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Last active December 21, 2015 12:58
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  • Save kuanyui/6309242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kuanyui/6309242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(defun ramen-download-voice-file ()
(if (not (file-exists-p "~/.emacs.d/ramen.ogg"))
(message "Please wait, it'll be downloading a voice file (169.6KB) to ~/.emacs.d/ramen.ogg")
(sleep-for 3)
(url-copy-file "" "~/.emacs.d/ramen.ogg"))))
(let* (mins sec time-left a-flag title play-flag a-1-1 a-1-2 a-1-3 a-2-1 a-2-2 a-2-3 a-3-1 a-3-2 a-3-3)
(defun ask-minutes ()
(setq mins (string-to-number (read-from-minibuffer "How many minutes?(1~10) ")))
(if (numberp mins)
(cond ((> mins 10)
(message "時間太長了,泡麵會泡到爛掉!")
((= mins 0)
(message "不到一分鐘你還不如直接啃乾的麵塊!")
((< mins 0)
(message (format "您的泡麵早在 %s 分鐘前就已經泡好了" (abs mins)))))
(t (progn
(setq sec (* mins 60)) ;這裡不確定需不需要string-to-number
(message "只能輸入1~10的數字。")
(defun switch-to-ramen-buffer ()
(switch-to-buffer "*ramen-timer*")
(buffer-disable-undo nil)
(if (or (< (window-body-width) 79) (< (window-body-height) 33))
(setq ramen-timer (run-at-time "0 sec" 1 'update-ramen-buffer))
;; set local map
(setq instant-ramen-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key instant-ramen-map (kbd "q") 'ramen-stop)
(use-local-map instant-ramen-map))
(defun update-ramen-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer "*ramen-timer*"
(cond ((> sec 0)
(progn (setq title (format " 剩下 %s 秒" sec))
(cond ((equal a-flag 1) (progn (insert a-1-1 title)
(setq a-flag 2)))
((equal a-flag 2) (progn (insert a-1-2 title)
(setq a-flag 3)))
((equal a-flag 3) (progn (insert a-1-3 title)
(setq a-flag 1))))))
((and (<= sec 0) (> sec -60))
(progn (setq title (format "\n %s小妹妹,拎叨A泡麵已經煮好惹,拎阿罵限你一分鐘內趕回去吃!\n (在 %s 秒前)" (user-login-name) (abs sec)))
(cond ((equal a-flag 1) (progn (insert a-2-1 title)
(setq a-flag 2)))
((equal a-flag 2) (progn (insert a-2-2 title)
(setq a-flag 3)))
((equal a-flag 3) (progn (insert a-2-3 title)
(setq a-flag 1))))))
((<= sec -60)
(progn (setq title (format "\n 泡麵已經泡爛超過 %s 秒了!" (abs sec)))
(cond ((equal a-flag 1) (progn (insert a-3-1 title)
(setq a-flag 2)))
((equal a-flag 2) (progn (insert a-3-2 title)
(setq a-flag 3)))
((equal a-flag 3) (progn (insert a-3-3 title)
(setq a-flag 1))))))))
(setq sec (- sec 1)))
(defun play-ramen ()
(if play-flag
(setq play-flag nil)
(call-process "/bin/bash" nil 0 nil "-c" "mplayer -volume 100 -loop 1 ~/.emacs.d/ramen.ogg"))))
(defun ramen-stop ()
(cancel-timer ramen-timer))
(defun instant-ramen-timer ()
(setq a-1-1
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Y88db==..___ ___..oob888P
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| `'''''''' |
| |
| .'
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| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88|
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| `'''''''' |
| |
| .'
| |
| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88|
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(setq a-1-3
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| `'''''''' |
| |
| .'
| |
| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88|
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(setq a-2-1
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`-'--.,-' +._ `'':i::b'' _,.'
Y88db==..___ ___..oob888P
| '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
| `'''''''' |
| | Time to eat!
| .'
| |
| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88| _,oodP
|`'Y888888oooooo88888888P'| _,oodPP\"''
| `-'YPPPPPPPP\"\"''' | _,oodPP\"''
'. | _,oodPP\"'' __,
`. ,' _,oodPP\"'' ___ooooo8PPP\"\"
``-..________...--',dPP\"'' __,oooodPPP\"\"'''
(setq a-2-2
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+'._ ./P88P8b\\:i --..._ ,.' b...
| `-'.::8i/'88:o\\o/\\p<,' \\.
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Y88db==..___ _|_ -+'
od:P88888888b8_bbbbbd888-8 .'
| '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
| `'''''''' |
| | Time to eat!
| .'
| |
| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88| _,oodP
|`'Y888888oooooo88888888P'| _,oodPP\"''
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'. | _,oodPP\"'' __,
`. ,' _,oodPP\"'' ___ooooo8PPP\"\"
``-..________...--',dPP\"'' __,oooodPPP\"\"'''
(setq a-2-3
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,-' ` . , .-''\\_ `-.
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+'._ ./\\ _\\ _,:.
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+._ .__`' | _,.'
Y88db==..___.._ _/...,__..oob888P
| '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
| `'''''''' |
| | Time to eat!
| .'
| |
| |
| |
:oo_ |
Y888o.__ _,oo88| _,oodP
|`'Y888888oooooo88888888P'| _,oodPP\"''
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'. | _,oodPP\"'' __,
`. ,' _,oodPP\"'' ___ooooo8PPP\"\"
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(setq a-3-1
'L. `'--._
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|+`:\\' '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
|||'+| `'''''''' |
||| | | 泡到爛掉了啦!
| '. | .'
|| | |
`.| |
`. |
|od. |
Y88\\o.__ _,oo88| _,oodP
|`'Y\\88888oooooo88888888P'| _,oodPP\"''
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'. | _,oodPP\"'' __,
`._ ,' _,oodPP\"'' ___ooooo8PPP\"\"
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(setq a-3-2
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|+`:\\' '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
|||'+| `'''''''' |
||| | | 泡到爛掉了啦!
| '. | .'
| || | |
\\ |`.| |
[| `. |
,'| |od. |
| | | Y88\\o.__ _,oo88| _,oodP
/ | | |`'Y\\88888oooooo88888888P'| _,oodPP\"''
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(setq a-3-3
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|+`:\\' '\"YPYbooooooooooodPPP\"' |
|||'+| `'''''''' |
||| | | 泡到爛掉了啦!
| '. | .'
| || | |
\\ |`.| |
[| `. |
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(setq a-flag 1
play-flag t)
(provide 'instant-ramen)
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