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Created March 21, 2021 14:54
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import math
# unique dates
dates =
#For more smoother animations
dates.extend(['2020-12-12', '2020-12-13'])
# unique countries
countries =
# for easy processing
short = vaccine_df[['date', 'country', 'total_vaccinations']]
# values of unqiue (date, country) already in short
# i.e we want to make sure we have some data for each, even if it is 0
keys= list(zip(,
for date in dates:
for country in countries:
idx = (date, country)
if idx not in keys:
if date == min(dates):
# this means there's no entry for {country} on the earliest date
short = short.append({
"date": date,
"country": country,
"total_vaccinations": 0
}, ignore_index=True)
# entry for {country} is missing on a date other than the earliest
short = short.append({
"date": date,
"country": country,
"total_vaccinations": pd.NA
}, ignore_index=True)
#fill missing values with previous day values (this is OK since it is cumulative)
short = short.sort_values(['country', 'date'])
short.total_vaccinations = short.total_vaccinations.fillna(method='ffill')
# scale the number by log to make the color transitions smoother
vaccines = short.sort_values('date')
vaccines['log_scale'] = vaccines['total_vaccinations'].apply(lambda x : math.log2(x+1))
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