We are happy to announce an unconference about the topic of Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD). The event is organized by Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services members Zazuko and Berner Fachhochschule. It will take place on Tuesday afternoon, February 5th 2019. We will start at 13:30 and stop latest at 18:00
An Unconference is an event where there is no fix schedule defined upfront, the event will be completely participant-driven. The final agenda is created collaboratively by the attendees at the beginning of the unconference. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. Some unconference sessions are led by the participant who suggested its topic; other unconference sessions (for example Open Space meetings) are basically open discussions of the session topic. Source: Wikipedia. See also this video.
Zazuko will take care of the moderation of the event and Berner Fachhochschule will provide the meeting space in Bern.
Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Wirtschaft, Brückenstrasse 73, 3005 Bern
Follow the white rabbit.
Any topics around Continuous Integration are welcome. Including but not only limited to:
- Use Cases: CI for code, UI testing, data, ...
- Containerization: Automation via Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher etc.
- Tools: Travis CI, GitLab, Jenkins, etc.
- Organisational Impact: Implications of CI/CD adoption within organizations (i.e. changing roles & responsibilities)
We ask for a 20 CHF participation fee, which you will get back in the form of drinks & snacks . It helps us to prepare the day properly. We have room for around 40 people.
Please register here. In case none of the payment options is working for you please send us an email and we will register you manually. You will be able to pay cash on arrival.