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Created May 28, 2019 23:05
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Powershell AD New User
# New user script

#write title
Write-Host "New User Creator 1.0"

#import the active directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

#gathering the data

#Ask for first name
$firstname = Read-Host "First Name?"

#Ask for last name
$lastname = Read-Host "Last name?"

$username = "$firstname.$lastname"

#ask fo the password
$password = Read-Host "Password?

#ask for the office, this uses multiple choice switching
Write-Host "Select PHN Office"
Write-Host "1 - Bathurst"
Write-Host "2 - Bourke"
Write-Host "3 - Broken Hill"
Write-Host "4 - Dubbo"
Write-Host "5 - Orange"

#creates a variable for the office
$office = Read-Host 'office'

    1{ $office = 'template [email protected]'}
    2{ $office = 'template [email protected]'}
    3{ $office = 'template [email protected]'}
    default{Write-Warning 'invalid input'}


#within this parameter is where the actual user is created

    $changepw = $false,

$name ="$firstname $lastname"
$username = "$firstname.$lastname"
$samaccountname = "$username"
$passwprd_ss = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$template_obj = Get-ADUser -Identity $office

If ($useTemplateOU) {
    $ou = $template_obj.DistinguishedName -replace '^cn=.+?(?<!\\),'
$params = @{

If ($ou) {
New-ADUser @params   
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