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GatherVector test failure
D:\kpathak\Core_Root_callee_Save\Core_Root\corerun.exe -p "System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported=false" -p "System.Runtime.Serialization.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization=true"  D:\kpathak\tests\caller-save\HardwareIntrinsics\HardwareIntrinsics_Arm_r\HardwareIntrinsics_Arm_r.dll Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong
09:01:49.183 Running test: _Sve_r::JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong()
Supported ISAs:
  AdvSimd:   True
  Aes:       True
  ArmBase:   True
  Crc32:     True
  Dp:        True
  Rdm:       False
  Sha1:      True
  Sha256:    True
  Sve:       True

Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_UnsafeRead
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunBasicScenario_UnsafeRead failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

; Assembly listing for method JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:RunBasicScenario_Load():this (MinOpts)
; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for generic ARM64 - Windows
; MinOpts code
; debuggable code
; fp based frame
; fully interruptible
; No PGO data
; Final local variable assignments
;  V00 this         [V00    ] (  1,  1   )     ref  ->  [fp+0x108]  do-not-enreg[] this class-hnd <JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong>
;  V01 loc0         [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xF0]  HFA(simd16)  do-not-enreg[S] must-init <System.Numerics.Vector`1[double]>
;  V02 loc1         [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xE0]  HFA(simd16)  do-not-enreg[S] must-init <System.Numerics.Vector`1[ulong]>
;  V03 loc2         [V03    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xD0]  HFA(simd16)  do-not-enreg[S] must-init <System.Numerics.Vector`1[double]>
;# V04 OutArgs      [V04    ] (  1,  1   )  struct ( 0) [sp+0x00]  do-not-enreg[XS] addr-exposed "OutgoingArgSpace"
;  V05 tmp1         [V05    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xC0]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V06 tmp2         [V06    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xB0]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V07 tmp3         [V07    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0xA0]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V08 tmp4         [V08    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x98]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V09 tmp5         [V09    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x80]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V10 tmp6         [V10    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x70]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V11 tmp7         [V11    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x68]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V12 tmp8         [V12    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x50]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V13 tmp9         [V13    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x40]  do-not-enreg[S] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V14 tmp10        [V14    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x38]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V15 tmp11        [V15    ] (  1,  1   )     ref  ->  [fp+0x30]  do-not-enreg[] must-init class-hnd exact "impSpillStackEnsure" <JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong>
;  V16 tmp12        [V16    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x28]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V17 tmp13        [V17    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x20]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
;  V18 tmp14        [V18    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x18]  do-not-enreg[] "impSpillStackEnsure"
; Lcl frame size = 256

G_M53560_IG01:  ;; offset=0x0000
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, #-0x110]!
            mov     fp, sp
            movi    v16.16b, #0
            add     x9, fp, #16
            mov     x10, #144
            stp     q16, q16, [x9, #0x20]
            stp     q16, q16, [x9, #0x40]!
            subs    x10, x10, #64
            bge     pc-16 (-4 instructions)
            stp     xzr, xzr, [x9, #0x20]
            str     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
						;; size=44 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 8.50
G_M53560_IG02:  ;; offset=0x002C
            movz    x0, #0xB3E8
            movk    x0, #0x235A LSL #16
            movk    x0, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     w0, [x0]
            cbz     w0, G_M53560_IG04
						;; size=20 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 5.50
G_M53560_IG03:  ;; offset=0x0040
            bl      CORINFO_HELP_DBG_IS_JUST_MY_CODE
						;; size=4 bbWeight=0.50 PerfScore 0.50
G_M53560_IG04:  ;; offset=0x0044
            movz    x0, #0xB798
            movk    x0, #0x5642 LSL #16
            movk    x0, #544 LSL #32
            movz    x1, #0x5B48      // code for TestLibrary.TestFramework:BeginScenario(System.String)
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            ptrue   p0.d
            mov     z16.d, p0/z, #1
            str     q16, [fp, #0xC0]	// [V05 tmp1]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xC0]	// [V05 tmp1]
            str     q16, [fp, #0xF0]	// [V01 loc0]
            ptrue   p0.d
            mov     z16.d, p0/z, #1
            str     q16, [fp, #0xB0]	// [V06 tmp2]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xB0]	// [V06 tmp2]
            str     q16, [fp, #0xE0]	// [V02 loc1]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xF0]	// [V01 loc0]
            str     q16, [fp, #0xA0]	// [V07 tmp3]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x57B8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray1Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x98]	// [V08 tmp4]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xA0]	// [V07 tmp3]
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z16.d, #0
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x98]	// [V08 tmp4]
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [x0]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x80]	// [V09 tmp5]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xE0]	// [V02 loc1]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x70]	// [V10 tmp6]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x57D0      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray2Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V11 tmp7]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x70]	// [V10 tmp6]
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z16.d, #0
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V11 tmp7]
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [x0]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x50]	// [V12 tmp8]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x80]	// [V09 tmp5]
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z16.d, #0
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x50]	// [V12 tmp8]
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [z16.d]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x40]	// [V13 tmp9]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x40]	// [V13 tmp9]
            str     q16, [fp, #0xD0]	// [V03 loc2]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5800      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_outArrayPtr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x38]	// [V14 tmp10]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x38]	// [V14 tmp10]
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0xD0]	// [V03 loc2]
            str     q16, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            str     x0, [fp, #0x30]	// [V15 tmp11]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x57B8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray1Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x28]	// [V16 tmp12]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x57D0      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray2Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x20]	// [V17 tmp13]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x108]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5800      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_outArrayPtr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x18]	// [V18 tmp14]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x30]	// [V15 tmp11]
            ldr     x1, [fp, #0x28]	// [V16 tmp12]
            ldr     x2, [fp, #0x20]	// [V17 tmp13]
            ldr     x3, [fp, #0x18]	// [V18 tmp14]
            movz    x4, #0xB798
            movk    x4, #0x5642 LSL #16
            movk    x4, #544 LSL #32
            movz    x5, #0x59F8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:ValidateResult(ulong,ulong,ulong,System.String):this
            movk    x5, #0x2378 LSL #16
            movk    x5, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x5, [x5]
            blr     x5
						;; size=496 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 195.50
G_M53560_IG05:  ;; offset=0x0234
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #0x110
            ret     lr
						;; size=8 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 2.00

