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Created July 22, 2022 16:11
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Example initial block
entity piecewise_function is
generic (
NODE_MAP : NodeMapType;
NODE_ID : string;
NUM_SEGMENTS : natural;
BIAS_SIZE_RES : sfixed;
GAIN_SIZE_RES : sfixed);
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
dataIn : in sfixed;
validIn : in std_logic;
dataOut : out sfixed;
validOut : out std_logic;
nodeIf : inout NodeRecType);
end entity piecewise_function;
architecture rtl of piecewise_function is
-- ...
-- ...
constant COMP_ADDR : std_logic_vector := GetComponentAddress(NODE_MAP, NODE_ID);
variable component : ComponentType := CreateComponent(NODE_ID, COMP_ADDR, "Piecewise tranfer function");
variable reg_map : SlaveSegmentType := CreateSlaveSegment(component);
variable reg : RegisterType;
assert THRESHOLD_SIZE_RES'length <= REG_SIZE report "THRESHOLD too large to fit in register";
assert BIAS_SIZE_RES'length <= REG_SIZE report "THRESHOLD too large to fit in register";
assert GAIN_SIZE_RES'length <= REG_SIZE report "THRESHOLD too large to fit in register";
for i in 0 to NUM_SEGMENTS-1 loop
reg := CreateRegister(reg_map, "THRESHOLD"&integer'image(i), 3*i+0, THRESHOLD_SIZE_RES'length-1, 0, "Piece "&integer'image(i)&" threshold value");
RegisterAddMetadata(reg, "FIXED", SfixedFormatString(THRESHOLD_SIZE_RES));
reg := CreateRegister(reg_map, "BIAS"&integer'image(i), 3*i+1, BIAS_SIZE_RES'length-1, 0, "Piece "&integer'image(i)&" bias value");
RegisterAddMetadata(reg, "FIXED", SfixedFormatString(BIAS_SIZE_RES));
reg := CreateRegister(reg_map, "GAIN"&integer'image(i), 3*i+2, GAIN_SIZE_RES'length-1, 0, "Piece "&integer'image(i)&" gain value");
RegisterAddMetadata(reg, "FIXED", SfixedFormatString(GAIN_SIZE_RES));
end loop;
end initial;
end architecture rtl;
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