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,d88b, . __..-
888888 . .--SEAL:.
`?88P' . __ ,'WWII::.
.MW:`-. /WWII::..
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kumavis / index.js
Created February 8, 2021 06:57
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { promisify } = require('util')
const sass = require('sass')
const { promises: fs } = require('fs')
const vm = require('vm')
// example()
// async function example(){
// const vmContext = vm.createContext()
kumavis / gist:ab0e6ab555362c5e479d6311c4540bbd
Created November 30, 2020 09:36
go-ethreum mainnet fast sync performance on digital ocean
syncing geth on digital ocean
- name: eth2-mainnet-00
- sync time: (failed to sync, bound by disk perf)
- region: fra1
- type: s-8vcpu-16gb
- primaryDb: attached volume
- ancientDb: attached volume
- price vps: $0.119/hr
- price volume: $0.052/hr 350gb
kumavis / gist:83a8c21b03998e0d2173c2a5478b7835
Created August 25, 2020 09:03
comparison of guybedford's Secure Modular Runtimes proposal to LavaMoat
hi guybedford/
i really enjoyed your blog post
here's some quick notes comparing your proposal and lavamoat in its current form (
these differences represent lavamoat currently, and can easily be changed with input from smart folks like yourself
### basic runtime structure
[exactly] "this runtime can fully restrict high-level capability access from packages for third-party code running in the same process"
[exactly] "That this runtime can support an onramp from the existing JavaScript ecosystems, which is crucial for adoption. "
const { builtinModules: builtinPackages } = require('module')
// [email protected]
const { createModuleInspector } = require('lavamoat-core')
const inspector = createModuleInspector({
// used to see if this imports builtins
isBuiltin: (name) => builtinPackages.includes(name),
// adds some notes on ses compat, etc
includeDebugInfo: true,
kumavis /
Created June 5, 2020 08:12
LavaMoat webpack plugin requirements


js tooling to help prevent attacks from evil dependencies.

read more here


webpack plugin for creating bundles protected by the LavaMoat kernel.

kumavis / plugin.js
Created December 12, 2019 03:51
lavamoat workaround plugin
const { makeStringTransform } = require('browserify-transform-tools')
module.exports = makeStringTransform('lavamoat-browserify-workarounds', { excludeExtension: ['.json'] }, (content, _, cb) => {
const result = content
// fix html comments
.split('-->').join('-- >')
// fix direct eval
.split(' eval(').join(' (eval)(')
kumavis / gist:cfec971e3224252f038a8ae575925b3e
Last active December 5, 2019 14:08
more javascript hijinks
> x = 'hello'
> x.toString = () => 'ayy'
> x.valueOf = () => 'yoo'
> x
> x+''