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Last active September 28, 2024 13:09
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A curated list of Polish abbreviations for NLTK sentence tokenizer based on Wikipedia text
import nltk
# interactive download
extra_abbreviations = [
# "Sp",
"wew", # wewnętrzny
"sam", # samochód
"sa", # spółka sa.
"wit", # witaminy
"mat", # materiały
"kat", # kategorii
"wg", # według
"btw", #
"itp", #
"wz", # w związku
"gosp", #
"dział", #
"hurt", #
"mech", #
"wyj", # wyj
"pt", # pod tytułem
"zew", # zewnętrzny
position_abbrev = [
roman_abbrev = (
) # ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X', 'XI', 'XII', 'XII','XIV','XV','XVI', 'XVII', 'XVIII','XIX', 'XX', 'XXI' ]
quantity_abbrev = [
"obr", # obroty
"MB", # mega bajty
"Mb", # mega bity
"jedn", # jednostkowe
"szt", # sztuk
] # not added: tys.
actions_abbrev = [
"odp", # odpowiedź
"symb", # symbol
"klaw", # klawiaturowe
place_abbrev = [
"pom", # pomorskie
"kuj-pom", # kujawsko pomorskie
lang_abbrev = [
administration = [
"dz.urz", # dziennik urzędowy
"rej", # rejestr, rejestracyjny dowód
"sygn", # sygnatura
"Dz.U", # dziennik ustaw
"woj", # województow
"ozn", #
"ust", # ustawa
"ref", # ref
"akt", # akta
time = [
"tyg", # tygodniu
military_abbrev = [
"bryg", # brygady
"szt", # sztabowy
"kom", # komendant, tel. komórka
extra_abbreviations = (
+ position_abbrev
+ quantity_abbrev
+ place_abbrev
+ actions_abbrev
+ lang_abbrev
+ administration
+ time
+ military_abbrev
sentence_tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/polish.pickle')
text = '.....'
sentences = sentence_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
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there's also nadkom. - abbr. of nadkomisarz - e.g.

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ksopyla commented May 12, 2020

Thank you, added to the list

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ksopyla commented May 12, 2020

Add few more abbreviations, which cause wrong Wikipedia sentence tokenization

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ZeroOneTV commented Oct 5, 2021

Good morning, I went to put similar for the case of the tokenizer pt-br, and when I add the same way as yours, it gives an error when using the sequence tokenizer.
From what I saw, you eventually turn the list into a tuple, am I correct?

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You could also add pchor as an abbr. of podchorąży in the military abbrivs

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