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Last active October 7, 2015 16:37
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Function to complement the maparg() function in Vim. Given the 'rhs' of a mapping, this function returns the 'lhs'
function! MapKey( rhs, mode )
" Description: Get LHS of a mapping. Inverse of maparg().
" Note that hasmapto() returns a binary result while MapKey() returns the value of the LHS.
" Pass in a key sequence and the first letter of a vim mode.
" Returns key mapping mapped to it in that mode, else '' if none.
" Eg:
" :nnoremap <Tab> :bn<CR>
" :call Mapkey(':bn<CR>', 'n')
" returns <Tab>
" * Modify the function to be capable of returning multiple values.
" Eg. if multiple lhs mappings perform the same action then calling MapKey() should return all of them
execute 'redir => l:mappings | silent! ' . a:mode . 'map | redir END'
" Convert all text between angle-brackets to lowercase
" Required to recognize all case-variants of <c-A> and <C-a> as the same thing
" Note that Alt mappings are case-sensitive. However, this is not an issue as <A-x> is " replaced with its approriate
" keycode for eg. <A-a> becomes á
let l:rhs = substitute(a:rhs, '<[^>]\+>', "\\L\\0", 'g')
for l:map in split(l:mappings, '\n')
" Get rhs for each mapping
let l:lhs = split(l:map, '\s\+')[1]
let l:lhs_map = maparg(l:lhs, a:mode)
if substitute(l:lhs_map, '<[^>]\+>', "\\L\\0", 'g') ==# l:rhs
return l:lhs
return ''
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