- Using FreeBSD
- Mountain Lion
- VMware Fusion 5
- Your VMware is installed at '/Applications/VMware Fusion.app'
- Command Line tools are at '/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library'
- especially vmrun
- suppose you VM is at /path/to/freebsd.vmwarevm/freebsd.vmx
FreeBSD installed as usual VMware Fusion 5
Install socat
$ sudo port install socat
- Add a serial console device at VM
- configure the device to use Unix Domain Socket
Edit the freebsd.vmx while the VM is shut down
serial0.fileType = "pipe" serial0.fileName = "/path/to/FreeBSD64serial_port" serial0.present = "TRUE"
Start the VM
$ /Applications/VMware Fusoin.app/Contents/Library/vmrun -T fusion start /path/to/freebsd.vmwarevm/freebsd.vmx
Input will be echoed.
$ socat -d -d unix-connect:/path/to/FreeBSD64serial_port stdio
To avoid echo, use screen
$ socat -d -d unix-connect:/path/to/FreeBSD64serial_port pty 2012/10/03 12:48:05 socat[16888] N opening connection to LEN=44 AF=1 "/var/vb_disk/kuenishi/FreeBSD64serial_port" 2012/10/03 12:48:05 socat[16888] N successfully connected from local address LEN=16 AF=1 "" 2012/10/03 12:48:05 socat[16888] N PTY is /dev/ttys001 2012/10/03 12:48:05 socat[16888] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [4,4]
and in another console:
$ screen /dev/ttys001
Handbook worked well . Edit /boot/loader.conf - create if doesn't exist.
# echo 'console="comconsole"' >> /boot/loader.conf
Edit /etc/ttys and change off to on and dialup to vt100 for the ttyu0 entry. Reboot the system to see if the changes took effect.
Screen size is limited and cannot be changed so it's not good for me - sigh. Try virsh though not working with VMware Fusion 5.
- Using vmrun on VMware Fusion
- VMware Fusion Documentation
- MacのVMware Fusion (2.0.7)のゲストOSのシリアルポートに繋ぎたい
- FreeBSD Handbook, Setting Up the Serial Console