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Last active July 11, 2018 02:32
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the principles behind JSnark framework

An arithmetic circuit is quite simple. Typically, it consists of a set of wires and gates. For example, the function f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = (x1 * x2 + 5) * ((x3 + x4) * 6) can be computed by the following circuit:

  total 12
  input 0                  # The one-input wire.
  const-mul-0 in 1 <0> out 1 <1>
  input 2
  input 3
  input 4
  input 5
  mul in 2 <2 3> out 1 <6>  # 2 inputs and 1 output
  add in 2 <4 5> out 1 <7>
  const-mul-5 in 1 <0> out 1 <8>
  add in 2 <6 8> out 1 <9>
  const-mul-6 in 1 <7> out 1 <10>
  mul in 2 <9 10> out 1 <11>
  output 11

JSnark implements several basic operations such as

  • multiply:
  • isEqualTo:



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