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Last active August 7, 2016 05:05
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Vue-head in ES6 to use in component scope
import { vueHead } from '/path/to/plugin/vue-head-es6'
export default {
// use extends with vue v1.0.22+
extends: vueHead
// use mixins with vue v1.0.21-
// mixins: [head]
data () {
return {
// To use "this" in the component, it is necessary to return the object through a function
head: {
title: {
inner: 'About me'
meta: [
{ name: 'description', content: 'Conheça um pouco mais sobre mim, sou FullStack Web Developer, focado em PHP e Javascript ...'},
{ itemprop: 'name', content: 'About me' },
{ ip: 'description', c: 'Conheça um pouco mais sobre mim, sou FullStack Web Developer, focado em PHP e Javascript ...' }
link () {
return [
{ rel: 'canonical', href: this.$el.baseURI + '/', id: 'canonical'}
const opt = {
compl: document.title,
separator: '|'
const diffTitle = {}
let els = []
const util = {
// sh = shorthand
shorthand: {
ch: 'charset',
tg: 'target',
n: 'name',
he: 'http-equiv',
ip: 'itemprop',
c: 'content',
p: 'property',
sc: 'scheme',
r: 'rel',
h: 'href',
sz: 'sizes',
t: 'type',
s: 'src',
a: 'async',
d: 'defer',
i: 'inner'
getPlace (place) {
return document.getElementsByTagName(place)[0]
undoTitle (state) {
if (!state.before) return
document.title = state.before
undo () {
if (!els.length) return => {
els = []
title (val) {
if (!val) return
diffTitle.before = opt.compl
document.title = `${val.inner} ${val.separator || opt.separator} ${val.compl || opt.compl}`
common (arr, tag, place) {
if (!arr) return => {
let parent = this.getPlace(place)
let el = document.getElementById( || document.createElement(tag)
Object.keys(obj).map(prop => {
let sh = (this.shorthand[prop] || prop)
if (sh.match(/(body|undo)/g)) return
if (sh === 'inner') {
el.textContent = obj[prop]
el.setAttribute(sh, obj[prop])
if (obj.body) parent = this.getPlace('body')
if (obj.undo !== undefined && !obj.undo) return
export const VueHead = {
ready () {
let head = this.$options.head
if (!head) return
Object.keys(head).map(key => {
let prop = head[key]
if (!prop) return
let obj = (typeof prop === 'function') ? head[key].bind(this)() : head[key]
if (key === 'title') {
util.common(obj, key, 'head')
destroyed () {
let head = this.$options.head
if (head.title.undo) {
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