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Created April 29, 2023 07:03
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WIP script to unpack Roli firmware files
import math
import mido
FIRMWARE_IN = "firmware.syx"
FIRMWARE_OUT = "firmware.bin"
leftover_data = []
def demangle(data):
""" Demangles data that's been encoded as 7-bit numbers. """
input_data = data[:]
output_data = bytearray()
while input_data:
chunk = input_data[0:8]
del input_data[0:8]
# Typically, we get 7 bytes per 8, since we had 7 of 8 bits...
resultant_size = math.floor(len(chunk) * 7 / 8)
resultant_bits = resultant_size * 8
# Convert the 7-bit chunks into one fewer eight bit chunks...
septets = [f"{i:07b}" for i in chunk]
long_equivalent = "".join(septets)[0:resultant_bits]
# ... and convert that back to bytes.
raw = int(long_equivalent, 2)
octets = raw.to_bytes(resultant_size, byteorder='big')
return output_data
# Read the firware into memory.
roli_syx = mido.read_syx_file(FIRMWARE_IN)
# Prepare to write our output file.
output = open(FIRMWARE_OUT, "wb")
# Go through each message, and see what we have.
for message in roli_syx:
data = list(
# The first byte is already extracted for us, as it's SysEx standard.
# The next four bytes are ID information and separator; throw those away.
del data[0:4]
# The _last_ byte is a checksum of the packet.
# Discard it.
del data[-1]
# The next byte is the command.
command = data.pop(0)
# Skip non-firmware commands.
if command not in [FIRMWARE_PUSH_COMMAND]:
data_demangled = demangle(data)
address = data_demangled[0:4]
address = int.from_bytes(address, byteorder='little')
del data_demangled[0:4]
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