oh-my-zsh to work in Ubuntu
nathansmith / config.rb
Created August 29, 2011 21:00
Example config.rb file for Compass
preferred_syntax = :sass
http_path = '/'
css_dir = 'assets/stylesheets'
sass_dir = 'assets/sass'
images_dir = 'assets/images'
javascripts_dir = 'assets/javascripts'
relative_assets = true
line_comments = true
# output_style = :compressed