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Last active May 8, 2018 19:45
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Make Cityscrapes labels compatible with (turn 33 classes into 20 classes).
For each gtFine_labelIds file of Cityscrapes dataset,
create a grayscale label map synthetic<->real task
with 20 classes with pixels values in [0, 19],
where #19 is the background.
The classes are compatible with
import os, os.path as op
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from scipy.misc import imread, imsave
from progressbar import ProgressBar
in_dir = 'gtFine/train'
in_pattern = 'gtFine_labelIds.png'
out_pattern = 'gtFine_labelTrainIds.png'
labels = [
7, #: (128, 64, 128), # road
8, #: (244, 35, 232), # sidewalk
11, #: (70, 70, 70), # building
12, #: (102, 102, 156), # wall
13, #: (190, 153, 153), # fence
17, #: (153, 153, 153), # pole
19, #: (250, 170, 30), # traffic light
20, #: (220, 220, 0), # traffic sign
21, #: (107, 142, 35), # vegetation
22, #: (152, 251, 152), # terrain
23, #: (0, 130, 180), # sky
24, #: (220, 20, 60), # person
25, #: (255, 0, 0), # rider
26, #: (0, 0, 142), # car
27, #: (0, 0, 70), # truck
28, #: (0, 60, 100), # bus
31, #: (0, 80, 100), # train
32, #: (0, 0, 230), # motorcycle
33, #: (119, 11, 32), # bicycle
# Background is the last 20th (counting from 1) class.
# Get a list of all paths
in_paths = []
for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(in_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if in_pattern in filename:
in_paths.append(op.join(root, filename))
print ('Found %d files' % len(in_paths))
for in_path in ProgressBar()(in_paths):
in_img = imread(in_path)
assert in_img is not None
assert len(in_img.shape) == 2
out_img = np.zeros(in_img.shape[0:2], dtype=np.uint8) + 19
assert in_img.max() <= 33
for out_label, in_label in enumerate(labels):
out_img[in_img == in_label] = out_label
out_path = in_path.replace(in_pattern, out_pattern)
imsave(out_path, out_img)
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