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Cerkez Tavugu - Chicken with walnut sauce

#Cerkez Tavugu - Chicken with walnut sauce


Ingredient Measure Amount
1 Chicken medium size 1250 g
Walnuts (halves) 3 cups 300 g
Bread (stale) 5 thin slices 100 g
Garlic 8 cloves 24 g
Salt 2 teaspoons 12 g
Black pepper 1 teaspoon 2 g
Chicken broth 2½ cups 600 g
Olive oil 2 teaspoons 10 g
Red pepper ½ teaspoon 1 g

##Instructions - 6 servings

  1. Simmer chicken in water for 35 minutes or until tender; drain. Reserve broth.

  2. Bone chicken. Remove skin. Cut or tear into 5-6 cm (2-2 ½ inch) long and 1-1 ½ cm (1/2-3/4 inch) thick strips. Arrange in a serving dish.Set aside.

  3. Combine walnuts, bread slices (soaked and squeezed dry) garlic; mix well. Place into blender or a food processor container. Process until well blended.

  4. Add salt, black pepper and chicken broth gradually blending thoroughly until it gets medium white sauce consistency. Pour over chicken.

  5. Heat oil. Stir in red pepper. Remove from heat. Sprinkle over walnut sauce.

Serve at room temperature.

##Regional characteristics The dish originated from the Circassians. It is called “Mamursa” in Bolu province and served with traditional corn bread.

In original recipe walnuts are crushed between two stones and oil is dispersed. This oil is sprinkled over walnut sauce.

In some villages of Bolu, boiled rice is used instead of bread in sauce. In the black sea region hazelnuts are substituted for walnuts.

This dish is very popular all over the country. It is usually prepared for buffet type luncheons or suppers, or served on special days as an appetizer. It may be garnished with parsley.

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