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Last active May 21, 2023 14:45
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  • Save ku1ik/998cf523b45369f841e05dce5d8f5de7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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0x00 - NUL - Null character, used as a string terminator in some programming languages
0x01 - SOH - Start of Header, indicates the start of a message in communication protocols
0x02 - STX - Start of Text, marks the end of the transmission header and the beginning of the message
0x03 - ETX - End of Text, signifies the end of a message
0x04 - EOT - End of Transmission, marks the end of a message or series of messages
0x05 - ENQ - Enquiry, requests an acknowledgement from the receiver in communication protocols
0x06 - ACK - Acknowledge, confirms receipt of a message in communication protocols
0x07 - BEL - Bell, triggers an audible bell or alert on a device
0x08 - BS - Backspace, moves the cursor back one space in text processing
0x09 - HT - Horizontal Tab, moves the cursor to the next tab stop in text processing
0x0A - LF - Line Feed, moves the cursor down one line in text processing
0x0B - VT - Vertical Tab, moves the cursor to the next vertical tab stop in text processing
0x0C - FF - Form Feed, advances paper to the next page in page printers
0x0D - CR - Carriage Return, moves the cursor to the beginning of the line in text processing
0x0E - SO - Shift Out, switches to an alternative character set
0x0F - SI - Shift In, switches back from an alternative character set
0x10 - DLE - Data Link Escape, signals a special control sequence in many data protocols
0x11 - DC1 - Device Control 1 (also XON), resumes transmission in XON/XOFF flow control
0x12 - DC2 - Device Control 2, used for various device-specific purposes
0x13 - DC3 - Device Control 3 (also XOFF), pauses transmission in XON/XOFF flow control
0x14 - DC4 - Device Control 4, used for various device-specific purposes
0x15 - NAK - Negative Acknowledge, signals an error in received data or a rejection in communication protocols
0x16 - SYN - Synchronous Idle, helps synchronize transmission rates in asynchronous communication
0x17 - ETB - End of Transmission Block, marks the end of a block of data in communication protocols
0x18 - CAN - Cancel, signals that the data preceding it should be disregarded
0x19 - EM - End of Medium, signifies the end of the usable portion of the data storage medium
0x1A - SUB - Substitute, signals that an error correction is needed in data transmission
0x1B - ESC - Escape, starts an escape sequence in many data protocols
0x1C - FS - File Separator, marks the separation between file records
0x1D - GS - Group Separator, marks the separation between groups of records
0x1E - RS - Record Separator, marks the end of a data record
0x1F - US - Unit Separator, marks the separation between units within a record
0x7F - DEL - Delete, used to mark data as deleted or to remove the preceding character in a data stream
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