; Total bytes of code 572, prolog size 44, PerfScore 212.00, instruction count 143, allocated bytes for code 572 (MethodHash=30792ec7) for method JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:RunBasicScenario_Load():this (MinOpts)
; ============================================================

Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_Load
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunBasicScenario_Load failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_FalseMask
Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_NonFaulting
Beginning scenario: RunReflectionScenario_UnsafeRead
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunReflectionScenario_UnsafeRead failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

Beginning scenario: RunLclVarScenario_UnsafeRead
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunLclVarScenario_UnsafeRead failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

Beginning scenario: RunClassFldScenario
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunClassFldScenario failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

Beginning scenario: RunStructLclFldScenario
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunStructLclFldScenario failed:
  firstOp: (5E-324, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206584, 2337981206568)
   result: (0.2008336353023702, 0.7613041418158811)

Beginning scenario: RunStructFldScenario
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunStructFldScenario failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (2337981206629, 2337981206721)
   result: (0, 4.387755455581361E-134)

Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp
Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp_zero
Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp_all
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): ConditionalSelectScenario failed:
   maskOp: (NaN, NaN)
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
 secondOp: (2337981206411, 2337981206811)
  falseOp: (0, 0)
   result: (0, 2.767806072932817E+254)

System.Exception: One or more scenarios did not complete as expected.
   at JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong() in d:\git\runtime2\artifacts\tests\coreclr\obj\windows.arm64.Release\Managed\JIT\HardwareIntrinsics\Arm\Sve\Sve_r\Sve_r\gen\Sve.GatherVector.Bases.double.ulong.cs:line 82
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__TestExecutor191|0_192(StreamWriter tempLogSw, StreamWriter statsCsvSw, <>c__DisplayClass0_0&) in d:\git\runtime2\src\tests\JIT\HardwareIntrinsics\XUnitWrapperGenerator\XUnitWrapperGenerator.XUnitWrapperGenerator\FullRunner.g.cs:line 5476
09:01:49.644 Failed test: _Sve_r::JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong()
D:\kpathak\Core_Root_callee_Save\Core_Root\corerun.exe -p "System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported=false" -p "System.Runtime.Serialization.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization=true"  D:\kpathak\tests\caller-save\HardwareIntrinsics\HardwareIntrinsics_Arm_ro\HardwareIntrinsics_Arm_ro.dll Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong
08:59:00.361 Running test: _Sve_ro::JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong()
Supported ISAs:
  AdvSimd:   True
  Aes:       True
  ArmBase:   True
  Crc32:     True
  Dp:        True
  Rdm:       False
  Sha1:      True
  Sha256:    True
  Sve:       True

Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_UnsafeRead
; Assembly listing for method JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:RunBasicScenario_Load():this (Tier0)
; Emitting BLENDED_CODE for generic ARM64 - Windows
; Tier0 code
; fp based frame
; partially interruptible
; Final local variable assignments
;  V00 this         [V00    ] (  1,  1   )     ref  ->  [fp+0x68]  do-not-enreg[] this class-hnd <JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong>
;  V01 loc0         [V01    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x50]  HFA(simd16)  do-not-enreg[S] must-init <System.Numerics.Vector`1[ulong]>
;  V02 loc1         [V02    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x40]  HFA(simd16)  do-not-enreg[S] must-init <System.Numerics.Vector`1[double]>
;# V03 OutArgs      [V03    ] (  1,  1   )  struct ( 0) [sp+0x00]  do-not-enreg[XS] addr-exposed "OutgoingArgSpace"
;  V04 tmp1         [V04    ] (  1,  1   )  simd16  ->  [fp+0x30]  do-not-enreg[S] "non-inline candidate call"
;  V05 tmp2         [V05    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x28]  do-not-enreg[] "non-inline candidate call"
;  V06 tmp3         [V06    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x20]  do-not-enreg[] "non-inline candidate call"
;  V07 tmp4         [V07    ] (  1,  1   )    long  ->  [fp+0x18]  do-not-enreg[] "argument with side effect"
; Lcl frame size = 96

