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Last active June 20, 2024 17:26
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Low-resolution (LORES) rendering in Unity3D
using UnityEngine;
// @kurtdekker - Cheesy quick way to do low-resolution in Unity3D:
// This script creates and controls the final Camera, not the Main Camera.
// Player Scene, when loaded, MUST have a Main Camera that we hijack.
// How to use: You have TWO choices. Do only ONE of the following:
// - from your own code call the static Create() method
// or...
// - drop this script on a blank GameObject (NOT the Camera!)
// You can even have your scene running already and add this in
// via either of the two above methods and it should Just Work(tm).
// In all cases it expects an Unlit/Texture Material asset to
// be located somewhere in Resources/LORES/Unlit.mat
public partial class LORES : MonoBehaviour
//--------------------------- BEGIN SOURCE DATA
public const int DefaultScanlines = 200;
public const FilterMode DefaultFilterMode = FilterMode.Point;
// This is just "kinda far away." If you prefer, use Layers and selective
// rendering and you can have it all physically in the same location.
Vector3 farawayDistantPoint = new Vector3( 500, 0, 0);
Material UnlitMaterial { get {
// this allows things like FLIR materials to be injected
if (injectedMtl)
return injectedMtl;
return Resources.Load<Material>( "LORES/Unlit");
//--------------------------- END SOURCE DATA
Material injectedMtl;
// alternate way of injecting a material such as for my FLIR package
public void InjectMaterial( Material m)
injectedMtl = m;
RenderTexture rt;
Camera mainCam;
Renderer rend;
Material mtl;
int scanLines = DefaultScanlines;
FilterMode filterMode = DefaultFilterMode;
public static LORES Create( int scanLines = DefaultScanlines, FilterMode filterMode = DefaultFilterMode)
var LR = new GameObject( "LORES.Create(" + scanLines + ");").AddComponent<LORES>();
LR.scanLines = scanLines;
LR.filterMode = filterMode;
return LR;
void Reset()
name = GetType() + ".PlacedInScene";
void Start()
OrientationChangeSensor.Create( transform, RemakeStage);
GameObject container;
void RemakeStage()
mainCam = null;
if (container)
Destroy( container);
rend = null;
container = new GameObject("StageContainer");
container.transform.localPosition =;
container.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
var stageCam = new GameObject(GetType() + ".Camera").AddComponent<Camera>();
stageCam.transform.SetParent( container.transform);
stageCam.transform.localPosition = Vector3.back * 2.0f;
stageCam.orthographic = true;
stageCam.orthographicSize = 0.5f;
stageCam.nearClipPlane = 1.0f;
stageCam.farClipPlane = 3.0f;
var quad = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Quad);
quad.transform.SetParent( container.transform);
quad.transform.localPosition =;
quad.transform.localScale = new Vector3( (float)Screen.width / Screen.height, 1.0f, 1.0f);
mtl = UnlitMaterial;
rend = quad.GetComponent<Renderer>();
rend.material = mtl;
// unhook
mtl.mainTexture = null;
stageCam.targetTexture = null;
container.transform.position = farawayDistantPoint;
void MakeRenderTexture()
if (rt)
int height = scanLines;
int width = (height * Screen.width) / Screen.height;
rt = new RenderTexture( width, height, 32);
rt.filterMode = filterMode;
mainCam.targetTexture = rt;
mtl.mainTexture = rt;
rend.material = mtl; // JIC
void Update()
if (!mainCam)
mainCam = Camera.main;
if (mainCam)
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