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Created June 7, 2014 01:55
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$ set -x
++ ps1date
++ local d dow day date time col
++ printf -v d '%(%u_%Y-%m-%d_%a_%H:%M:%S %Z)T' -1
++ dow=6
++ d='2014-06-07_Sat_09:34:57 HKT'
++ date=2014-06-07
++ d='Sat_09:34:57 HKT'
++ day=Sat
++ time='09:34:57 HKT'
++ [[ 6 == 7 ]]
++ [[ 6 == 6 ]]
++ col=''
++ printf '%s (\001%s\002%s\001%s\002) %s' 2014-06-07 '' Sat '' '09:34:57 HKT'
++ show_real_path
+++ pwd
+++ greadlink -f .
++ [[ /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored != \/\V\o\l\u\m\e\s\/\M\a\c\i\n\t\o\s\h\ \H\D\ \1\/\U\s\e\r\s\/\c\e\n\s\o\r\e\d ]]
+++ pwd
++ printf '\001%s\002%s\001%s\002' '' '/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored' ''
++ __git_ps1
++ local pcmode=no
++ local detached=no
++ local 'ps1pc_start=\u@\h:\w '
++ local 'ps1pc_end=\$ '
++ local 'printf_format= (%s)'
++ case "$#" in
++ printf_format=' (%s)'
++ local repo_info rev_parse_exit_code
+++ git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
++ repo_info=
++ rev_parse_exit_code=128
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' no = yes ']'
++ return
$ find Library/* ! -type l | head
+ head
+ find Library/Accounts 'Library/Address Book Plug-Ins' 'Library/Application Scripts' 'Library/Application Support' Library/Assistants Library/Audio 'Library/Autosave Information' Library/Caches Library/Calendars Library/ColorPickers Library/Colors Library/Compositions Library/Containers Library/Cookies Library/Developer Library/Dictionaries Library/Documentation Library/EditMilestones Library/Favorites Library/FontCollections Library/Fonts Library/Frameworks Library/GIMP Library/Google 'Library/Group Containers' Library/Icons Library/IdentityServices Library/Images 'Library/Input Methods' 'Library/Internet Plug-Ins' 'Library/Keyboard Layouts' Library/Keychains Library/LaunchAgents Library/Logs Library/Mail Library/Messages 'Library/Mobile Documents' Library/MobileDevice Library/MobileSafari Library/Mozilla Library/Octoshape Library/Opera Library/Phones Library/PreferencePanes Library/Preferences Library/Printers Library/PubSub Library/Receipts Library/Safari 'Library/Saved Application State' 'Library/Screen Savers' Library/Scripts Library/Services Library/Sounds Library/Spelling Library/SyncedPreferences Library/Thunderbird Library/VirtualBox Library/Voices Library/WebKit Library/Widgets Library/iTunes Library/yWorks '!' -type l
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/.DS_Store
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle/Contents
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle/Contents/MacOS
++ ps1date
++ local d dow day date time col
++ printf -v d '%(%u_%Y-%m-%d_%a_%H:%M:%S %Z)T' -1
++ dow=6
++ d='2014-06-07_Sat_09:35:10 HKT'
++ date=2014-06-07
++ d='Sat_09:35:10 HKT'
++ day=Sat
++ time='09:35:10 HKT'
++ [[ 6 == 7 ]]
++ [[ 6 == 6 ]]
++ col=''
++ printf '%s (\001%s\002%s\001%s\002) %s' 2014-06-07 '' Sat '' '09:35:10 HKT'
++ show_real_path
+++ pwd
+++ greadlink -f .
++ [[ /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored != \/\V\o\l\u\m\e\s\/\M\a\c\i\n\t\o\s\h\ \H\D\ \1\/\U\s\e\r\s\/\c\e\n\s\o\r\e\d ]]
+++ pwd
++ printf '\001%s\002%s\001%s\002' '' '/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored' ''
++ __git_ps1
++ local pcmode=no
++ local detached=no
++ local 'ps1pc_start=\u@\h:\w '
++ local 'ps1pc_end=\$ '
++ local 'printf_format= (%s)'
++ case "$#" in
++ printf_format=' (%s)'
++ local repo_info rev_parse_exit_code
+++ git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
++ repo_info=
++ rev_parse_exit_code=128
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' no = yes ']'
++ return
$ for f in `find Library/* ! -type l`;do echo "$f"; done
++ find Library/Accounts 'Library/Address Book Plug-Ins' 'Library/Application Scripts' 'Library/Application Support' Library/Assistants Library/Audio 'Library/Autosave Information' Library/Caches Library/Calendars Library/ColorPickers Library/Colors Library/Compositions Library/Containers Library/Cookies Library/Developer Library/Dictionaries Library/Documentation Library/EditMilestones Library/Favorites Library/FontCollections Library/Fonts Library/Frameworks Library/GIMP Library/Google 'Library/Group Containers' Library/Icons Library/IdentityServices Library/Images 'Library/Input Methods' 'Library/Internet Plug-Ins' 'Library/Keyboard Layouts' Library/Keychains Library/LaunchAgents Library/Logs Library/Mail Library/Messages 'Library/Mobile Documents' Library/MobileDevice Library/MobileSafari Library/Mozilla Library/Octoshape Library/Opera Library/Phones Library/PreferencePanes Library/Preferences Library/Printers Library/PubSub Library/Receipts Library/Safari 'Library/Saved Application State' 'Library/Screen Savers' Library/Scripts Library/Services Library/Sounds Library/Spelling Library/SyncedPreferences Library/Thunderbird Library/VirtualBox Library/Voices Library/WebKit Library/Widgets Library/iTunes Library/yWorks '!' -type l
# no output for a good while, so I just interrupted it
++ ps1date
++ local d dow day date time col
++ printf -v d '%(%u_%Y-%m-%d_%a_%H:%M:%S %Z)T' -1
++ dow=6
++ d='2014-06-07_Sat_09:37:00 HKT'
++ date=2014-06-07
++ d='Sat_09:37:00 HKT'
++ day=Sat
++ time='09:37:00 HKT'
++ [[ 6 == 7 ]]
++ [[ 6 == 6 ]]
++ col=''
++ printf '%s (\001%s\002%s\001%s\002) %s' 2014-06-07 '' Sat '' '09:37:00 HKT'
++ show_real_path
+++ pwd
+++ greadlink -f .
++ [[ /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored != \/\V\o\l\u\m\e\s\/\M\a\c\i\n\t\o\s\h\ \H\D\ \1\/\U\s\e\r\s\/\c\e\n\s\o\r\e\d ]]
+++ pwd
++ printf '\001%s\002%s\001%s\002' '' '/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Users/censored' ''
++ __git_ps1
++ local pcmode=no
++ local detached=no
++ local 'ps1pc_start=\u@\h:\w '
++ local 'ps1pc_end=\$ '
++ local 'printf_format= (%s)'
++ case "$#" in
++ printf_format=' (%s)'
++ local repo_info rev_parse_exit_code
+++ git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD
++ repo_info=
++ rev_parse_exit_code=128
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ '[' no = yes ']'
++ return
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