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Created July 6, 2024 11:32
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Kotlin Class generated from proto using wire plugin
// Code generated by Wire protocol buffer compiler, do not edit.
// Source: User in xyz/ksharma/pokemon/user.proto
package xyz.ksharma.user
import com.squareup.wire.FieldEncoding
import com.squareup.wire.Message
import com.squareup.wire.ProtoAdapter
import com.squareup.wire.ProtoReader
import com.squareup.wire.ProtoWriter
import com.squareup.wire.ReverseProtoWriter
import com.squareup.wire.Syntax.PROTO_3
import com.squareup.wire.WireField
import com.squareup.wire.`internal`.JvmField
import com.squareup.wire.`internal`.JvmSynthetic
import com.squareup.wire.`internal`.sanitize
import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.Long
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import okio.ByteString
public class User(
tag = 1,
adapter = "com.squareup.wire.ProtoAdapter#STRING",
label = WireField.Label.OMIT_IDENTITY,
schemaIndex = 0,
public val id: String = "",
tag = 2,
adapter = "com.squareup.wire.ProtoAdapter#STRING",
label = WireField.Label.OMIT_IDENTITY,
schemaIndex = 1,
public val name: String = "",
tag = 3,
adapter = "com.squareup.wire.ProtoAdapter#INT32",
label = WireField.Label.OMIT_IDENTITY,
schemaIndex = 2,
public val age: Int = 0,
unknownFields: ByteString = ByteString.EMPTY,
) : Message<User, User.Builder>(ADAPTER, unknownFields) {
override fun newBuilder(): Builder {
val builder = Builder() = id = name
builder.age = age
return builder
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other === this) return true
if (other !is User) return false
if (unknownFields != other.unknownFields) return false
if (id != return false
if (name != return false
if (age != other.age) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = super.hashCode
if (result == 0) {
result = unknownFields.hashCode()
result = result * 37 + id.hashCode()
result = result * 37 + name.hashCode()
result = result * 37 + age.hashCode()
super.hashCode = result
return result
override fun toString(): String {
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
result += """id=${sanitize(id)}"""
result += """name=${sanitize(name)}"""
result += """age=$age"""
return result.joinToString(prefix = "User{", separator = ", ", postfix = "}")
public fun copy(
id: String =,
name: String =,
age: Int = this.age,
unknownFields: ByteString = this.unknownFields,
): User = User(id, name, age, unknownFields)
public class Builder : Message.Builder<User, Builder>() {
public var id: String = ""
public var name: String = ""
public var age: Int = 0
public fun id(id: String): Builder { = id
return this
public fun name(name: String): Builder { = name
return this
public fun age(age: Int): Builder {
this.age = age
return this
override fun build(): User = User(
id = id,
name = name,
age = age,
unknownFields = buildUnknownFields()
public companion object {
public val ADAPTER: ProtoAdapter<User> = object : ProtoAdapter<User>(
) {
override fun encodedSize(`value`: User): Int {
var size = value.unknownFields.size
if ( != "") {
size += ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodedSizeWithTag(1,
if ( != "") {
size += ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodedSizeWithTag(2,
if (value.age != 0) {
size += ProtoAdapter.INT32.encodedSizeWithTag(3, value.age)
return size
override fun encode(writer: ProtoWriter, `value`: User) {
if ( != "") {
ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodeWithTag(writer, 1,
if ( != "") {
ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodeWithTag(writer, 2,
if (value.age != 0) {
ProtoAdapter.INT32.encodeWithTag(writer, 3, value.age)
override fun encode(writer: ReverseProtoWriter, `value`: User) {
if (value.age != 0) {
ProtoAdapter.INT32.encodeWithTag(writer, 3, value.age)
if ( != "") {
ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodeWithTag(writer, 2,
if ( != "") {
ProtoAdapter.STRING.encodeWithTag(writer, 1,
override fun decode(reader: ProtoReader): User {
var id: String = ""
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
val unknownFields = reader.forEachTag { tag ->
when (tag) {
1 -> id = ProtoAdapter.STRING.decode(reader)
2 -> name = ProtoAdapter.STRING.decode(reader)
3 -> age = ProtoAdapter.INT32.decode(reader)
else -> reader.readUnknownField(tag)
return User(
id = id,
name = name,
age = age,
unknownFields = unknownFields
override fun redact(`value`: User): User = value.copy(
unknownFields = ByteString.EMPTY
private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 0L
public inline fun build(body: Builder.() -> Unit): User = Builder().apply(body).build()
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