G_M53560_IG01:  ;; offset=0x0000
            stp     fp, lr, [sp, #-0x70]!
            mov     fp, sp
            str     xzr, [fp, #0x50]	// [V01 loc0]
            str     xzr, [fp, #0x58]	// [V01 loc0+0x08]
            str     xzr, [fp, #0x40]	// [V02 loc1]
            str     xzr, [fp, #0x48]	// [V02 loc1+0x08]
            str     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
						;; size=28 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 6.50
G_M53560_IG02:  ;; offset=0x001C
            movz    x0, #0xB890
            movk    x0, #0x19AA LSL #16
            movk    x0, #749 LSL #32
            movz    x1, #0x5F20      // code for TestLibrary.TestFramework:BeginScenario(System.String)
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            ptrue   p0.d
            mov     z16.d, p0/z, #1
            str     q16, [fp, #0x50]	// [V01 loc0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5B90      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray1Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            ptrue   p0.d
            mov     z16.d, p0/z, #1
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z16.d, #0
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [x0]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x30]	// [V04 tmp1]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5BA8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray2Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x50]	// [V01 loc0]
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z16.d, #0
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [x0]
            ldr     q17, [fp, #0x30]	// [V04 tmp1]
            ptrue   p0.d
            cmpne   p0.d, p0/z, z17.d, #0
            ld1d    { z16.d }, p0/z, [z16.d]
            str     q16, [fp, #0x40]	// [V02 loc1]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5BD8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_outArrayPtr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            ldr     q16, [fp, #0x40]	// [V02 loc1]
            str     q16, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5B90      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray1Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x28]	// [V05 tmp2]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5BA8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_inArray2Ptr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x20]	// [V06 tmp3]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            ldrsb   wzr, [x0]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            add     x0, x0, #80
            movz    x1, #0x5BD8      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong+DataTable:get_outArrayPtr():ulong:this
            movk    x1, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x1, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x1, [x1]
            blr     x1
            str     x0, [fp, #0x18]	// [V07 tmp4]
            ldr     x3, [fp, #0x18]	// [V07 tmp4]
            ldr     x1, [fp, #0x28]	// [V05 tmp2]
            ldr     x2, [fp, #0x20]	// [V06 tmp3]
            ldr     x0, [fp, #0x68]	// [V00 this]
            movz    x4, #0xB890
            movk    x4, #0x19AA LSL #16
            movk    x4, #749 LSL #32
            movz    x5, #0x5DD0      // code for JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:ValidateResult(ulong,ulong,ulong,System.String):this
            movk    x5, #0x2379 LSL #16
            movk    x5, #0x7FFB LSL #32
            ldr     x5, [x5]
            blr     x5
						;; size=388 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 160.00
G_M53560_IG03:  ;; offset=0x01A0
            ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #0x70
            ret     lr
						;; size=8 bbWeight=1 PerfScore 2.00

; Total bytes of code 424, prolog size 24, PerfScore 168.50, instruction count 106, allocated bytes for code 424 (MethodHash=30792ec7) for method JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.SveGatherVectorVectorBasesTest__Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong:RunBasicScenario_Load():this (Tier0)
; ============================================================

Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_Load
Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_FalseMask
Beginning scenario: RunBasicScenario_NonFaulting
Beginning scenario: RunReflectionScenario_UnsafeRead
Beginning scenario: RunLclVarScenario_UnsafeRead
Beginning scenario: RunClassFldScenario
Beginning scenario: RunStructLclFldScenario
Beginning scenario: RunStructFldScenario
Sve.GatherVector<Double>(Double, UInt64, UInt64): RunStructFldScenario failed:
  firstOp: (0, 5E-324)
  secondOp: (3217426094748, 3217426095316)
   result: (0, 2.762077479708614E-82)

Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp
Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp_zero
Beginning scenario: ConditionalSelect_ZeroOp_all
System.Exception: One or more scenarios did not complete as expected.
   at JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong() in d:\git\runtime2\artifacts\tests\coreclr\obj\windows.arm64.Release\Managed\JIT\HardwareIntrinsics\Arm\Sve\Sve_ro\Sve_ro\gen\Sve.GatherVector.Bases.double.ulong.cs:line 82
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__TestExecutor191|0_192(StreamWriter tempLogSw, StreamWriter statsCsvSw, <>c__DisplayClass0_0&) in d:\git\runtime2\src\tests\JIT\HardwareIntrinsics\XUnitWrapperGenerator\XUnitWrapperGenerator.XUnitWrapperGenerator\FullRunner.g.cs:line 5476
08:59:00.793 Failed test: _Sve_ro::JIT.HardwareIntrinsics.Arm._Sve.Program.Sve_GatherVector_Bases_double_ulong()
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