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Last active February 23, 2025 14:57
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YIFY's Quality Encoding

For those that want to keep the YTS going (No, IDGAF about people that don't care for YTS quality) get HandbrakeCLI and use the following settings:

user@user:~$HandBrakeCLI -i /file/input.mp4 -o /file/out.mp4 -E fdk_faac -B 96k -6 stereo -R 44.1 -e x264 -q 27 -x cabac=1:ref=5:analyse=0x133:me=umh:subme=9:chroma-me=1:deadzone-inter=21:deadzone-intra=11:b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=60:vbv-maxrate=10000:vbv-bufsize=10000:qpmax=69:bframes=5:b-adapt=2:direct=auto:crf-max=51:weightp=2:merange=24:chroma-qp-offset=-1:sync-lookahead=2:psy-rd=1.00,0.15:trellis=2:min-keyint=23:partitions=all

Reason to use CLI over GTK has to do with lack of support for advanced settings for Handbrake GTK

** Don't Re-encode already shitty encodes...get good source!**

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It did not work for me... i got an error with the audio encoder. it said

ERROR: Invalid audio encoder (fdk_faac)

Instead I used -E ffaac instead of -E fdk_faac

Thank you, sir! I had the same problem, it helped!

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sethfoxen commented Jul 30, 2023

I've tweaked these a little bit, and I've been using this preset to encode EVERYTHING to 720p. TV Shows and Movies, shorts, Youtube rips (lmao I know they're shite quality to begin with, but I can't tell the difference during playback as long as the base resolution is above 720)
Handbrake has had a few updates since this main post, and the advanced settings are more exposed in the GUI now, so the extra options can just be copied and pasted into the advanced sections.
I've bumped the audio bitrate a bit, and tightened the CRF slider slightly, and I'm getting within 5-10 megs difference of MODERN YTS encodes, so I'm happy to use it to encode movies that haven't been posted, and of course encoding TV Shows.
I'll tack the json onto the end of this post, just make sure to set the tuning to the correct source, and tweak the filters yourself if you're starting with interlaced media and such. For a BD Rip or even a 1080p+ webrip, these settings are real nice. For classic cartoons, no matter the starting resolution, I drop the resolution down to 480, ultralite and animation tune for denoise with NLMeans, and drop the audio down to 96kbps.

{ "PresetList": [ { "AlignAVStart": true, "AudioCopyMask": [], "AudioEncoderFallback": "av_aac", "AudioLanguageList": [ "und" ], "AudioList": [ { "AudioBitrate": 128, "AudioCompressionLevel": 0, "AudioEncoder": "av_aac", "AudioMixdown": "stereo", "AudioNormalizeMixLevel": false, "AudioSamplerate": "44.1", "AudioTrackQualityEnable": false, "AudioTrackQuality": -1, "AudioTrackGainSlider": 0, "AudioTrackDRCSlider": 0 } ], "AudioSecondaryEncoderMode": true, "AudioTrackSelectionBehavior": "first", "ChapterMarkers": false, "ChildrenArray": [], "Default": true, "FileFormat": "av_mp4", "Folder": false, "FolderOpen": false, "Mp4HttpOptimize": true, "Mp4iPodCompatible": false, "PictureCropMode": 0, "PictureBottomCrop": 0, "PictureLeftCrop": 0, "PictureRightCrop": 0, "PictureTopCrop": 0, "PictureDARWidth": 0, "PictureDeblockPreset": "off", "PictureDeinterlaceFilter": "off", "PictureCombDetectPreset": "off", "PictureCombDetectCustom": "", "PictureDenoiseCustom": "", "PictureDenoiseFilter": "off", "PictureSharpenCustom": "", "PictureSharpenFilter": "off", "PictureSharpenPreset": "medium", "PictureSharpenTune": "none", "PictureDetelecine": "off", "PictureDetelecineCustom": "", "PictureColorspacePreset": "off", "PictureChromaSmoothPreset": "off", "PictureItuPAR": false, "PictureKeepRatio": true, "PicturePAR": "auto", "PicturePARWidth": 0, "PicturePARHeight": 0, "PictureWidth": 1280, "PictureHeight": 720, "PictureUseMaximumSize": true, "PictureAllowUpscaling": false, "PictureForceHeight": 0, "PictureForceWidth": 0, "PicturePadMode": "none", "PicturePadTop": 0, "PicturePadBottom": 0, "PicturePadLeft": 0, "PicturePadRight": 0, "PresetDescription": "YTS Quality Conversion", "PresetName": "YTS", "Type": 1, "SubtitleAddCC": false, "SubtitleAddForeignAudioSearch": false, "SubtitleAddForeignAudioSubtitle": false, "SubtitleBurnBehavior": "none", "SubtitleBurnBDSub": false, "SubtitleBurnDVDSub": false, "SubtitleLanguageList": [ "eng" ], "SubtitleTrackSelectionBehavior": "all", "VideoAvgBitrate": 0, "VideoColorMatrixCode": 0, "VideoEncoder": "x264", "VideoFramerate": "23.976", "VideoFramerateMode": "pfr", "VideoGrayScale": false, "VideoScaler": "swscale", "VideoPreset": "placebo", "VideoTune": "", "VideoProfile": "auto", "VideoLevel": "auto", "VideoOptionExtra": "cabac=1:ref=5:analyse=0x133:me=umh:subme=9:chroma-me=1:deadzone-inter=21:deadzone-intra=11:b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=60:vbv-maxrate=10000:vbv-bufsize=10000:qpmax=69:bframes=5:b-adapt=2:direct=auto:crf-max=51:weightp=2:merange=24:chroma-qp-offset=-1:sync-lookahead=2:psy-rd=1.00,0.15:trellis=2:min-keyint=23:partitions=all", "VideoQualityType": 2, "VideoQualitySlider": 25, "VideoTwoPass": false, "VideoTurboTwoPass": false, "x264UseAdvancedOptions": false, "PresetDisabled": false, "MetadataPassthrough": false } ], "VersionMajor": 50, "VersionMicro": 0, "VersionMinor": 0 }

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Hello friends, a few quesitons :

Would that be possible to give us a small tutorial of how to launch that ? I'm guessing I need to do this through Linux command or is it possible through Pc ?

I'm asking cause there is a Handbrake Cli version on Pc but have no idea how to use this.

Thanks in advance !

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Hello friends, a few quesitons :

Would that be possible to give us a small tutorial of how to launch that ? I'm guessing I need to do this through Linux command or is it possible through Pc ?

I'm asking cause there is a Handbrake Cli version on Pc but have no idea how to use this.

Thanks in advance !

Just use Handbrake

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Does anyone have the 2160P string they use?

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Does anyone have the 2160P string they use?

I would like to know too

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milahu commented Jun 17, 2024

see also RARBG Encoding Settings

to compress audio im using qaac with -V100
which gives a cutoff frequency around 20KHz

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