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Last active January 6, 2016 06:21
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PHP cheat sheet.

####PHP cheat sheet.

$str = "This is a string \n";
$str2 = 'This is another string.';
print "<p>The string '$str' is ".strlen($str).
" characters long.</p>";
print date('r').
$now_1 = getdate();
$now_2 = localtime();
print "{$now_1['hours']}:{$now_1['minutes']}:{$now_1['seconds']}\n";
print "$now_2[2]:$now_2[1]:$now_2[0]";
print "<br />";
$a = getdate();
printf('%s %d, %d', $a['month'], $a['mday'], $a['year']);
print "<br /><br />";
$cars = ['Ferrari', 'Maserati', 'Audi', 'BMW', 'Alfa Romeo'];
print $cars[0];
print "<ul>";
foreach($cars as $car) {
print "<li>$car</li>";
print "</ul>";
//Numeric Example
foreach([5, '5', '05', 12.3, '16.7', 'five', 0xDECAFBAD, '10e200'] as $maybeNumber) {
$isItNumeric = is_numeric($maybeNumber);
$actualType = gettype($maybeNumber);
print "<br>Is the $actualType $maybeNumber numeric? ";
if (is_numeric($maybeNumber)) {
print "yes \r\n";
} else {
print "no";
print "\n";
function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
$total = add(2, 2);
print "<br><br>Function 'add' = $total<br>";
function wrap_in_html_tag($text, $tag = 'strong') {
return "<$tag>$text</$tag>";
print wrap_in_html_tag("Apache HTML requests are slow and annoying!<br>");
class Animal {
public $name = "default";
public $age = 0;
$animal = new animal;
//Web stuff
setcookie('Car', 'BMW');
if (isset($_COOKIE['Car'])) {
print "<br>You drive a {$_COOKIE['Car']}.<br>";
//Query String
$vars = array(
'make' = > 'Ferrari',
'model' = > '488 GTB',
'year' = > '2016'
$query_string = http_build_query($vars);
$url = '/muppet/select.php?'.$query_string;
print $url;
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