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Created May 12, 2023 15:52
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Script that allows batch values setting into the Windows Registry editor with administrator privileges.
__doc__ = """Registry Setter
Script that allows batch values setting into the
Windows Registry editor with administrator privileges.
Can be used as standalone `Registry_Set` function
(with modules) or as an ArgumentParser one.
Requires "pyuac" module! (`pip install pyuac`)
import sys
import pyuac
import ctypes
import winreg
from os import *
from argparse import ArgumentParser, HelpFormatter, SUPPRESS
del open
__name__ = open(__file__).readlines()[0].strip('"').strip("\n")
__author__ = "kubinka0505"
__credits__ = __author__
__version__ = "1.0"
__date__ = "12.05.2023"
# Non-NT OS handling
if name != "nt":
msgbox.showerror("Error", "Windows Only!")
# Run as Admin
if not pyuac.isUserAdmin():
# Main Class
class Registry:
Values = {
"Keys": {
"Types": [
"SZ", "Multi SZ", "Expand SZ",
"Binary", "DWord", "QWord",
def __init__(self, Path: str):
Main_Key = Path.replace("/", sep).split(sep)
for Short, Extended in self.__class__.Values["Keys"].items():
Main_Key[0] = Main_Key[0].upper().replace(Short, Extended)
self.DisplayKey = sep.join(Main_Key)
self.Key = getattr(winreg, Main_Key[0]), sep.join(Main_Key[1:])
def set(self, Name: str = None, Value: str = None, Type: str = "SZ") -> tuple:
"""Set the value. """
__DefaultType = "SZ"
if not Type:
Type = __DefaultType
for Value_Types in self.__class__.Values["Types"]:
Type = Type.upper().strip().replace(" ", "_").lstrip("REG_")
Value_Types = Value_Types.upper().replace(" ", "_")
if Type == Value_Types:
DisplayType = "REG_" + Type
Type = getattr(winreg, DisplayType)
if not isinstance(Type, int):
Type = __DefaultType
with winreg.OpenKey(*self.Key, 0, winreg.KEY_WRITE) as Registry_Key:
winreg.SetValueEx(Registry_Key, Name, 0, Type, Value)
return self.DisplayKey, Name, Value, DisplayType
# Argument Parser
Parser = ArgumentParser(
prog = '{0} "{1}.{2}"'.format(
description = __doc__.split("\n\n")[1].replace("\n", " "),
add_help = 0,
allow_abbrev = 0,
formatter_class = \
lambda prog, size = 999: \
prog, width = size,
max_help_position = size
Required = Parser.add_argument_group("Required arguments")
Optional = Parser.add_argument_group("Optional arguments")
Required.add_argument("-i", "--path", metavar = '"Path"', type = str, help = 'Full path of the desired registry key')
Required.add_argument("-a", "--name", metavar = '"Name"', type = str, help = 'Registry key name')
Required.add_argument("-b", "--value", metavar = '"Value"', help = 'Registry key value')
Optional.add_argument("-t", "--type", metavar = '"REG_Type"', type = str, help = 'Value type. Default is "REG_SZ"')
Optional.add_argument("-h", "--help", action = "help", help = "Shows this message")
for Argument in Parser._actions:
if not, "!")): += "."
args = Parser.parse_args()
## Standalone Usage (Comment lines: 30, 139, 140)
# Registry_Key = Registry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/!_Foo")
# _ = Registry_Key.set("Foo", "Bas", "SZ")
## ArgParse Usage (Admin in shell required!!!)
Registry_Key = Registry(args.path)
_ = Registry_Key.set(, args.value, args.type)
Key, Name, Value, Type = _
print(f'Successfully set the "{Name}" key value to "{Value}" as "{Type}" type in the "{Key}" path!\a')
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
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