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Created November 10, 2017 10:20
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generate signed URL for AWS S3

generate a signed URL for AWS S3 Bucket Objects by calling this script the following way:

python "us-west-1" "my-bucket" "index.html"

The output will look something like this:

Region: us-west-1
Bucket: my-bucket
File: index.html
import sys
import boto
import boto.s3.connection
print "Region: " + sys.argv[1]
print "Bucket: " + sys.argv[2]
print "File: " + sys.argv[3]
s3connection = boto.s3.connect_to_region(sys.argv[1], is_secure=True, calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat())
bucket = s3connection.get_bucket(sys.argv[2])
key = bucket.get_key(sys.argv[3])
print key.generate_url(3600)
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