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Simple Installer for Docker Compose on Container-Optimized OS on Google Computing Engine

Simple Installer for Docker Compose on Container-Optimized OS on Google Computing Engine

The easiest way to make Docker Compose available on Container-Optimized OS on Google Compute Engine (GCE) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

This is minimal Bash script version of Community Tutorial.

How to use

Simply, download, run it, and then reload bash by source ~/.bashrc or re-login.

By default, 1.27.4 will be retrieved, but you can specify any version as an argument.

  • Install default version
curl -O
bash ./
source ~/.bashrc
docker-compose version
  • Install specific version
curl -O
bash ./ 1.27.3
source ~/.bashrc
docker-compose version

Or you can invoke directly.

  • Install default version
curl -s | bash
source ~/.bashrc
docker-compose version
  • Install specific version
curl -s | bash /dev/stdin 1.27.3
source ~/.bashrc
docker-compose version
echo "* Add an alias for docker-compose to the shell configuration file ..."
echo alias docker-compose="'"'docker run --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v "$PWD:$PWD" \
-w="$PWD" \
docker/compose:'"${VERSION}"''"'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "* Pull container image for docker-compose ..."
docker pull docker/compose:${VERSION}
echo "* Done"
echo "* To use docker-compose, run 'source ~/.bashrc' or simply re-login"
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